Showing posts with label islamist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label islamist. Show all posts

Monday, January 12, 2015

China Considering ban on BURQUA,HIJAB

With what went and going on all over world, China and Russia knows  how to deal with extremists because their gove is real govet when it comes to forcing law and taking decisions without VOTE BANK POLITICS. What Europe is going through is what India has gone through and going on for last 800 years  when Islamist came to terrorise EDUCATED INDIAN ELITES who had mastery not only on science but also on spirituality via Buddha. But Buddha went to far extreme  so monks stopped using arms training etc which was against PIOS GITA BOOK OF HINDUS. As per Gita Book, no one needs to search for so called GOD anywhere. Just do your work, designed far and Karma will give you bad or good effect. Kill terrorists as God Krishna did.  Buddha and later Gandhi was part of islamization in India. Europe must learn from China now otherwise it will become ISLAMIST country. India seems gatehering momentum after Modi is in power 8 months ago.Before Modi, India was almost dead from action as all leaders were playing VOTE politics and filling their bank balance in name of terrorism -both islamic and christian conversion propoganda. Christian must stop conversion game in India otherwise they will be treated as Islamist are now in India.
Chinese authorities have banned women in the capital city of Xinjiang—an autonomous western region where Muslims account for almost half of the population—from wearing burqas in public, according to a brief article on a government-run website, Tianshan News. Local legislators for Urumqi proposed the ban in December, and now the regional legislature has approved it.
It’s not clear when the ban will go into effect. State media said only that it will be implemented after being modified to meet comments proposed in a meeting over the weekend.
Ever since a group of Uighur Muslims went on a killing spree in a train station in Kunming last March, Chinese officials have ratcheted up restrictions on a group they see as potential extremists. Xinjiang officials later banned students and civil servants from fasting for Ramadan, and authorities in the Xinjiang city of Karamy barred anyone wearing burqas, niqabs, hijabs or simply “large beards” from taking public buses.
The state-run news agency Xinhua justified the burqa ban by pointing out that burqas are also banned in France (perhaps not the best example to use, given the recent extremist attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo). The Xinhua report in English said, “Burqas are not traditional dress for Uighur women… The regulation is seen as an effort to curb growing extremism that forced Uighur women to abandon their colorful traditional dress and wear black burqas.”

Sunday, January 11, 2015


मुसलमान गांधीजी को बहुत बहुत पसंद करते हैं...क्यों..?
1. "अगर मुसलमान लोग हम हिन्दुओं को मारना चाहें...तो हमें मौत को वीरता से गले लगाना चाहिए..." ... यानि हिन्दुओं को अश्त्र नहीं उठाना चाहिए...अपनी रक्षा के लिए कुछ नहीं करना चाहिए...चुप चाप मर जाना चाहिए...अब पता लगा नेहरु ने गांधीजी को क्यों राष्ट्र पिता घोषित किया....ताकि hindu पिताजी की बात मान कर चुप चाप मरता रहे...और भारत एक दिन मुस्लिम देश बन जाये....!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
2. मुसलामन लाख हिन्दुओं को बर्बाद करना चाहे...फिर भी हिन्दुओं को उनके लिए अपने दिलों में गुस्सा नहीं पालना चाहिए....
3. अगर मुसलमान लोग हम हिन्दुओं को मारने के बाद अपना शाशन कायम करें तो हम अपना अपना जीवन बलिदान देने के बाद एक नयी दुनिया में जायेंगे..
�My principal object in coming to Hindustan� has been to accomplish two things. The first was to war with the infidels, the enemies of the Mohammadan religion; and by this religious warfare to acquire some claim to reward in the life to come. The other was� that the army of Islam might gain something by plundering the wealth and valuables of the infidels: plunder in war is as lawful as their mothers� milk to Musalmans who war for their faith.�
Amir Timur
While studying the legacy of Muslim rule in India, it has to be constantly borne in mind that the objectives of all Muslim invaders and rulers were the same as those mentioned above. Timur or Tamerlane himself defines them candidly and bluntly while others do so through their chroniclers.
Read more -


Saturday, January 10, 2015


Hundreds of 'No-Go Zones' Across France Are Off-Limits to Non-Muslims-(Fox news)

France has many areas that are governed by Islamic Sharia law and police and law administration does not work there. And Charlie Hebdo attack was a precursor and a beginning to much serious incursion and terrorism all over Europe.Europe will burn from now on until they deal these radicals with full force and Britain and France,Denmark etc all European countries needs to ban Sharia law or NO GO ZONES all together. USA will be next target also. 
This isn’t the end of two terrorist attacks. It is the beginning of a war.
Freedom of speech is one of the weight-bearing pillars of democracy, and if we become reluctant to express our opinions in fear of angering Islamists, democracy will stagger. We simply cannot allow fundamentalists to threaten us to silence.

Friday morning a second group of Islamist extremists stormed a kosher market in Paris. They  executed women and children. The terrorists will ultimately die, too, but probably not before they kill innocent civilians. 
There are large neighborhoods in the Paris suburbs called No-Go Zones, where non-Muslims dare not enter. There are similar areas in cities throughout Europe. They are microstates within states, governed by Shariah law, where young people go to madrassas instead of public schools.
They are recruited over the Internet, or in their neighborhoods, or at their mosques, and they are offered all-expenses-paid trips to the Middle East to fight a holy war. They travel freely across Europe and into Turkey, and then they cross, undetected, over the porous border into Syria or Iraq. ISIS trains them, gives them battlefield experience and sends them back across the border to retrace their steps home. They are returning citizens who know how to use sophisticated weapons, make car bombs, recruit terrorist cells and plan attacks. There are over 1,000 French citizens who have gone to fight for ISIS, over 1,000 Brits and hundreds of Germans, Belgians and Dutch.
They shout “Allahu Akbar, The Prophet is Avenged.” We’re still calling it “workplace violence,” “senseless killings” or “man-caused disasters.” Our leaders insist these are criminal acts, not acts of war.
It is a war we can win, but only if we in the West wise up now. Call it what it is: Islamist extremists who believe they are justified to fight and kill in the name of their religion.
The Muhammed cartoons proved this years ago, and it was the reason why the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten chose to publish them. Before the case of the Muhammed cartoons, Kåre Bluitgen was not able to find an illustrator willing to draw cartoons for his book about the prophet Muhammed, as many feared for their safety. 
A fear that is not unjustified, as we have witnessed this week. We saw this when the world’s Islamists went crazy over the cartoons, and we saw it when the Dutch filmmaker, Theo van Gogh, was murdered because his film criticized Islam’s treatment of women. With this week’s tragedy, at least 12 people are dead because Charlie Hebdo stood up for the values of free speech.

When Charlie Hebdo published satirical cartoons mocking the prophet Muhammed in September 2012, the White House officially questioned the judgment of the satirical magazine. Today it is clear that this kind of criticism is a terrible mistake.

You have to get dirty, you have to exterminate this scum that is plaguing the entire planet.
When and if clinton become next US president, you will see a real war to happen, Jewish state should find friends in Russia, India now as USA could ditch them.
Main reason for islamist to become terrorist is Q book-

