Showing posts with label religious conversion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religious conversion. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2016

Hindus are forcely converted to muslims and Govertment do not protect? Human rights organization?

In Pakistan, Hindus are forcibly converted, young girls are raped, kept , without interference by government and human rights and all news channel are silent.

A Pakistani girl is snatched away, payment for a family debt

In this photo taken on Thursday, Dec. 1, 2016, Pakistani Hindu Jeevti sits in her husband's house in Pyaro Lundh, Pakistan. The night Jeevti disappeared, her family slept outside to escape Pakistan's brutal summer heat; in the morning she was gone, snatched by a wealthy landlord to whom her parents owed $1,000 dollars. She is one of the estimated 1,000 Christian and Hindu girls taken from their homes every year in Pakistan for supposed repayments of debt, most of them ending up married off to older men and forcibly converted to Islam. (AP Photo/B.K. Bangash)
It's a familiar story here in southern Pakistan: Small loans balloon into impossible debts, bills multiply, payments are never deducted.
In this world, women like Ameri and her young daughter are treated as property: taken as payment for a debt, to settle disputes, or as revenge if a landowner wants to punish his worker. Sometimes parents, burdened by an unforgiving debt, even offer their daughters as payment.
The women are like trophies to the men. They choose the prettiest and the young and pliable. Sometimes they take them as second wives to look after their homes. Sometimes they use them as prostitutes to earn money. Sometimes they take them simply because they can.
And like everything else in her life, as a Hindu in a Muslim country, as a woman who is among the poorest of the poor, she knows she will be powerless to stop it from happening.
"I went to the police and to the court. But no one is listening to us," Ameri says. She says the land manager made her daughter convert to Islam and took the girl as his second wife. "They told us, 'Your daughter has committed to Islam and you can't get her back.'"
Ameri works as a day laborer cutting sugar cane and feed for animals in Pakistan's southern Sindh province, a region dominated by powerful landowners whose holdings stretch for hundreds of acres.
Like Ameri, they're often indebted to the owner of the land on which they work, kept as virtual slaves until they pay back their debt, which almost never happens.
More than 2 million Pakistanis live as "modern slaves," according to the 2016 Global Slavery Index, which ranks Pakistan in the top three offending countries that still enslave people, some as farm workers, others at brick kilns or as household staff. Sometimes the workers are beaten or chained to keep them from fleeing.
"They have no rights, and their women and girls are the most vulnerable," says Ghulam Hayder whose Green Rural Development Organization works to free Pakistan's bonded laborers.
Employers sexually assault the women and girls, marry them, force them to convert, and rarely will the police intervene, he says. He recalls a case in which a husband accused a landowner of sexually assaulting his wife. The landowner held him for three days, beat him and released him with a warning to tell no one.
An estimated 1,000 young Christian and Hindu girls, most of them underage and impoverished, are taken from their homes each year, converted to Islam and married, said a report by the South Asia Partnership organization.
"They always take the pretty ones," Hayder says.
"So many girls, immature girls below the age of 18 years, mostly have been kidnapped," says Ramesh Kumar Vankwani of the Pakistan Hindu Council.
He says families are routinely threatened, and without police protection, they abandon their daughters.
Ameri, the mother, says she has been threatened by both the police and the man who took her daughter. She has gone to five different courts to get her daughter back, and failed each time. But she hasn't given up hope.
This is how muslim converted non muslims  and take advantage of being illiterate by thumb impression so court can be silent.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

सूफियों द्वारा भारत का इस्लामीकरण ,islamization of India by Sufi-Soft conversion

सूफियों द्वारा भारत का इस्लामीकरण

प्राय: हिन्दू समाज में यही माना जाता है कि हिंदुस्तान में जितने भी मुस्लमान सूफी, फकीर और पीर आदि हुए हैं, वे सभी उदारवादी थे। हिन्दू-मुस्लिम एकता के प्रतीक थे। वे भारतीय दर्शन और ध्यान योग की उपज थे। मगर यह एक भ्रान्ति है। भारत देश पर इस्लामिक आकर्मण दो रूपों में हुआ था। प्रथम इस्लामिक आक्रमणकर्ताओं द्वारा एक हाथ में तलवार और एक में क़ुरान लेकर भारत के शरीर और आत्मा पर जख्म पर जख्म बनाते चले गए। दूसरा सूफियों द्वारा मुख में भजन, कीर्तन, चमत्कार के दावे और बगल में क़ुरान दबाये हुए पीड़ित भारतीयों के जख्मों पर मरहम लगाने के बहाने इस्लाम में दीक्षित करना था। सूफियों को इस्लाम में दीक्षित करने वाली संस्था कहना कोई अतिश्योक्ति नहीं होगी। इस लेख में हम ऐतिहासिक प्रमाणों के माध्यम से यह जानेंगे की सूफियों द्वारा भारत का इस्लामीकरण किस प्रकार किया गया।