Thursday, January 1, 2015


वैधानिक चेतावनी : ये पोस्ट आपका मानसिक संतुलन बिगाड़ सकती है
इसलिये इस न पढ़ेँ इसे पढ़कर पागल होने वाले किसी भी ठलुये के प्रति मेरी
की कोई जबावदेही नहीँ होगी !
यह सच हर हिंदू को पता होना चाहिए... एक बार इसे पढ़े जरुर.....
दरअसल ..... जहाँ देखो वहाँ गुजरात के दंगो के बारे में ही सुनने और देखने
को मिलता है... फिर चाहे वो गूगल हो या फेसबुक .. हो या फिर
टीवी...! रोज नए-नए खुलासे हो रहे हैं.....रोज गुजरात की सरकार को कटघरे
में खड़ा किया जाता है...!
असल में.....सबका निशाना केवल एक नरेन्द्र भाई मोदी.....क्योंकि, वे हम
हिन्दुओं के चहेते हैं... जिस कारण मुस्लिम तथा सेकुलर जी- जान से इस काम में
जुटे हैं...! जिसे देखो... वो अपने को जज दिखाता है.... हर कोई सेकुलरता के
नाम पर एक ही स्वर में गुजरात दंगो की भर्त्सना करते हैं.....
हालाँकि, मै भी दंगो को गलत मानता हूँ क्योंकि दंगे सिर्फ दर्द दे कर
जाते हैं ...!
लेकिन...... सबसे बड़ा सवाल यह है कि.....गुजरात दंगा हुआ क्यों..........? 27
फरवरी २००२ को साबरमती ट्रेन के S6 बोगी को गोधरा रेलवे स्टेशन से
करीब 826 मीटर की दुरी पर जला दिया गया था....जिसमे 57 मासूम,
निहत्थे और निर्दोष हिन्दू कारसेवकों की मौत हो गयी थी... ! प्रथम
द्रष्टा रहे वहाँ के 14 पुलिस के जवान जो उस समय स्टेशन पर मौजूद थे.. और
उनमे से 3 पुलिस वाले घटना स्थल पर पहुंचे और साथ ही पहुंचे अग्नि शमन दल के
एक जवान सुरेशगिरी गोसाई जी....! अगर हम इन चारो लोगों की मानें
"म्युनिसिपल काउंसिलर हाजी बिलाल" भीड़ को आदेश दे रहे थे.... ट्रेन के
इंजन को जलाने का......! साथ ही साथ.... जब ये जवान आगबुझाने
की कोशिश कर रहे थे..... तब भीड़ के द्वारा ट्रेन पर पत्थरबाजी चालू कर
दी गई ......!
अब इसके आगे बढ़ कर देखें तो....
जब गोधरा पुलिस स्टेशन की टीम पहुंची तब 2 लोग 10 ,000 की भीड़
को उकसा रहे थे.... ये थे म्युनिसिपल प्रेसिडेंट मोहम्मद कलोटा और
म्युनिसिपल काउंसिलर हाजी बिलाल.....!अब सवाल उठता है कि.....
मोहम्मद कलोटा और हाजी बिलाल को किसने उकसाया और ये ट्रेन
को जलाने क्यों गए......?????
सवालो के बाढ़ यही नहीं रुकते हैं..... बल्कि सवालो की लिस्ट
अभी काफी लम्बी है......
अब सवाल उठता है कि .... क्यों मारा गया ऐसे राम भक्तो को......???
कुछ मीडिया ने बताया की ये मुसलमानों को उकसाने वाले नारे
लगा रहे….अब क्या कोई बताएगा कि ..... क्या भगवान राम के भजन
मुसलमानों को उकसाने वाले लगते हैं......?????
लेकिन इसके पहले भी एक हादसा हुआ 27 फ़रवरी 2002 को सुबह 7 .43 मिनट 4
घंटे की देरी से जैसे ही साबरमती ट्रेन चली और प्लेटफ़ॉर्म छोड़ा तो...
प्लेटफ़ॉर्म से 100 मीटर की दुरी पर ही 1000 लोगो की भीड़ ने ट्रेन पर
पत्थर चलाने चालूकर दिए .....! पर, यहाँ रेलवे की पुलिस ने भीड़ को तितर-
बितर कर दिया और ट्रेन को आगे के लिए रवाना कर दिया.....!
लेकिन, जैसे ही ट्रेन मुश्किल से 800 मीटर चली...... अलग-अलग बोगियों से
कई बार चेन खींची गई....! बाकी की कहानी जिस पर
बीती उसकी जुबानी.......... उस समय मुश्किल से से
15-16 की बच्ची की जुबानी......... ये बच्ची थी कक्षा 11 में पढने
वाली गायत्री पंचाल जो कि उस समय अपने परिवार के साथ
अयोध्या से लौट रही थी .... उसकी मानें तो... ट्रेन में राम धुनचल
रहा था और ट्रेनजैसे ही गोधरा से आगे बढ़ी ..... एक दम से चेन खींच कर रोक
दिया गया ...! उसके बाद देखने में आया कि ... एक भीड़ हथियारों से लैस
हो कर ट्रेन की तरफ बढ़ रही है.....! हथियार भी कैसे....... लाठी-
डंडा नहीं बल्कि.... तलवार, गुप्ती, भाले, पेट्रोल बम्ब, एसिड बम और
पता नहीं क्या क्या.........! भीड़ को देख कर ट्रेन में सवार यात्रियों ने
खिड़की और दरवाजे बंद कर लिए.......! पर भीड़ में से जो अन्दर घुस आए
थे ...वो कार सेवको को मार रहे थे और उनके सामानों को लूट रहे थे और
साथ ही बाहर खड़ी भीड़ मारो -काटो के नारे लगा रही थी....! एक
लाउड स्पीकर जो कि पास के मस्जिद पर था.उससे बार बार ये आदेश
दिया जा रहा था कि ..... “मारो... काटो.. लादेन ना दुश्मनों ने
मारो” ! इसके साथ ही.... साथ ही बहार खड़ी भीड़ ने पेट्रोल डाल कर
आग लगाना चालू कर दिया... जिससे कोई जिन्दा ना बचे....! ट्रेन
की बोगी में चारो तरफ पेट्रोल भरा हुआ था....! दरवाजे बाहर से बंद कर
दिए गए थे , ताकि कोई बाहर ना निकल सके...! एस-6 और एस-7 के वैक्यूम
पाइप काट दिए गए थे ...... ताकि ट्रेन आगे बढ़ ही नहीं सके......! जो लोग
जलती ट्रेन से किसी प्रकार बाहर निकल भी गए तो.... उन्हें तेज
हथियारों से काट दिया गया .... कुछ गहरे घाव की वजह से वहीँ मारे गए
और कुछ बुरी तरह घायल हो गए....!
अब सवाल उठता है कि.... हिन्दुओं ने सुबह 8 बजे ही दंगा क्यों नहीं शुरू कर
किया बल्कि हिन्दू उस दिन दोपहर तक शांत बना रहा (ये बात आज तक
किसी को नहीं दिखी है)....????????
असल में..... हिन्दुओं ने जवाब देना तब चालू किया जब उनके घरों , गावों ,
मोहल्लो में वो जली और कटी फटी लाशें पहुंची......!
क्या ये लाशें हिन्दुओं को को मुसलमानों की तरफ से गिफ्ट
थी जो हिन्दुओं को शांत बैठना चाहिए था .....
सेकुलर बन कर ???????
हिन्दू सड़क पर उतरे 27 फ़रवरी 2002 की दोपहर से.....! पुरे एक दिन हिन्दू
शांति से घरो में बैठे रहे....| अगर वो दंगा हिन्दुओं ने या मोदी ने
करना था तो 27 फ़रवरी 2002 की सुबह 8 बजे से ही क्यों नहीं चालू
मोदी ने 28 फ़रवरी 2002 की शाम को ही आर्मी को सडको पर लाने
का आदेश दिया जो कि अगले ही दिन १ मार्च २००२ को हो गया और
सडको पर आर्मी उतर आयी ..... गुजरात को जलने से बचाने के लिए....! पर
भीड़ के आगे आर्मी भी कम पड़ रही थी तो १ मार्च २००२ को ही मोदी ने
अपने पडोसी राज्यों से सुरक्षा कर्मियों की मांग करी...!
ये पडोसी राज्य थे महाराष्ट्र (कांग्रेस शासित- विलास राव देशमुख -
मुख्य मंत्री), मध्य प्रदेश (कांग्रेस शासित- दिग्विजय सिंह -मुख्य मंत्री),
राजस्थान (कांग्रेस शासित- अशोक गहलोत- मुख्य मंत्री) और पंजाब
(कांग्रेस शासित- अमरिंदर सिंह मुख्य मंत्री) ...! क्या कभी किसी ने
भी.......... इन माननीय मुख्यमंत्रियों से एक बार भी पुछा है कि ........ अपने
सुरक्षाकर्मी क्यों नहीं भेजे गुजरात में जबकि गुजरात ने आपसे
सहायता मांगी थी..........??????? या ये एक सोची समझी गूढ़
राजनितिक विद्वेष का परिचायक था.... इन प्रदेशो के
मुख्यमंत्रियों का गुजरात को सुरक्षा कर्मियों का ना भेजना...????
उसी 1 मार्च 2002 को हमारे राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार (National Human
Rights) वालो ने मोदी को अल्टीमेटम दिया ३ दिन में पुरे घटनाक्रम
का रिपोर्ट पेश करने के लिए ...! लेकिन... कितने आश्चर्य की बात है कि...
यही राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार वाले २७ फ़रवरी २००२ और २८ फ़रवरी २००२
को गायब रहे ..... इन मानवाधिकार वालो ने तो पहले दिन के ट्रेन के फूंके
जाने पर ये रिपोर्ट भी नहीं माँगा कि क्या कदम उठाया गया गुजरात
सरकार के द्वारा...!
एक ऐसे ही सबसे बड़े घटना क्रम में दिखाए गए या कहे तो बेचे गए........
“गुलबर्ग सोसाइटी” के जलने की.......
इस गुलबर्ग सोसाइटी ने पुरे मीडिया का ध्यान अपने तरफ खींच लिया |
यहाँ एक पूर्व सांसद एहसान जाफरी साहब रहते थे......! इन महाशय
का ना तो एक भी बयान था २७ फरवरी २००२ को और ना ही ये डरे थे उस
समय तक.......! लेकिन...... जब २८ फरवरी २००२ की सुबह जब कुछ लोगो ने इनके
घर को घेरा जिसमे कुछ तथाकथित मुसलमान भी छुपे हुए थे..... तो एहसान
जाफरी जी ने भीड़ पर गोली चलवा दिया ........ अपने लोगो से जिसमे 2
हिन्दू मरे और 13 हिन्दू गंभीर रूप से घायल हो गए.....! जब इस घटनाक्रम के
बाद इनके घर पर भीड़ बढ़ने लगी तो ये अपने यार-दोस्तों को फ़ोन करने लगे
और तभी गैस सिलिंडर के फटने से कुल 42 लोगों की मौत हो गयी....!
यहाँ शायद भीड़ के आने पर ही एहसान साहब को पुलिस को फ़ोन
करना चाहिए था ना कि खुद के बन्दों के द्वारा गोली चलवाना चाहिए
था....! पर इन्होने गोली चलाने के बाद फ़ोन किया डाइरेक्टर जेनेरल ऑफ़
पुलिस (DGP ) को......!
यहाँ एक और झूठ सामने आया..... जब अरुंधती रॉय जैसी लेखिका तक ने
यहाँ तक लिख दिया कि ... एहसान जाफरी की बेटी को नंगा करके
बलात्कार के बाद मारा गया और साथ ही एहसान जाफरी को भी.....!
लेकिन.....यहाँ एहसान जाफरी के बड़े बेटे ने ही पोल खोल दी कि .... जिस
दिन उसके पिता की जान गई उस दिन उसकी बहन तो अमेरिका में थी और
अभी भी रहती है.....! तो यहाँ.......... कौन किसको झूठे केस में
फंसाना चाह रहा है ये साफ़ है....! अब यहाँ तक
तो सही था..............पर............. गोधरा में साबरमती को कैसे इस दंगे से
अलग किया जाता और हिन्दुओं को इसके लिए आरोपित
किया जाता ...! इसके लिए लोग गोधरा के दंगे को ऐसे तो संभाल
नहीं सकते थे ...अपने शब्दों से....
तो एक कहानी प्रकाश में आई.....! कहानी थी कि ....कारसेवक
गोधरा स्टेशन पर चाय पीने उतरे और चाय देने वाला जो कि एक मुसलमान
था उसको पैसे नहीं दिए… जबकि गुजराती अपनी ईमानदारी के लिए
ही जाने जाते हैं…! चलिए छोडिये ये धर्मान्धो की कहानी में
कभी दिखेगा ही नहीं....
आगे बढ़ते हैं...|
अब कारसेवको ने पैसा तो दिया नहीं बल्कि मुसलमान की दाढ़ी खींच
कर उसको मारने लगे तभी उस बूढ़े मुसलमान की बेटी जो की 16 साल
की बताई गई वो आई तो कारसेवको ने उसको बोगी में खींच कर
बोगी का दरवाजा अन्दर से बंद कर लिया ..! और इसीके के प्रतिफल
में.......मुसलमानों ने ट्रेन में आग लगा दी और 58 लोगो को मार दिया.....
जिन्दा जलाकर या काट कर.....!
अब अगर इस मनगढ़ंत कहानी को मान भी लें तो कई सवाल उठते हैं:-
क्या उस बूढ़े मुसलमान चाय वाले ने रेलवे पुलिस
को इत्तिला किया...??????? रेलवे पुलिस उस ट्रेन को वहाँ से जाने
नहीं देती या लड़की को उतार लिया जाता..... उस बूढ़े चाय वाले ने 27
फ़रवरी 2002 को कोई FIR क्यों नहीं दाखिल किया...????? 5 मिनट में
ही सैकड़ो लीटर पेट्रोल और इतनी बड़ी भीड़ आखिर जुटी कैसे....????????
सुबह 8 बजे सैकड़ो लीटर पेट्रोल आखिर आया कहाँ से...................?????????
एक भी केस 27 फ़रवरी २००२ की तारीख में मुसलमानों के
द्वारा क्यों नहीं दाखिल हुआ..........??????? अब रेलवे पुलिस कि जांच में
ये बात सामने आई कि ...... उस दिन गोधरा स्टेसन पर कोई ऐसी घटना हुई
ही नहीं थी...! ना तो चाय वाले के साथ कोई झगडा हुआ था और
ना ही किसी लड़की के साथ में कोई बदतमीजी या अपहरण
की घटना हुई.....!
इसके बाद आयी नानावती रिपोर्ट में कहा गया है कि .... जमीअत-
उलमा-इ-हिंद का हाथ था उन 58 लोगो के जलने में और ट्रेन के जलने में....!
उससे भी बड़ी बात कि.....दंगे में 720 मुसलमान मरे तो 250 हिन्दू भी मरे.....!
मुसलमानों के मरने का सभी शोक मनाते हैं........चाहे वो सेकुलर हिन्दू हो....
चाहे वो मुसलमान हो या चाहे वो राजनेता या मीडिया हो ! पर दंगे में
250 मरे हुए हिन्दुओं और साबरमती ट्रेन में मरे ५८ हिंदुवो को कोई
नहीं पूछता है....कोई बात तक नहीं करता है ..! सभी को केवल मरे हुए
मुसलमान ही दिखते हैं...!
एक और बात काबिले गौर है क्या किसी भी मुस्लिम लीडर का बयान
आया था साबरमती ट्रेन के जलने पर....??????? क्या किसी मुस्लिम लीडर
ने साबरमती ट्रेन को चिता बनाने के लिए खेद प्रकट किया.....?????????
इसीलिए सच को जानिए...... और जो भी गुजरात दंगे की बात करे
अथवा नरेन्द्र मोदी के बारे में बोले....... उसे उसी की भाषा में जबाब दें....!
गुजरात दंगा..... मुस्लिमों के द्वारा शुरू किया गया था..... और हम
हिन्दुओं को उनसे इस बात का जबाब मांगना चाहिए..... और उन्हें
जिम्मेदार ठहराना चाहिए....!
अथवा... क्या वे लाशें हिन्दुओं को को मुसलमानों की तरफ से गिफ्ट
थी जो हिन्दुओं को शांत बैठना चाहिए था .....?????? जय महाकाल...!!!
स्रोत: जय हिंद हिन्दू भारत का लेख... dated 2 may 2012 नोट: इस पोस्ट
को इतना शेयर करें कि..... मुस्लिमों और सेकुलरों की बोलती बंद
हो जाए..... तथा हिन्दुओं के बच्चे-बच्चे की जुबान पर ये सच आ जाये......
जय महाकाल