सूफियों के कारनामें

हिन्दुओं का धर्म परिवर्तन कर उन्हें मुसलमान बनाने के लिए सूफियों ने साम-दाम, दंड-भेद की नीति से लेकर तलवार उठाने तक सभी नैतिक और अनैतिक तरीकों का भरपूर प्रयोग किया।

1. शाहजहाँ की मुल्ला मुहीबीब अली सिन्धी नामक सूफी आलिम से अभिन्नता थी। शाहजहाँ ने इस सूफी संत को हिन्दुओं को इस्लाम में दीक्षित करने की आज्ञा दी थी[i]

2. सूफी कादरिया खानकाह के शेख दाऊद और उनके शिष्य शाह अब्दुल माली के विषय में कहा जाता है कि वे 50 से 100 हिन्दुओं को इस्लाम में दीक्षित करते थे[ii]

3.सूफी शेख अब्दुल अज़ीज़ द्वारा अनेक हिन्दुओं को इस्लाम में दीक्षित किया गया[iii]

4. सूफी मीरान भीख के जीवन का एक प्रसंग मिलता है। एक हिन्दू जमींदार बीरबर को मृत्युदंड की सजा सुनाई गई। उसने सूफी मीरान भीख से सजा मांफी की गुहार लगाई। सूफी ने इस्लाम कबूल करने की शर्त लगाई। हिन्दू बीरबर मुसलमान बन गया। सूफी ने इस्लाम की सेवा में उसे रख लिया[iv]

5. दारा शिकोह के अनुसार सूफी शेख अब्दुल क़ादिर द्वारा अनेक हिन्दुओं को मुसलमान बनाया गया[v]

6. मीर सैय्यद अली हमदानी द्वारा कश्मीर का बड़े पैमाने पर इस्लामीकरण किया गया। श्रीनगर के काली मंदिर को तोड़कर उसने अपनी खानकाह स्थापित करी थी। हिन्दू ब्राह्मणों को छलने के लिए हमदानी के शिष्य नूरुद्दीन ने नुंद ऋषि के नाम से अपने को प्रसिद्द कर लिया। नूरुद्दीन ने श्रीनगर की प्रसिद्द हिन्दू उपासक लाल देह के हिन्दू रंग में अपने को पहले रंग लिया। फिर उसके उपासकों को प्रभावित कर इस्लाम में दीक्षित कर दिया। उसके मुख्य शिष्यों के नाम बामुद्दीन, जैनुद्दीन, लतीफुद्दीन आदि रख दिया।ये सभी जन्म से ब्राह्मण थे[vi]

सूफियों द्वारा इस्लाम की सेवा करने के लिए मुस्लिम शासकों को हिन्दुओं पर अत्याचार करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया गया। जिससे हिन्दू तंग आकर इस्लाम ग्रहण कर ले।

1. अल्तमश द्वारा नियुक्त सुहरावर्दी ख़लीफ़ा सैय्यद नूरुद्दीन मुबारक ने इस्लाम की सेवा के लिए

- शरिया लागु करना।

-मूर्तिपूजा और बहुदेवतावाद को कुफ्र घोषित करना।

-मूर्तिपूजक हिन्दुओं को प्रताड़ित करना।

-हिन्दुओं विशेष रूप से ब्राह्मणों को दंड देना।

-किसी भी उच्च पद पर किसी भी हिन्दू को न आसीन करना[vii]

2. बंगाल के सुल्तान गियासुद्दीन आज़म को फिरदवासिया सूफी शेख मुज्जफर ने पत्र लिख कर किसी भी काफिर को किसी भी सरकारी उच्च पद पर रखने से साफ़ मना किया। शेख ने कहा इस्लाम के बन्दों पर कोई काफिर हुकुम जारी न कर सके। ऐसी व्यवस्था करे। इस्लाम, हदीस आदि में ऐसे स्पष्ट निर्देश दिए गए हैं[viii]