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


महमूद ग़ज़नवी ने वर्ष १००१-१०१८ लगभग २० लाख हिन्दुओ का क़त्ल इस्लाम नहीं कबूल करने पर किया था।
१००१ में हिन्दुओ के महान राजा जयपाल के हारने के वाद उनकी वहु वेटिओ का वलात्कार उन्ही के सामने सरे आम किया था।
थानेसर के युद्ध में हिन्दुओ का रक्त ऐसे प्रवाहित हो रहा था जैसे वरसात का पानी।
सोमनाथ अकेले ५०००० हिन्दुओ का क़त्ल करते हुए शिवलिंग को टुकड़े टुकड़े करते हुए अफगानिस्तान के मस्जिद के पायदान पर लगा दिया था।
मथुरा में वर्ष १०१७ में सभी के सभी कृश्ण भगवन राधा आदि की मुर्तिओ को भट्टी में गलाते हुए लगभग २० टन सोना अपने देश ले गया था. चंगेज खान , मोहमद गोरी ,अकबर , ओरंगजेब जैसे लूटेरे और वालात्करिओ के किस्से  

Saturday, December 20, 2014


95Indian subcontinent including Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh was once the most scientifically advanced subcontinent on earth since the fount of civilization back in 3500 BC until 1200 AD. In any field of science ( Mathematics, Metallurgy, Medicine, Astronomy , Philosophy, Logic etc) you find India was ALWAYS a step ahead of the rest of the civilized world. Students and professors from all across the globe came to study and be part of the world famous universities. It all changed starting with the destruction of the great Universities like Nalanda, Taxila, Vikramshila , Sarnath etc by the barbaric Muslim invaders who not only looted the wealth but destroyed EDUCATION(Biggest Crime ever) in Indian subcontinent making it a Third World Nation as Education took a backtrack. This along with the huge translation of Sanskrit texts into Latin helped Europe overtake India by 1600 AD, culminating with the transmission of Calculus by the Jesuit missionaries. After Issac Newton got his hands on this grand instrument, Europe gained ascendancy. IT IS A FACT THAT WHERE EVER ISLAM GOES IT BRINGS DEATH & DESTRUCTION. QURAN IS THE F1LTHY TERROR MANUAL
Why blame Mehdi or ISIS or Taliban or 10000 Islamic terror school & colleges ? Ban the Terror book QURAN first which is used by Islamists to brainwash innocent minds into terrorism. BAN THE TERROR MANUAL QURAN ! No person uses Bible or Talmund or Gita to commit terrorism in Today's civilized world. Quran terror manual brainwashes muslims to kill others all over the world so easily by explaining them satanic verses of Devil Muhammad (Curse Be Upon Him)!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


How the Pakistani Taliban Became a Deadly Force
File photo of the Taliban's Pakistan unit. (Associated Press)
The Pakistani Taliban, was created to fight Indian Army by malicious objective by PAK ARMY.It is one of organization infiltrated by Pak Army and work towards proxy war against India.After SRussia'a involvement in Afganistan and USA'S help to create a TALIBAN formally known as Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan.Although group wa active since 1990's but officially founded in 2007 by a prominent jihadi commander, Baitullah Mehsud.
Later these snakes had enough venom to hurt USA, who helped fund Al Quaida and Taliban during war agianst Russia,but started getting snake bite themself, Afganistan was ruled by those snake like drug lords and finally USA had to spend billions of US Taxpayers money to dismantle their own funded organization. Thoose organizations have retired PAK army commanders infiltration in their camp and supported by them. Will Pak learn lesson after getting thier own kids massacered by Taliban on 12/16/14, in Peshawar. Although Nawaj Sharif is giving speech to get rid of terrorist but he is hiding another terrorist HAFIZ Sayeed who gets funded from govt like help to get rally against India by providing free train ride etc. What Pak is doing is now to draw attention from its homegrown terrorist towards India. BUT IT IS NOT MANMOHAN SINGH BUT MODI IS IN POWER AND HE WILL NOT LET ANYTHING SUCCED BY PLAN FROM PAK ARMY OR NAWAJ.

The group owes allegiance to the Afghan Taliban leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, and cooperates closely with the Afghan movement in its insurgency in Afghanistan, providing men, logistics and rear bases for the Afghan Taliban. It has trained and dispatched hundreds of suicide bombers from Pakistan's tribal areas.

The movement shares a close relationship with the Haqqani Network, the most hard-core affiliate of the Afghan Taliban, which has been behind repeated suicide attacks in and around Kabul and eastern Afghanistan. The groups also cooperate and provide haven for al-Qaida operatives, including al-Qaida's leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
In September 2013, the Pakistani Taliban unleashed one of their deadliest attacks ever, sending suicide bombers to the historic All Saints Church in Peshawar, a symbol of cooperation between Muslims and Christians.These are same people who wage war in Karachi airport last year.These are same who shot Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani schoolgirl in the Swat Valley, for advocating the education of girls.
Mehsud later trained Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani-American who tried to set off a car bomb in Times Square in New York City in 2010.
What anybody expect from these -nothing.Peace will never prevail in muslim world untill they stop following QURAN, which will not happen as it is designed to end muslim population all over world to almost none by end of century-WAIT AND SEE.,
Hakimullah Mehsud, was killed in a US airstrike in November 2013. The Pakistani Taliban group is now nominally led by Maulana Fazlullah, a jihadi leader thought to be in hiding on the Afghan side of the border.Under Hakimullah Mehsud, the group demonstrated a close alliance with al-Qaida. He claimed a role in the suicide bombing by a Jordanian double agent that killed seven CIA officials and a Jordanian intelligence official at Camp Chapman in eastern Afghanistan in December 2009, mounted in revenge for the killing of Baitullah Mehsud. The Taliban disseminated video footage showing Mehsud beside the bomber before the attack.
REFERENCES- © 2014, The New York Times News Service

Friday, December 5, 2014

मुस्लिम महिलाओं ने मोदी जी से की राम मंदिर बनाने की मांग

"मुस्लिम महिलाओं ने मोदी जी से की राम मंदिर बनाने की मांग"
"मुस्लिम महिलाओं ने मोदी जी से की राम मंदिर बनाने की मांग"

अयोध्या में श्रीराम जन्म भूमि विवाद को लेकर चल रहे मुकदमे के वादी हाशिम अंसारी का आगे पैरवी न करने की घोषणा के बाद बनारस में मुस्लिम महिलाओं नेनई पहल की है। मुस्लिम महिला फाउण्डेशन की दर्जनों महिलाओं ने गुरुवार को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के संसदीय कार्यालय जाकर अयोध्या में रामजन्मभूमि मंदिर निर्माण कराने की अपील की है। मुस्लिम महिला फाउण्डेशन ने बाबरी मस्जिद के पैरोकार हाशिम अंसारी के बयान का समर्थन करते हुए कहा कि रामलला को आजाद कराने का बयान देकर हाशिम ने मुसलमानों की इज्जत बढ़ाई है।

मुस्लिम महिला फाउण्डेशन की सदर नाजनीन अंसारी के नेतृत्व में कई मुस्लिम संगठनों के प्रतिनिधियों ने प्रधानमंत्री के संसदीय कार्यालय जाकर अयोध्या में श्रीराम मंदिर निर्माण के लिए पत्रक दिया। इसकी कॉपी आरएसएस प्रमुख मोहन भागवत, आरएसएस के पदाधिकारी इंद्रेश कुमार और विहिप के अशोक सिंघल को भी भेजी गई है।

मुस्लिम महिला फाउण्डेशन की ओर से मोदी को भेजे गए खत में कहा गया है, 'बाबर विदेशी और मंगोल आक्रमणकारी था। यह चंगेज खां और हलाकू जैसे मंगोलों का वंशज था जिन मंगोलो ने दुनिया के कई शहर उजाड़़ दिए, लाखों लोगों का कत्ल किया। बाबर के पूर्वज हलाकू ने बगदाद पर आक्रमण कर 40 हजार मुसलमानों के साथ साथ पैगम्बर द्वारा नियुक्त इस्लाम के सर्वोच्च धर्मगुरु खलीफा की भी हत्या कर दी थी। इसी हलाकू की वजह से आज दुनिया में इस्लाम का कोई खलीफा नहीं है।'

पत्रक में आगे लिखा है, 'कोई भी मुसलमान मंगोलों को कभी माफ नहीं कर सकता। इन्हीं मंगोलों के वंशज बाबर ने 1528 में राम मंदिर तोड़कर हिंदू और मुसलमानों के बीच नफरत का बीज बोया। मुस्लिम महिला फाउण्डेशन की सदर ने कहा कि मुसलमानों की इज्जत तभी बढ़ेगी जब वे श्री राम के पक्ष में रहेंगे। जो लोग मंदिर निर्माण के विरोधी हैं वे मुसलमानों को हमेशा गरीब और पिछड़ा बनाए रखना चाहते हैं।' अयोध्या में श्रीराम जन्म भूमि विवाद को लेकर चल रहे मुकदमे के वादी हाशिम अंसारी का आगे पैरवी न करने की घोषणा के बाद बनारस में मुस्लिम महिलाओं नेनई पहल की है। मुस्लिम महिला फाउण्डेशन की दर्जनों महिलाओं ने गुरुवार को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के संसदीय कार्यालय जाकर अयोध्या में रामजन्मभूमि मंदिर निर्माण कराने की अपील की है। मुस्लिम महिला फाउण्डेशन ने बाबरी मस्जिद के पैरोकार हाशिम अंसारी के बयान का समर्थन करते हुए कहा कि ...रामलला को आजाद कराने का बयान देकर हाशिम ने मुसलमानों की इज्जत बढ़ाई है।
मुस्लिम महिला फाउण्डेशन की सदर नाजनीन अंसारी के नेतृत्व में कई मुस्लिम संगठनों के प्रतिनिधियों ने प्रधानमंत्री के संसदीय कार्यालय जाकर अयोध्या में श्रीराम मंदिर निर्माण के लिए पत्रक दिया। इसकी कॉपी आरएसएस प्रमुख मोहन भागवत, आरएसएस के पदाधिकारी इंद्रेश कुमार और विहिप के अशोक सिंघल को भी भेजी गई है।
मुस्लिम महिला फाउण्डेशन की ओर से मोदी को भेजे गए खत में कहा गया है, 'बाबर विदेशी और मंगोल आक्रमणकारी था। यह चंगेज खां और हलाकू जैसे मंगोलों का वंशज था जिन मंगोलो ने दुनिया के कई शहर उजाड़़ दिए, लाखों लोगों का कत्ल किया। बाबर के पूर्वज हलाकू ने बगदाद पर आक्रमण कर 40 हजार मुसलमानों के साथ साथ पैगम्बर द्वारा नियुक्त इस्लाम के सर्वोच्च धर्मगुरु खलीफा की भी हत्या कर दी थी। इसी हलाकू की वजह से आज दुनिया में इस्लाम का कोई खलीफा नहीं है।'
पत्रक में आगे लिखा है, 'कोई भी मुसलमान मंगोलों को कभी माफ नहीं कर सकता। इन्हीं मंगोलों के वंशज बाबर ने 1528 में राम मंदिर तोड़कर हिंदू और मुसलमानों के बीच नफरत का बीज बोया। मुस्लिम महिला फाउण्डेशन की सदर ने कहा कि मुसलमानों की इज्जत तभी बढ़ेगी जब वे श्री राम के पक्ष में रहेंगे। जो लोग मंदिर निर्माण के विरोधी हैं वे मुसलमानों को हमेशा गरीब और पिछड़ा बनाए रखना चाहते हैं।'


Tarek Fatah Destroys Islamophile Liberal Senator Grant Mitchel with Truth about Islam during a Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence here in Canada.
I wish there were more people like him who DARE to stand by the TRUTH and don't shy away when they MUST stand their grounds!
A MUST WATCH - View complete statement prior to this video


“I will rather die than convert to Islam” – Lioness Rinkal Kumari
“I will rather die than convert to Islam” – Lioness Rinkal Kumari

19 years old Rinkel Kumari, a student of Mirpur Mathelo, a small village in the province of Sindh, began the evening of February 24: A handful of men seized her and delivered her a few hours later into the hands of a wealthy Muslim scholar, the man then called her parents, warning them that their daughter "wants to convert to Islam."

Nand Lal, the girl's father, a teacher of an elementary school, accused Naveed Shah, an influential Muslim, of kidnapping his daughter. The man has the "political cover" provided by Mian Mittho, an elected National Assembly Member, suspected of aiding and abetting. After identifying the perpetrators of the kidnapping of his daughter, he was forced to leave the area of origin to escape the threats of people affiliated with the local mafia. The father found refuge and welcome in Gurdwara in Lahore, in Punjab province, with the rest of his family.