3. मीर सैय्यद अली हमदानी द्वारा कश्मीर के सुलतान को हिन्दुओं के सम्बन्ध में राजाज्ञा लागु करने का परामर्श दिया गया था। इस परामर्श में हिन्दुओं के साथ कैसा बर्ताव करे। यह बताया गया था।

-हिन्दुओं को नए मंदिर बनाने की कोई इजाजत न हो।

-हिन्दुओं को पुराने मंदिर की मरम्मत की कोई इजाजत न हो।

-मुसलमान यात्रियों को हिन्दू मंदिरों में रुकने की इजाज़त हो।

- मुसलमान यात्रियों को हिन्दू अपने घर में कम से कम तीन दिन रुकवा कर उनकी सेवा करे।

-हिन्दुओं को जासूसी करने और जासूसों को अपने घर में रुकवाने का कोई अधिकार न हो।

-कोई हिन्दू इस्लाम ग्रहण करना चाहे तो उसे कोई रोकटोक न हो।

-हिन्दू मुसलमानों को सम्मान दे एवं अपने विवाह में आने का उन्हें निमंत्रण दे।

-हिन्दुओं को मुसलमानों जैसे वस्त्र पहनने और नाम रखने की इजाजत न हो।

-हिन्दुओं को काठी वाले घोड़े और अस्त्र-शस्त्र रखने की इजाजत न हो।

-हिन्दुओं को रत्न जड़ित अंगूठी पहनने का अधिकार न हो।

-हिन्दुओं को मुस्लिम बस्ती में मकान बनाने की इजाजत न हो।

-हिन्दुओं को मुस्लिम कब्रिस्तान के नजदीक से शव यात्रा लेकर जाने और मुसलमानों के कब्रिस्तान में शव गाड़ने की इजाजत न हो।

-हिन्दुओं को ऊँची आवाज़ में मृत्यु पर विलाप करने की इजाजत न हो।

-हिन्दुओं को मुस्लिम गुलाम खरीदने की इजाजत न हो।

मेरे विचार से इससे आगे कुछ कहने की आवश्यता ही नहीं है[ix]

4. सूफी शाह वलीउल्लाह द्वारा दिल्ली के सुल्तान अहमद शाह को हिन्दुओं को उनके त्योहार बनाने से मना किया गया। उन्हें होली बनाने और गंगा स्नान करने से रोका जाये। सुन्नी फिरके से सम्बंधित होने के कारण सूफी शाह वलीउल्लाह द्वारा शिया फिरके पर पाबन्दी लगाने की सलाह दी गई। शिया मुसलमानों को ताजिये निकालने और छाती पीटने पर पाबन्दी लगाने की सलाह दी गई[x]

5. मीर मुहम्मद सूफी और सुहा भट्ट की सलाह पर कश्मीर के सुल्तान सिकंदर ने अनंतनाग,मार्तण्ड, सोपुर और बारामुला के प्राचीन हिन्दुओं के मंदिरों को नष्ट कर दिया। हिन्दुओं पर जज़िया कर लगाया गया। कश्मीरी हिन्दू ब्राह्मणों को सरकारी पदों से हटाकर ईरान से मौलवियों को बुलाकर बैठा दिया गया[xi]

सूफियों द्वारा हिन्दू मंदिरों का विनाश।

इतिहास में अनेक उदहारण मिलते हैं जब सूफियों ने अनेक हिन्दू मंदिरों का स्वयं विध्वंश किया अथवा मुस्लिम शासकों को ऐसा करने की प्रेरणा दी।

1. सूफी मियां बयान अजमेर में ख़्वाजा मुईनुद्दीन चिश्ती की दरगाह के समीप रहता था। गुजरात से बहादुर शाह जब अजमेर आया तो सूफी मियां उससे मिले। उस समय राजगद्दी को लेकर गुजरात में अनेक मतभेद चल रहे थे। मियां ने बहादुर शाह की खूब आवभगत करी और उसे अजमेर को राजपूत काफिरों से मुक्त करने की गुजारिश करी। बाद में शासक बनने पर बहादुर शाह ने अजमेर पर हमला कर दिया। हिन्दू मंदिरों का सहार कर उसने अपने वायदे को निभाया[xii]

2. लखनौती बंगाल में रहने वाले सुहरावर्दी शेख जलालुद्दीन ने उत्तरी बंगाल के देवताला (देव महल) में जाकर एक विशाल मंदिर का विध्वंश कर उसे पहले खानकाह में तब्दील किया फिर हज़ारों हिन्दू और बुद्धों को इस्लाम में दीक्षित किया[xiii]

सूफियों द्वारा हिन्दू राज्यों पर इस्लामिक शासकों द्वारा हमला करने के लिए उकसाना

1. चिश्ती शेख नूर क़ुतुब आलम ने बंगाल के दिनाजपुर के राजा गणेश की बढ़ते शासन से क्षुब्ध होकर जौनपर के इस्लामिक शासक सुल्तान इब्राहिम शाह को हमला करने के लिए न्योता दिया। गणेश राजा ने भय से अपने बेटे को इस्लाम काबुल करा अपनी सत्ता बचाई[xiv]

2. शेख गौस द्वारा ग्वालियर के किले को जितने में बाबर की सहायता करी गई थी[xv]

3. शेख अहमद शाहिद द्वारा नार्थ वेस्ट फ्रंटियर प्रोविंस में हज़ारों अनुयाइयों को नमाज पढ़ने के बाद सिखों के राज को हटाने के लिए इस्लाम के नाम पर रजामंद किया गया[xvi]

सूफियों का हिन्दुओं के प्रति सौतेला व्यवहार

हिन्दू-मुस्लिम एकता के प्रतीक के नाम से प्रसिद्द सूफियों का हिन्दुओं के प्रति व्यवहार मतान्ध और संकुचित सोच वाला था।

1. सूफी वलीउल्लाह का कहना था की मुसलमानों को हिन्दुओं के घरों से दूर रहना चाहिए जिससे उन्हें उनके घर के चूल्हे न देखने पड़े[xvii]। यही वलीउल्लाह सुल्तान मुहम्मद गजनी को खिलाफत-ए-खास के बाद इस्लाम का सबसे बड़ा शहंशाह मानता था। उसका कहना था की मुहम्मद के इतिहासकारों ने नहीं पहचाना की मुहम्मद गजनी की जन्मपत्री मुहम्मद साहिब से मिलती थी इसीलिए उसे जिहाद में आशातीत सफलता प्राप्त हुई[xviii]। हिन्दुओं पर अथाह अत्याचार करने वाले ग़जनी की प्रसंशा करने वाले को क्या आप हिन्दू मुस्लिम एकता का प्रतीक मानना चाहेंगे?

2. सूफी सुहरावर्दी शेख जलालुद्दीन द्वारा अल्लाह को हिन्दुओं द्वारा ठाकुर, धनी और करतार जैसे शब्दों का प्रयोग करने से सख्त विरोध था[xix]

इस लेख के माध्यम से हमने भारत वर्ष के पिछले 1200 वर्षों के इतिहास में से सप्रमाण कुछ उदहारण दिए है जिनसे यह सिद्ध होता हैं सूफियों का मूल उद्देश्य भारत का इस्लामीकरण करना था। अजमेर के ख़्वाजा मुईनुद्दीन चिश्ती, दिल्ली के निजामुद्दीन औलिया, बहराइच के सालार गाज़ी मियां के विषय में कब्र पूजा: मूर्खता अथवा अन्धविश्वास नामक लेख में विस्तार से प्रकाश डाला जायेगा। आशा है इस लेख को पढ़कर पाठकों की इस भ्रान्ति का निवारण हो जायेगा की सूफी संतों का कार्य शांति और भाईचारे का पैगाम देना था।

डॉ विवेक आर्य

[i] Tabaqat-I-shahjahani, f.316b

[ii] supra, p.63, p.119-120

[iii]malfuzat-I-shah ‘abdu’l-’aziz, p.22)

[iv]History of Sufism in India by SAA Rizvi vol. 2 p.272-273

[v]Muhammad dara-shukoh, safinatu’l-auliya’, lucknow, 1872,p.69

[vi]सूफियों द्वारा भारत का इस्लामीकरण,पुरुषोत्तम पृष्ठ 28

[vii]tarikh-I firuz shahi, pp. 41-44

[viii]S.H.Askari- the correspondence of the fourteenth century Sufi saints of Bihar with the contemporary sovereigns of Delhi and Bengal, journal of the Bihar research society, march 1956,p.186-187

[ix]Zakhiratul-muluk, pp. 117-118

[x] Shah Waliu’llah dihlawi ke siyasi maktubat, aligarh, 1950, pp. 41-44, 2nd edition, Delhi 1969, p.5