Every year, thousands of Hindu teenage girls are kidnapped in Pakistan by Fanatic Islamic preachers. They are raped and forced to convert to Islam.

Rinkal Kumari will come as an inspiration to those families who get murdered or convert to fanatic Islam out of fear.

IBTL demands PM that all persecuted Hindus from Pakistan and Bangladesh be given citizenship on arrival (after proper investigation that they are Hindus and not on ISI payrolls)

Although India is also not safe for Hindu girls with regular cases of Love and Rape Jehads but it is way safer than Pakistan.

Hope PM shows some spine and instead of nurturing Bangladeshi terrorists, help these refugees who were forced to go to Pakistan when bigot Nehru divided India into 2 pieces 19 years old Rinkel Kumari, a student of Mirpur Mathelo, a small village in the province of Sindh, began the evening of February 24: A handful of men seized her and delivered her a few hours later into the hands of a wealthy Muslim scholar, the man then called her parents, warning them that their daughter "wants to convert to Islam."
ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा शेयर करें ताकि बंद आंखे खुल जाए।Nand Lal, the girl's father, a teacher of an elementary school, accused Naveed... Shah, an influential Muslim, of kidnapping his daughter. The man has the "political cover" provided by Mian Mittho, an elected National Assembly Member, suspected of aiding and abetting. After identifying the perpetrators of the kidnapping of his daughter, he was forced to leave the area of origin to escape the threats of people affiliated with the local mafia. The father found refuge and welcome in Gurdwara in Lahore, in Punjab province, with the rest of his family.
Desert Cults..
Every year, thousands of Hindu teenage girls are kidnapped in Pakistan by Fanatic Islamic preachers. They are raped and forced to convert to Islam.
Rinkal Kumari will come as an inspiration to those families who get murdered or convert to fanatic Islam out of fear.
IBTL demands PM that all persecuted Hindus from Pakistan and Bangladesh be given citizenship on arrival (after proper investigation that they are Hindus and not on ISI payrolls)
Although India is also not safe for Hindu girls with regular cases of Love and Rape Jehads but it is way safer than Pakistan.
Hope PM shows some spine and instead of nurturing Bangladeshi terrorists, help these refugees who were forced to go to Pakistan when bigot Nehru divided India into 2 pieces

Thursday, November 27, 2014


India would have been another Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia, and North America, where people were converted to either Muslims ,if not were slaughtered. In North America, Columbus open doors for Christian Missionary and killed many originals called Red Indians. What is difference between Christian and Islamist is that they are both Abraham cult  , brothers and their work is conversion and looting as was done in past and are being done now. Future is not bright as this Kalyug will see many more like what started.Longest war in history was 800 years of Islamist rule come to end by MARATHAS- SRI SHIVAJI and few Rajput Kings.


Friday, November 14, 2014


------ Sikh women Martyrs of Punjab (1752) -----
March 6, 1752 A.D., Muin-ul-Malk, Governor of Lahore (now Pakistan), also known as Mir Mannu; ordered the capture of Sikhs in his district & had the men-folk beheaded publicly. Their wives, women and children were taken captives & imprisoned in the Lahore jail. Starving women were forced to operate heavy wheat grindstones and were given the option of conversion to Islam or suffer physical atrocities. They unanimously chose to remain steadfast to their faith in the face of certain death, upon which the Muslim guards gruesomely massacred over 300 infants and children, IMPALING them on spears. Chopping their limbs, bodies of babies were RIPPED open to take out Internal Organs which were then garlanded around their mothers necks. One by one many Sikh women suffered brutal atrocities but they all chose to remain steadfast to their Sikh faith instead of enjoying freedom by embracing Islam. Surviving Sikh women were rescued later on after the death of Mir Mannu on November 4, 1753.
This incident is even recorded by Muslim chroniclers of that time, Nur Ahmad Chishti recorded that Mir Mannu “killed thousands of Sikhs” daily. Once, on the day of Muslim festival, he beheaded 1100 Sikhs” in public. Could anything be more painful for Sikh women than to watch and witness the gruesome butchery of their own sons and husbands? These women maintained strong conviction in their Sikh faith in the face of extreme atrocites. In those days Sikhs were persecuted because they were considered infidels by Muslims & today Sikhs become victims in the United States because they are confused with Muslims. Its my hope that readers will share & help clear this confusion.

IMPORTANT POINT : It is evident from history of Islamic persecution of infidels be they are Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians that Islam is totalitarian & devout Muslims who follow the teachings of Mohammed to slaughter infidels in Quran will strive hard to dominate Islam on the rest of the world. When Muslims hold postcards in protests saying "we will kill infidels & we will take your women as war booty"! They really mean it! Muslims by the essence of Islam are brainwashed into beasts & have lost any bit of love for their fellow humanity because by considering a criminal man like Muhammad to be their "perfect man & the final prophet of allah" has distorted their moral compass of right & wrong. In Islam, the definition of good and bad does not correspond with doing righteous & wrong. In Islam, good action is when Muslim follows the example of Muhammad, bad action is when a follower strays from imitating Muhammad. Muslims from very early age are taught to follow & respect Muhammad without studying his biography. Due to this childhood brainwashing Muslims see everything from Muhammads' point of view... and Muhammad points of view is : "believe in me as your prophet, or be called a infidel and be slaughtered". The agenda of Islam is world domination. It is high time we infidels declare Islam as what Islam really is! Just as the allies could not have won a war against Germany, had they not declared nazism as evil; we cannot win war against Islam if we continue to consider Islam just another color in the rainbow of religions.

PS : Some people have asked why didn't these women convert for a moment, be released & then convert back?
- We humans are social animals. Its called Pack mentality... Muslims love it. Muslims strength of faith depends a lot on the "numbers of Muslims". We often see how Muslims say "oh Mr. famous converted to Islam, so Islam must be true", "Islam is the fastest growing religion, so it must be famous". Once anybody converts, they will shout out loud as if when someone converts gives credibility to the tenets of Islam. If these women had converted even for a moment, an example would have been set; and a lot more people would not have stood up to fight against islam. The on going Sikh resistance was to show strong resistance at all costs to stand up against Islamic oppression. This is why these brave women are remembered even after 300 years.
Secondly, we know today that the ancestors of present day Pakistani's converted to Islam to save their necks, but practiced their ancient religions in the privacy of their homes. In a few generations they started to relate more with "Pan-islamic Muslim pride" & eventually they became more Islamized & even started hating their ancient religion. Today Pakistani's are largest producers of Islamic terrorism.
These brave women sacrificed their babies & set a great example in Sikh history. It is because of this heroic Sacrifice, that a large section of people supported the Sikhs in their cause, and taking inspiration from these brave women & other Sikh martyrdom stories, many more people joined the Sikh religion & did not accept forced conversions and fiercely fought against Islamic oppression. The result was that within the next 50 years, Sikhs who were less than 1% in Punjab, not only destroyed & took over the Islamic empire in Punjab, but also ruled over that region which was majority Muslim (something unparalleled in history till date). Sikhs are the reason, that removed the spell of Islam from all over North India. The Bravery of these women & all other Sikh martyrs definitely proves that bravery is contagious human mentality just as weakness.