[xi] HSI by SAA Rizvi, vol.1, pp.297

[xii] akhbaru’l-akhyar by Shaikh ‘abdu’l-haqq muhaddis dihlawi pp.291-292

[xiii] jamali, p.171

[xiv] tabaqat-I-akbari, 3,p.265; gulshan-I ibrahimi, pp. 296-207; ghulam hussain salim, riyazu’s- salatin, Calcutta, 1890, pp.108-110, maktubat-I ashrafi (letter to sultan Ibrahim)

[xv] Beveridge,, 2, reprint, New Delhi, 1970, pp. 539-540

[xvi] Muhammad ja’far thaneswari, ed. Maktubat-Saiyid Ahmad shahid, Karachi,, 16

[xvii] shah waliu’llah, hujjat Allah al – baligha, 1, Karachi, n.d. pp.468

[xviii] shah waliu’llah, qurrat al-a’ynain fi tafzil al-shaykhyn, Delhi, 1893, p.324

[xix] siraju’l-hidaya, f.64b

Sunday, September 13, 2015

जागो हिन्दुस्तानी Beware of Vatican conversion-Worse than Islam.

💥प्रश्न - साधू-संतो के पास करोड़ो की संपत्ति है । साधू-संतो को इतनी संपत्ति की क्या जरुरत है? साधू को तो अपरिग्रही होना चाहिए ?

​​💥उत्तर : रोमन केथोलिक चर्च का एक छोटा राज्य है जिसे वेटिकन बोलते है । अपने धर्म के प्रचार के लिए वे हर साल​ 171,600,000,000
डॉलर खर्च करते है । तो उनके पास कुल कितनी संपत्ति होगी?

💥वेटिकन के किसी भी व्यक्ति को पता नहीं है कि उनके कितने व्यापार चलते है ।
💥रोम शहर में 33% इलेक्टोनिक, प्लास्टिक, एर लाइन, केमिकल और इंजीनियरिंग बिजनेस वेटिकन के हाथ में है ।
💥दुनिया में सबसे बड़े shares​ वेटिकन के पास है ।
💥इटालियन बैंकिंग में उनकी बड़ी संपत्ति है और अमेरिका एवं स्विस बेंको में उनकी बड़ी भारी deposits है ।
💥ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए पुस्तक पढाना जिसका नाम है VATICAN EMPIRE

💥उनकी संपत्ति के आगे आपके भारत के साधुओं के करोड रुपये कोई मायना नहीं रखते ।

💥वे लोग खर्च करते है विश्व में धर्मान्तरण करके लोगों को अपनी संस्कृति, और धर्म से भ्रष्ट करने में 🚩और भारत के संत खर्च करते है लोगों को शान्ति देने में, उनकी स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं में, आदिवासियों और गरीबों की सेवा में, प्राकृतिक आपदा के समय पीडितों की सेवा में और अन्य लोकसेवा के कार्यों में ।

✨- डॉ.प्रेमजी
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Thursday, May 7, 2015

US funds NGO to help christianity in name of AID in NEPAL.

US Government funded Christian Evangelical groups reach Nepal to provide relief
Hinduism DeMystified's photo. While there isn’t any reasonable data to conclude that conversions are actually on, there is cause for concern and the situation needs to be monitored. We say this because solely based on their internet activity, it is easy to establish that Christian evangelical groups have reached Nepal, and although they aren’t converting people yet, they are actively providing aid and relief.
Samaritan’s Purse, is one such organisation. In it’s Mission Statement it clearly says it is an “evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world” … “with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ.”. As per reports on its own site and updates on its Twitter Account, they already have people in Nepal providing relief material, in as many as four districts. As of now, they are only providing help and aid to Nepalis. But along with their stated Mission, their past records show they are active in proselytisation.
In 2012, a UK based organization revealed that Samaritan’s Purse was engaged in a covert operation of influencing children in poor countries, to convert to Christianity by enticing them with gifts and toys under a “Shoebox Gifts” program officially called “Operation Christmas Child”. Along with the gifts, they give a pamphlet which is “a direct attempt at religious conversion of young children, complete with a “sinner’s prayer” of conversion and a pledge card.” Soon, the local church invites these children to “share the Gospel” under a course called “The Greatest Journey”. See the booklet distributed here.
As per their own site :”In the past four years, more than 4.6 million children in 88 countries have enrolled in the discipleship program. More than 2.1 million of them have made decisions for Christ, and 2.2 million have committed to share their faith with family and friends”
And there is more. Samaritan’s Purse is experienced in “helping” people hit by earthquakes. In 2001, there was an earthquake in El Salvador. The victims of this tragedy had then complained that the organization “held half-hour prayer meetings before showing them how to build temporary homes of metal and plastic”. The President of this organization, had unabashedly said:
“When we go into these villages and help people get back into their homes, we hope we’ll be able to plant new churches all over this country,”
It also must be noted that at that point in time, Samaritan’s Purse had received more than $200000 from the US Government, thus making the Government a party to conversions.
In 2005 again, Samaritan’s Purse was once again under scrutiny for using aid as a tool to convert Muslims in Indonesia, which was ravaged in the Tsunami. Once again, they had received donations form the US Government, which went upto $300000 that year.
In 2010, Haiti was struck by an Earthquake, and there again Samaritan’s Purse was quick to reach. Once again, providing medical help and proselytisation crossed paths, with one the medical volunteers and also Director of the organization said “We came to Haiti not just to extend people’s physical lives, but to point the way to eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ” as per their own annual report. If Doctors themselves declare that they have come to convert people, what else is left to say?
This trend of rushing to help people in disaster zones is a regular feature with Samaritan’s Purse, be it the earthquake in Costa Rica, hurricane in Nicaragua, tsunami in Samoa, cyclone in Vanuatu or typhoons in Philippines.
In 2013, after Cyclone Phailin, reached Odisha & West Bengal, and its partners “distributed relief supplies in Jesus’ Name”. Contuniuing with their “Shoebox Gifts” program, in 2014, Samaritan’s Purse distributed such “Gifts” to almost 5 lakh children in India. On their site, they even mention real stories of Indian’s getting converted to Christianity, including those of fatherless children. Watch this video on their initiatives in India, how they target children from slums and “present the gospel” to them via gift boxes. A child named Samir, from West Bengal says:
When I received my shoebox, I was very happy. I learned that Jesus loves me and that he sent me the box. After I got the box I started coming to the church and my parents started coming with me.
The organisations head in India says, via this program “The children who are the harvest, become the harvesters”
Samaritan’s Purse knows how to go about their work. They target people when they are most vulnerable: either in the midst of a natural disaster, or when they are children from economically backward families. It probably is the easiest to get such people in the fold. And that is why, this organization has reached Nepal. As usual, the plan will be to start with providing physical aid, and then slowly moving on to spiritual aid. While there will be no direct proof of conversions for some time, at least until the dust settles, slowly the real agenda will surface.
Nepal is no stranger to Samaritan’s Purse. When there was a drought in the area where Nepal’s Chepang tribe resides, Samaritan’s Purse was working with a Christian partner in Nepal to provide emergency food to the tribe.
We know for sure Samaritan’s Purse has already begun their work in Nepal. But are they alone? Is this the only evangelical organization there? Probably not:
1. A team from Baptist Global Response, a partner of International Mission Board (an evangelizing organization), have left for Nepal
2. A team from Children’s Hunger Fund (whose mission is to deliver hope to suffering children by equipping local churches for gospel-centered mercy ministry) is already in Nepal. (Also supported by US Government)
3. The International Nepal Fellowship (formerly known as Nepal Evangelistic Band ) is already providing relief in Nepal
4. The Salvation Army, “an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church”, already has teams in Nepal, with more coming. (Also supported by US Government)
Given all of the above, and the fact that Nepal legally allowed conversions only in 2008, Nepalis need to be alert and should see to it that if they were to choose to change their religion, it should not be under any sort of force from or moral obligation to these evangelical relief groups.…/us-government-funded-christian-ev…/

Saturday, January 3, 2015

American CIA's plan to Christianize India through USAID funded Christian NGO s ?