------------- Ranjit Singh. Sikh women Martyrs of Punjab (1752) -----
March 6, 1752 A.D., Muin-ul-Malk, Governor of Lahore (now Pakistan), also known as Mir Mannu; ordered the capture of Sikhs in his district & had the men-folk beheaded publicly. Their wives, women and children were taken captives & imprisoned in the Lahore jail. Starving women were forced to operate heavy wheat grindstones and were given the option of conversion to Islam or suffer physical atrocities. They unanimously chose to remain steadfast to their faith in the face of certain death, upon which the Muslim guards gruesomely massacred over 300 infants and children, IMPALING them on spears. Chopping their limbs, bodies of babies were RIPPED open to take out Internal Organs which were then garlanded around their mothers necks. One by one many Sikh women suffered brutal atrocities but they all chose to remain steadfast to their Sikh faith instead of enjoying freedom by embracing Islam. Surviving Sikh women were rescued later on after the death of Mir Mannu on November 4, 1753.
This incident is even recorded by Muslim chroniclers of that time, Nur Ahmad Chishti recorded that Mir Mannu “killed thousands of Sikhs” daily. Once, on the day of Muslim festival, he beheaded 1100 Sikhs” in public. Could anything be more painful for Sikh women than to watch and witness the gruesome butchery of their own sons and husbands? These women maintained strong conviction in their Sikh faith in the face of extreme atrocites. In those days Sikhs were persecuted because they were considered infidels by Muslims & today Sikhs become victims in the United States because they are confused with Muslims. Its my hope that readers will share & help clear this confusion.
IMPORTANT POINT : It is evident from history of Islamic persecution of infidels be they are Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians that Islam is totalitarian & devout Muslims who follow the teachings of Mohammed to slaughter infidels in Quran will strive hard to dominate Islam on the rest of the world. When Muslims hold postcards in protests saying "we will kill infidels & we will take your women as war booty"! They really mean it! Muslims by the essence of Islam are brainwashed into beasts & have lost any bit of love for their fellow humanity because by considering a criminal man like Muhammad to be their "perfect man & the final prophet of allah" has distorted their moral compass of right & wrong. In Islam, the definition of good and bad does not correspond with doing righteous & wrong. In Islam, good action is when Muslim follows the example of Muhammad, bad action is when a follower strays from imitating Muhammad. Muslims from very early age are taught to follow & respect Muhammad without studying his biography. Due to this childhood brainwashing Muslims see everything from Muhammads' point of view... and Muhammad points of view is : "believe in me as your prophet, or be called a infidel and be slaughtered". The agenda of Islam is world domination. It is high time we infidels declare Islam as what Islam really is! Just as the allies could not have won a war against Germany, had they not declared nazism as evil; we cannot win war against Islam if we continue to consider Islam just another color in the rainbow of religions.
PS : Some people have asked why didn't these women convert for a moment, be released & then convert back?
- We humans are social animals. Its called Pack mentality... Muslims love it. Muslims strength of faith depends a lot on the "numbers of Muslims". We often see how Muslims say "oh Mr. famous converted to Islam, so Islam must be true", "Islam is the fastest growing religion, so it must be famous". Once anybody converts, they will shout out loud as if when someone converts gives credibility to the tenets of Islam. If these women had converted even for a moment, an example would have been set; and a lot more people would not have stood up to fight against islam. The on going Sikh resistance was to show strong resistance at all costs to stand up against Islamic oppression. This is why these brave women are remembered even after 300 years.
Secondly, we know today that the ancestors of present day Pakistani's converted to Islam to save their necks, but practiced their ancient religions in the privacy of their homes. In a few generations they started to relate more with "Pan-islamic Muslim pride" & eventually they became more Islamized & even started hating their ancient religion. Today Pakistani's are largest producers of Islamic terrorism.
These brave women sacrificed their babies & set a great example in Sikh history. It is because of this heroic Sacrifice, that a large section of people supported the Sikhs in their cause, and taking inspiration from these brave women & other Sikh martyrdom stories, many more people joined the Sikh religion & did not accept forced conversions and fiercely fought against Islamic oppression. The result was that within the next 50 years, Sikhs who were less than 1% in Punjab, not only destroyed & took over the Islamic empire in Punjab, but also ruled over that region which was majority Muslim (something unparalleled in history till date). Sikhs are the reason, that removed the spell of Islam from all over North India. The Bravery of these women & all other Sikh martyrs definitely proves that bravery is contagious human mentality just as weakness.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


This may sound like propaganda because it sounds so far fetched.  It isn’t.  Check your own world almanac….
Radical Islam has spread a scourge of violence around the globe that otherwise simply wouldn’t exist.  It is time for the West to put an end to this horror.  The first step is to destroy Iran as the world leader of Islamic violence.
As long as Iran threatens the world with nuclear Islamic fundamentalism there is simply no way to quash the continuing outbreak of Islamic violence worldwide.  The Western democracies should crush the atavistic and xenophobic leader of this retreat from civilization.
If Iran is convincingly neutralized, it’s possible that the rest of the radical Islamic movements will realize that the way to accomplish their aspirations is through peaceful coexistence.  Otherwise the monomaniacal dream of global Islamic domination will continue to destabilize the world until an apocalyptic result ensues.
The latest catastrophic, meaningless Islamic bloodletting is occurring in Kyrgyzstan.  The Russians want no part of it and won’t intervene.
Who can blame them?  I’m reminded of the old Texas aphorism, “You can’t mess with shit without gettin’ it on you.”  The Russians have learned that the hard way from both Afghanistan and Bosnia.
How long will we continue to allow these murderous bullies to set back the momentumof world progress.
Joseph Wouk
June 12, 2010
Current conflicts and wars: Source: http:/ Some of the world’s current “hot spots” which have as their base a significant component of religious intolerance are listed below:
Country and Main religious groups involved
1. Afghanistan Extreme radical Fundamentalist Muslim terrorist groups & non-Muslim Osama bin Laden heads a terrorist group called Al Quada (The Source) whose headquarters were in Afghanistan.
2. Bosnia Serbian Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholic, Muslims
3. Cote d’Ivoire Muslims, Indigenous, Christians
4. Cyprus Christians & Muslims
5. East Timor Christians & Muslims
6. Indonesia, province of Ambon Christians & Muslims
7. Kashmir Hindus and Muslims
8. Kosovo Serbian Orthodox Christians, Muslims
9. Kurdistan Christians, Muslims Assaults on Christians (Protestant, Chaldean Catholic & Assyrian Orthodox). Bombing campaign underway.
10. Macedonia Macedonian Orthodox Christians & Muslims
11. Middle East Jews, Muslims, &Christians
12. Nigeria Christians, Animists, & Muslims
13. Pakistan Suni & Shi’ite Muslims
14. Philippines Christians & Muslims
15. Russia, Chechnya Russian Orthodox Christians, Muslims. The Russian army attacked the breakaway region. Muslims had allegedly blown up buildings in Moscow. Many atrocities have been alleged.
16. Serbia, province of Vojvodina Serbian Orthodox & Roman Catholics
17. Sri Lanka Buddhists & Hindus Tamils


Photo: We are told that Islam is a peaceful “religion” and that we should not judge Islam by a “few” Moslems and a “couple” of events…..Really? Here are some recent events by Moslems….
Abdullatif Aldosary of Coolidge, AZ arrested for bombing Arizona Social Security office with IED.
Amine Mohamed El-Khalifi, the would-be jihad/martyrdom suicide bomber at the U.S. Capitol 
Naser Abdo, the would-be second Fort Hood jihad mass murderer 
Khalid Aldawsari, the would-be jihad mass murderer in Lubbock, Texas 
Muhammad Hussain, the would-be jihad bomber in Baltimore
Mohamed Mohamud, the would-be jihad bomber in Portland
Faisal Shahzad, the would-be Times Square jihad mass-murderer
Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, the Arkansas military recruiting station jihad murderer
Naveed Haq, the jihad mass murderer at the Jewish Community Center in Seattle
Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar, the would-be jihad mass murderer in Chapel Hill, North Carolina 
Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh, who hatched a jihad plot to blow up a Manhattan synagogue
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the would-be Christmas airplane jihad bomber 
There are many others who have plotted and/or committed mass murder in the U.S. in the name of Islam in the last few years motivated by the Qur’an and Islamic teachings.We are told that Islam is a peaceful “religion” and that we should not judge Islam by a “few” Moslems and a “couple” of events…..Really? Here are some recent events by Moslems….
Abdullatif Aldosary of Coolidge, AZ arrested for bombing Arizona Social Security office with IED.
Amine Mohamed El-Khalifi, the would-be jihad/martyrdom suicide bomber at the U.S. Capitol
Naser Abdo, the would-be second Fort Hood jihad mass murderer
Khalid Aldawsari, the would-be jihad mass murderer in Lubbock, Texas
Muhammad Hussain, the would-be jihad bomber in Baltimore
Mohamed Mohamud, the would-be jihad bomber in Portland
Faisal Shahzad, the would-be Times Square jihad mass-murderer
Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, the Arkansas military recruiting station jihad murderer
Naveed Haq, the jihad mass murderer at the Jewish Community Center in Seattle
Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar, the would-be jihad mass murderer in Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh, who hatched a jihad plot to blow up a Manhattan synagogue
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the would-be Christmas airplane jihad bomber
There are many others who have plotted and/or committed mass murder in the U.S. in the name of Islam in the last few years motivated by the Qur’an and Islamic teachings.

Photo: Talking honestly and critically about Islam can be deadly because Muslims are the noblest of mankind (Koran 3:110), while we are pigs and apes (Koran 2:65, 5:60, 7:166), being the vilest of creatures who will burn in hell for eternity. (Koran 98:6) We are not only pigs and apes, but we non-Muslims are also cattle, no, we are worse than cattle. (Koran 7:179)

Muslims are required to fight and kill us non-Muslims, even though some Muslims might not want to. (Koran 2:216)

A perceived insult by Muslims about Islam, Mohammed, or the Koran requires death. (Koran 2:217) That is, it is better to kill non-Muslims than to be insulted and persecuted by them.

Leaving Islam also requires death, as both All*h (Koran 2:217, 4:89) and Mohammed
(Bukhari 9:84:57) said.

Since Muslims are forbidden from doubting any part of the Koran (Koran 2:2), we must assume that we cannot be their friends (Koran 5:51) and remain their sworn enemies. (Koran 4:101)

Mohammed was a prophet and the ideal man. (Koran 68:4, 33:21)

Mohammed (51) married his child bride (6). Nubile Aisha wasn't deflowered until 9 when he was 54. (Bukhari 7:62:88)

Beheading is acceptable in Islam (Koran 47:8, 8:12) and in one day, Mohammed helped behead between 600 - 900 helpless captives.