Religious expansionism has not witnessed this scale, scope, and state resources in a long time. Detailed investigations by Tehelka reveal that American evangelical agencies have established in India an enormous, well-coordinated and strategised religious conversion plan. The operation was launched in the early 1990s but really came into its own after George W Bush Jr, an avowed born-again Christian, became president of the United States in 2001. Since then, aggressive evangelists have found pro-active support from the new administration in their efforts to convert some sections of Indian society to Christianity. At the heart of this complex and sophisticated operation is a simple strategy-convert locals and then give them the know-how and money to plant their own churches and multiply.
Around the time that Bush Jr moved into the Oval office, a worldwide conversion movement, funded and effected by American evangelical groups, was peaking in India. The movement, which began as AD2000 & Beyond and later morphed into Joshua Project I and Joshua Project II, was designed to be a sledgehammer-a breathtaking, decade-long steamroller of a campaign that would set the stage for a systematic, sophisticated and self-sustaining "harvest" of the "unreached people groups" in India in the 21st century. It was just as the operation was taking off that the script changed. Much to the delight of American evangelicals, one of their own, George Bush Jr, became the occupant of the White House.
In a major policy decision taken very early into his presidency, Bush, on January 29, 2001, unveiled a "faith based" social service initiative that included a new White House office to promote government aid to churches and Christian faith-based organisations. This, in effect, threw the massive weight of the federal government behind religious groups and religious conversions. The Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives was set up in the White House in the first week of February 2002 and a man called Jim Towey was appointed director. (A snap introduction to Towey: he was the legal counsel to Mother Teresa in the late 1980s.)

Though Bush's initiative to fund "salvation and religious conversion" is stalled in the Congress over constitutional and civil rights concerns, he has pushed for its implementation through executive orders.
White House-Christian Coalition nexus
The American press is replete with reports on Bush's largesse to faith-based organisations. They say it's his "return gift" to the Christian Right for having loyally supported his presidential campaign. The Christian Coalition, founded by American TV evangelist and head of the multi-billion Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Pat Robertson, played a crucial role in the 2000 election. Recently, in his TV programme, Club 700, broadcast on CBN, Robertson created a stir by announcing that he is confident Bush will win the 2004 election in a "blowout" because God has told him so.
Indeed, Bush is keen to retain what we call the votebank and Americans 'the base'. After all, the Far Right Christian evangelists have also been the most loyal backers of his hardline militarism in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere.
But there is another, perhaps more important, reason why Bush is keen on supporting his evangelist friends who run huge transnational missionary organisations (TMOs). In the decade 1990-2000 they ran a global intelligence operation so complex and sophisticated that its scale and implications are no less than staggering. This operation has put in place a system which enables the US government to access any ethnographic information on any location virtually at the click of the mouse. This network in India, established with funding and strategic assistance from US-based TMOs, gives US intelligence agencies virtually real time access to every nook and corner of the country. (See 'List of TMOs Active in India')
Since Bush's ascendancy to the presidency this network of networks has multiplied rapidly in India. Bush supports conversion in India because he supports those American TMOs who fund and strategise conversion activities in this country. Organisations like the International Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention, Christian Aid, World Vision, Seventh Day Adventist Church and multi-billion enterprises run by evangelists like Pat Robertson, Billy Graham and Roger Houtsma, amongst many others, were instrumental in running a coordinated conversion campaign in India under the banner of AD2000. These later became the Joshua Project and when the decade-long movement officially closed down in March 2001, Joshua Project II was launched to sustain conversions and intelligence-gathering. Graham's TMO, Billy Graham Evangelist Association, supports conversion activities in Gurgaon, Haryana, and Kolkata.
When AD2000 was conceived for India, the plan was based on a military model with the intent to invade, occupy, control, or subjugate its population. It was based on solid intelligence emanating from the ground and well-researched information on various facets of selected people groups. The idea was to send out spying missions to source micro details on religion and culture. The social and economic divisions in the various Indian communities were closely examined. Given the oppressive and institutionalised caste system in the Hindu society, American evangelical strategists chalked out plans for reaching these various "unmixable" caste groups. The many faultlines running through the country-divisions in terms of ethnicity, caste, creed, language and class-were all factored in during the generation of ethnographic data.
North India was designated the core target of American evangelists. It was described as the "core of the core of the core" of a worldwide evangelical movement conceived by fundamentalist American missionaries. This movement that took shape over the 1990s, has now taken off because of a unique collaboration between the American government and US-based evangelical mission agencies. In the 1990s this movement was shaped by the World Evangelical Fellowship (an international alliance of national evangelical alliances), working with the AD2000 movement. It brought together a wide variety of individuals and organisations, under the single goal of achieving "a church for every people and the gospel for every person by the year 2000." Its focus was missionary mobilisation and church planting in India and other regions of the world where the Christian population was negligible. This movement was also a massive intelligence gathering exercise funded and supported by American missionary organisations that were responsible for the election of George W Bush.
Global evangelism plans
AD2000 first attracted attention at a convention of international evangelical missions called Lausanne II in Manila in 1989. The movement then spread rapidly around the globe to help catalyse evangelism. The strategy behind the movement was to establish pioneering global partnerships to eventually provide a church within every "unreached people group". Ralph Winter, founder of the US Center for World Mission, characterised the movement as "the largest, most pervasive global evangelical network ever to exist."
This movement, spearheaded by Luis Bush from the movement's headquarters in Colorado Springs, US, was planned for large conversion of people living within the "10/40 Window". Incidentally, Billy Graham, a Christian fundamentalist and rabid evangelist, who was responsible for George W's "born again" Christian status and whom the president considers as his godfather was the hon
orary co-chairman of the AD 2000 movement