60 percent of the Koran talks about violence/war/jihad. Go ahead, rape your sex-slaves 
(Possessions of the Right Hand). (Koran 4:3, :24, 5:89, 23:5, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30) Flying planes into buildings guarantees entrance to heaven. (Koran 9:111)

Some will say these verses are taken out of context, unaware that Muslims are allowed to lie (Taqiyaa) to strengthen and spread Islam. (Koran 3:28, 16:106)

Talking honestly and critically about Islam can be deadly because Muslims are the noblest of mankind (Koran 3:110), while we are pigs and apes (Koran 2:65, 5:60, 7:166), being the vilest of creatures who will burn in hell for eternity. (Koran 98:6) We are not only pigs and apes, but we non-Muslims are also cattle, no, we are worse than cattle. (Koran 7:179)

Muslims are required to fight and kill us non-Muslims, even though some Muslims might not want to. (Koran 2:216)

A perceived insult by Muslims about Islam, Mohammed, or the Koran requires death. (Koran 2:217) That is, it is better to kill non-Muslims than to be insulted and persecuted by them.

Leaving Islam also requires death, as both All*h (Koran 2:217, 4:89) and Mohammed
(Bukhari 9:84:57) said.

Since Muslims are forbidden from doubting any part of the Koran (Koran 2:2), we must assume that we cannot be their friends (Koran 5:51) and remain their sworn enemies. (Koran 4:101)

Mohammed was a prophet and the ideal man. (Koran 68:4, 33:21)

Mohammed (51) married his child bride (6). Nubile Aisha wasn't deflowered until 9 when he was 54. (Bukhari 7:62:88)

Beheading is acceptable in Islam (Koran 47:8, 8:12) and in one day, Mohammed helped behead between 600 - 900 helpless captives.

60 percent of the Koran talks about violence/war/jihad. Go ahead, rape your sex-slaves
(Possessions of the Right Hand). (Koran 4:3, :24, 5:89, 23:5, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30) Flying planes into buildings guarantees entrance to heaven. (Koran 9:111)

Some will say these verses are taken out of context, unaware that Muslims are allowed to lie (Taqiyaa) to strengthen and spread Islam. (Koran 3:28, 16:106)


Photo: A logical analysis of the claim of Islam being final and only revelation of Allah :-

We often hear the followers of Zakir Terrorist Naik claiming that Islam has not come into existence 1400 years ago, but it has been there since time memorial. They also say that Islam was not founded by Muhammad rather it is there from the day when Adam and Eve were sent down to earth. But when they are asked th
at if Islam has nothing to do with Muhammad, why is it necessary to believe in Muhammad and include him in the prayers alongside Allah, they run away saying Allah knows the best and Muhammad is his final messenger!

The above claim of Islam to be the only religion from the time memorial could have only been true only if the condition to be a good Muslim would have never changed along the time, but it did. Back then, anyone who worshipped one formless God was a Muslim (Adam, Abraham, Moses, etc), but today, not only a person must worship one formless Allah (interestingly, formless Allah has two hands as per Quran [38:75]), but must also consider prophet Mohammad as the final messenger and must believe in angels, Quran, judgment day, heaven, and hell as well in order to reserve the seat in paradise.

Now, if Islam really existed since time memorial, one may ask, how is this possible when the oldest Quran is less than 1500 years old? Should not the age of Quran be more than 2000 years old in order to make Islam a religion which existed since time memorial?

In order to refute this claim, many Muslims quote the following verse from Quran, “We did send messengers before thee, and appointed for them wives and children: and it was never the part of an apostle to bring a sign except as Allah permitted (or commanded). For each period is a Book (revealed) [Surah Rad, verse 13:38].”

This verse is saying that Allah sent revelations in every era, and revealed them to a different prophet each time. This means many revelations were sent but only four are mentioned by name: Torah (taurat), Psalms of David (zabur), Bible (injeel), and Quran.

Now, if we examine these four scriptures closely, we will find out that all four of these books were revealed in the same geographic area. This area contains Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. One can easily see that all these countries are not far apart from each other on the map. Torah was revealed on Mount Sinai on the Sinai Peninsula near Egypt, whereas Psalms and Bible were revealed in locations near or in Israel. We all know that Quran was revealed in Saudi Arabia. Now, it is common sense that anyone back then could get all this information just by simply traveling from place to place.

Moreover, Mohammad even had Jewish and Christian allies/enemies so it is common sense that he or his Arab followers could have got educated through them. Besides, naturally we learn about other religions by meeting and debating their followers. So from the above arguments, it is quite evident that the authors of the Quran borrowed all their concepts from the Torah and Bible. This is why there are so many similarities between Bible and the Quran. Now, we see that the recipe to make a Quran is simple. Just borrow concepts from the Torah and Bible, and add some Arab traditions, and there, your Quran is ready!

Many more questions on this theory arise when we closely analyze the facts

1. If Allah named those four books, then why did He forget to name the revelations of India, China, Iran, South America, and other places in the world, in which more than three fourth of total population of the world lived at that time?

2. If Allah wanted to only mention four books, then why did He not mention four books that were revealed in four different corners of the world? All four books He mentioned were all revealed in same area consisting of Israel, Egypt, and Arabia.

3. More importantly, if Allah wanted to name any four books, why did He not give the name of the FIRST revelation? Logically, He should name the first, the last, and any two books in the middle eras, but that is not the case.

4. Many Muslims claim Torah to be the first revelation of Islam, but then question comes, if Torah was revealed to Moses (Musa), then what revelations were revealed to the previous prophets that came before Moses like Abraham (Ibraheem), Noah (Nuh), and Adam??

5. If there were no revelations given to them, then how can they be considered as prophets?

6. If Adam was the first prophet of Islam, then he should have got the first revelation from Allah, but Muslims consider Adam to be the first human created, not a messenger, then, question arises, why is he considered a prophet in the first place?

7. If Adam was not given any revelation, how were the people, who lived in the era of Adam or a bit later, guided in the absence of any revelation?

8. If Allah can give the name of the first prophet, why cannot He give the name of the first revelation, which is equally important?

This is the biggest proof that modern Quran is not from Allah, otherwise Allah would definitely give us the answers to these questions.

Some sensible Muslims like Syed Abdullah Tariq have accepted Vedas to be the first divine revelation while debating with Arya Samaj scholars of India. However, there are some fanatics like Zakir Terrorist Naik who use their false interpretations to twist some verses of Vedas to prove Muhammad’s prophecy in them, but later on doubt Vedas to be the word of God. So, in this case, Zakir Naik falls into his own trap. Interestingly, Maulana Abdullah Tariq is the prominent speaker of Peace TV of Zakir Naik! Its up to Zakir Naik, whether he accepts Vedas to be first divine revelation like his scholar Maulana Abdullah Tariq, or announce that Maulana Abdullah Tariq is not scholar and he has committed Shirk by giving Vedas the same status as Quran. Zakir should also apologize to Muslims that he has aired the programs of a Mushrik on his own Peace TV!

That’s apart, Zakir and co make three claims to prove that Quran is the final book, and hence should be followed for eternity.

1) Quran is sent because all earlier revelations have been corrupted by men over time and Quran is unchanged till now and will remain so forever.


a. Shia Muslims claim that original Quran was comprised of some 17000 verses. But now only small part of it is available. Sunnis destine Shia for hell for their claim and call them Kafirs. Vice versa is also seen. Can anyone tell, whose Quran is the final and why?

b. Khoza Muslims claim that Aaga Khan was also divine like Muhammad and he also got revelations.

c. Qadiyanis even refuse to accept Muhammad as their final prophet! They say that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani is the final prophet of Islam. He was also supposed to get Allah’s message on regular basis!

So, since there is no way one can judge which Quran is to follow, should not Allah send a new prophet/revelation?

2) Quran is the final message and others were not because Allah decided to reveal His knowledge in stages since the human mind evolves slowly.


a. So revelations came in stages because human mind was evolving. Can one ask, has human mind stopped evolving now? If no, then new revelation is needed. If yes, then how could most of the revolutionary inventions like electricity, trains and airplanes take place after more than 1000 years of reception of final revelation?

b. Many verses of the Quran are said to be abrogated by the new ones during the lifetime of Muhammad. If abrogated verses were imperfect, Allah becomes imperfect. If abrogated verses too have the reason of human mind’s evolution, it reflects unnatural evolution rate of Arabs because previous revelations like Injeel lasted for around 600 years, but in case of Quran, some verses were canceled within few years of their revelation!

c. It seems human mind was evolving till Muhammad received the last abrogated verse of Quran and then all humans suddenly stopped evolving!

3) Quran should be followed today since Muhammad has been prophesized in the earlier revelations.

This particular claim is only made by Qadiyani Muslims like Maulana Abdul Haque, and his great disciple Dr Zakir Naik. Qadiyanis are known for twisting the verses of any holy book in order to prove Muhammad or Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani’s prophecy. Forget about Torah and Bible, they went on to claim Muhammad’s prophecy in Buddhist scriptures, Iranian scriptures, and even Vedas.

Now, the fact is that Vedas do not contain any prophecies of Muhammad or anybody else, and they do not contain any history.

Conclusively, we would like to say that the three Abrahamic religions follow the same mechanism. This mechanism is like a caterpillar that keeps gaining length as time progresses in the form of revelations. First, Jews introduced their Jewish scriptures, then Christians added their Bible and claimed it to be the final uncorrupted message of God. Now, Arabs added their Quran, and claimed it to be the final message of Allah since all the earlier revelations like Torah, Psalms, and Bible have been corrupted with the passage of time. Then we witnessed an offshoot of Islam, Qadiyani sect, which has its own final messenger in the form of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani. Today, everyone is confused, which Quran (of 6666 verses or 17000 verses…) is the final edition and which is not.

Finally, if indeed Allah wanted Quran to be the final message for humans, why did He not ensure that the Quran is properly documented within lifetime of Muhammad itself? Why did he wait for at least 20 years after Muhammad’s death for the Quran to get documented? Why did he make the Caliph who got Quran documented murdered by other followers of Islam? Why Muhammad’s wife Aisha and his son-in-law Ali – two of the most prominent companions of Muhammad – bent on killing each other and the Caliph who documented the Quran? Why did he allow certain Hadiths which say that some verses of Quran were eaten by goats and some verses were uttered under influence of Satan?

If Allah was serious enough to make Quran the only and the final word from Him, he would have ensured that thousands of copies of Quran would have been documented within Muhammad’s lifetime itself so that no confusion can ever come..A logical analysis of the claim of Islam being final and only revelation of Allah :-
We often hear the followers of Zakir Terrorist Naik claiming that Islam has not come into existence 1400 years ago, but it has been there since time memorial. They also say that Islam was not founded by Muhammad rather it is there from the day when Adam and Eve were sent down to earth. But when they are asked th
at if Islam has nothing to do with Muhammad, why is it necessary to believe in Muhammad and include him in the prayers alongside Allah, they run away saying Allah knows the best and Muhammad is his final messenger!

The above claim of Islam to be the only religion from the time memorial could have only been true only if the condition to be a good Muslim would have never changed along the time, but it did. Back then, anyone who worshipped one formless God was a Muslim (Adam, Abraham, Moses, etc), but today, not only a person must worship one formless Allah (interestingly, formless Allah has two hands as per Quran [38:75]), but must also consider prophet Mohammad as the final messenger and must believe in angels, Quran, judgment day, heaven, and hell as well in order to reserve the seat in paradise.

Now, if Islam really existed since time memorial, one may ask, how is this possible when the oldest Quran is less than 1500 years old? Should not the age of Quran be more than 2000 years old in order to make Islam a religion which existed since time memorial?

In order to refute this claim, many Muslims quote the following verse from Quran, “We did send messengers before thee, and appointed for them wives and children: and it was never the part of an apostle to bring a sign except as Allah permitted (or commanded). For each period is a Book (revealed) [Surah Rad, verse 13:38].”

This verse is saying that Allah sent revelations in every era, and revealed them to a different prophet each time. This means many revelations were sent but only four are mentioned by name: Torah (taurat), Psalms of David (zabur), Bible (injeel), and Quran.

Now, if we examine these four scriptures closely, we will find out that all four of these books were revealed in the same geographic area. This area contains Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. One can easily see that all these countries are not far apart from each other on the map. Torah was revealed on Mount Sinai on the Sinai Peninsula near Egypt, whereas Psalms and Bible were revealed in locations near or in Israel. We all know that Quran was revealed in Saudi Arabia. Now, it is common sense that anyone back then could get all this information just by simply traveling from place to place.

Moreover, Mohammad even had Jewish and Christian allies/enemies so it is common sense that he or his Arab followers could have got educated through them. Besides, naturally we learn about other religions by meeting and debating their followers. So from the above arguments, it is quite evident that the authors of the Quran borrowed all their concepts from the Torah and Bible. This is why there are so many similarities between Bible and the Quran. Now, we see that the recipe to make a Quran is simple. Just borrow concepts from the Torah and Bible, and add some Arab traditions, and there, your Quran is ready!

Many more questions on this theory arise when we closely analyze the facts

1. If Allah named those four books, then why did He forget to name the revelations of India, China, Iran, South America, and other places in the world, in which more than three fourth of total population of the world lived at that time?

2. If Allah wanted to only mention four books, then why did He not mention four books that were revealed in four different corners of the world? All four books He mentioned were all revealed in same area consisting of Israel, Egypt, and Arabia.

3. More importantly, if Allah wanted to name any four books, why did He not give the name of the FIRST revelation? Logically, He should name the first, the last, and any two books in the middle eras, but that is not the case.

4. Many Muslims claim Torah to be the first revelation of Islam, but then question comes, if Torah was revealed to Moses (Musa), then what revelations were revealed to the previous prophets that came before Moses like Abraham (Ibraheem), Noah (Nuh), and Adam??

5. If there were no revelations given to them, then how can they be considered as prophets?

6. If Adam was the first prophet of Islam, then he should have got the first revelation from Allah, but Muslims consider Adam to be the first human created, not a messenger, then, question arises, why is he considered a prophet in the first place?

7. If Adam was not given any revelation, how were the people, who lived in the era of Adam or a bit later, guided in the absence of any revelation?

8. If Allah can give the name of the first prophet, why cannot He give the name of the first revelation, which is equally important?

This is the biggest proof that modern Quran is not from Allah, otherwise Allah would definitely give us the answers to these questions.

Some sensible Muslims like Syed Abdullah Tariq have accepted Vedas to be the first divine revelation while debating with Arya Samaj scholars of India. However, there are some fanatics like Zakir Terrorist Naik who use their false interpretations to twist some verses of Vedas to prove Muhammad’s prophecy in them, but later on doubt Vedas to be the word of God. So, in this case, Zakir Naik falls into his own trap. Interestingly, Maulana Abdullah Tariq is the prominent speaker of Peace TV of Zakir Naik! Its up to Zakir Naik, whether he accepts Vedas to be first divine revelation like his scholar Maulana Abdullah Tariq, or announce that Maulana Abdullah Tariq is not scholar and he has committed Shirk by giving Vedas the same status as Quran. Zakir should also apologize to Muslims that he has aired the programs of a Mushrik on his own Peace TV!

That’s apart, Zakir and co make three claims to prove that Quran is the final book, and hence should be followed for eternity.

1) Quran is sent because all earlier revelations have been corrupted by men over time and Quran is unchanged till now and will remain so forever.


a. Shia Muslims claim that original Quran was comprised of some 17000 verses. But now only small part of it is available. Sunnis destine Shia for hell for their claim and call them Kafirs. Vice versa is also seen. Can anyone tell, whose Quran is the final and why?

b. Khoza Muslims claim that Aaga Khan was also divine like Muhammad and he also got revelations.

c. Qadiyanis even refuse to accept Muhammad as their final prophet! They say that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani is the final prophet of Islam. He was also supposed to get Allah’s message on regular basis!

So, since there is no way one can judge which Quran is to follow, should not Allah send a new prophet/revelation?

2) Quran is the final message and others were not because Allah decided to reveal His knowledge in stages since the human mind evolves slowly.


a. So revelations came in stages because human mind was evolving. Can one ask, has human mind stopped evolving now? If no, then new revelation is needed. If yes, then how could most of the revolutionary inventions like electricity, trains and airplanes take place after more than 1000 years of reception of final revelation?

b. Many verses of the Quran are said to be abrogated by the new ones during the lifetime of Muhammad. If abrogated verses were imperfect, Allah becomes imperfect. If abrogated verses too have the reason of human mind’s evolution, it reflects unnatural evolution rate of Arabs because previous revelations like Injeel lasted for around 600 years, but in case of Quran, some verses were canceled within few years of their revelation!

c. It seems human mind was evolving till Muhammad received the last abrogated verse of Quran and then all humans suddenly stopped evolving!

3) Quran should be followed today since Muhammad has been prophesized in the earlier revelations.

This particular claim is only made by Qadiyani Muslims like Maulana Abdul Haque, and his great disciple Dr Zakir Naik. Qadiyanis are known for twisting the verses of any holy book in order to prove Muhammad or Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani’s prophecy. Forget about Torah and Bible, they went on to claim Muhammad’s prophecy in Buddhist scriptures, Iranian scriptures, and even Vedas.

Now, the fact is that Vedas do not contain any prophecies of Muhammad or anybody else, and they do not contain any history.

Conclusively, we would like to say that the three Abrahamic religions follow the same mechanism. This mechanism is like a caterpillar that keeps gaining length as time progresses in the form of revelations. First, Jews introduced their Jewish scriptures, then Christians added their Bible and claimed it to be the final uncorrupted message of God. Now, Arabs added their Quran, and claimed it to be the final message of Allah since all the earlier revelations like Torah, Psalms, and Bible have been corrupted with the passage of time. Then we witnessed an offshoot of Islam, Qadiyani sect, which has its own final messenger in the form of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani. Today, everyone is confused, which Quran (of 6666 verses or 17000 verses…) is the final edition and which is not.

Finally, if indeed Allah wanted Quran to be the final message for humans, why did He not ensure that the Quran is properly documented within lifetime of Muhammad itself? Why did he wait for at least 20 years after Muhammad’s death for the Quran to get documented? Why did he make the Caliph who got Quran documented murdered by other followers of Islam? Why Muhammad’s wife Aisha and his son-in-law Ali – two of the most prominent companions of Muhammad – bent on killing each other and the Caliph who documented the Quran? Why did he allow certain Hadiths which say that some verses of Quran were eaten by goats and some verses were uttered under influence of Satan?

If Allah was serious enough to make Quran the only and the final word from Him, he would have ensured that thousands of copies of Quran would have been documented within Muhammad’s lifetime itself so that no confusion can ever come.