Friday, December 5, 2014


“I will rather die than convert to Islam” – Lioness Rinkal Kumari
“I will rather die than convert to Islam” – Lioness Rinkal Kumari

19 years old Rinkel Kumari, a student of Mirpur Mathelo, a small village in the province of Sindh, began the evening of February 24: A handful of men seized her and delivered her a few hours later into the hands of a wealthy Muslim scholar, the man then called her parents, warning them that their daughter "wants to convert to Islam."

Nand Lal, the girl's father, a teacher of an elementary school, accused Naveed Shah, an influential Muslim, of kidnapping his daughter. The man has the "political cover" provided by Mian Mittho, an elected National Assembly Member, suspected of aiding and abetting. After identifying the perpetrators of the kidnapping of his daughter, he was forced to leave the area of origin to escape the threats of people affiliated with the local mafia. The father found refuge and welcome in Gurdwara in Lahore, in Punjab province, with the rest of his family.

Every year, thousands of Hindu teenage girls are kidnapped in Pakistan by Fanatic Islamic preachers. They are raped and forced to convert to Islam.

Rinkal Kumari will come as an inspiration to those families who get murdered or convert to fanatic Islam out of fear.

IBTL demands PM that all persecuted Hindus from Pakistan and Bangladesh be given citizenship on arrival (after proper investigation that they are Hindus and not on ISI payrolls)

Although India is also not safe for Hindu girls with regular cases of Love and Rape Jehads but it is way safer than Pakistan.

Hope PM shows some spine and instead of nurturing Bangladeshi terrorists, help these refugees who were forced to go to Pakistan when bigot Nehru divided India into 2 pieces 19 years old Rinkel Kumari, a student of Mirpur Mathelo, a small village in the province of Sindh, began the evening of February 24: A handful of men seized her and delivered her a few hours later into the hands of a wealthy Muslim scholar, the man then called her parents, warning them that their daughter "wants to convert to Islam."
ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा शेयर करें ताकि बंद आंखे खुल जाए।Nand Lal, the girl's father, a teacher of an elementary school, accused Naveed... Shah, an influential Muslim, of kidnapping his daughter. The man has the "political cover" provided by Mian Mittho, an elected National Assembly Member, suspected of aiding and abetting. After identifying the perpetrators of the kidnapping of his daughter, he was forced to leave the area of origin to escape the threats of people affiliated with the local mafia. The father found refuge and welcome in Gurdwara in Lahore, in Punjab province, with the rest of his family.
Desert Cults..
Every year, thousands of Hindu teenage girls are kidnapped in Pakistan by Fanatic Islamic preachers. They are raped and forced to convert to Islam.
Rinkal Kumari will come as an inspiration to those families who get murdered or convert to fanatic Islam out of fear.
IBTL demands PM that all persecuted Hindus from Pakistan and Bangladesh be given citizenship on arrival (after proper investigation that they are Hindus and not on ISI payrolls)
Although India is also not safe for Hindu girls with regular cases of Love and Rape Jehads but it is way safer than Pakistan.
Hope PM shows some spine and instead of nurturing Bangladeshi terrorists, help these refugees who were forced to go to Pakistan when bigot Nehru divided India into 2 pieces

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The vastness of Hindu conversions

1. Financial

‘From all over the world, Rs. 1 lakh crore are spent every year on conversions in Bharat.’ – Mr. KB Surendran, Bharatiya Vichar Kendra

1.1 Foreign aid received for conversions to Christianity

A. ‘Based on the report of the Union Home Ministry for the year 2008, a sum of about 210 million dollars is received as foreign aid for Christian priests, preachers and other religious acts.’ – Mr. PC Dogra (Retd. Bharatiya Police officer)
B. ‘According to a report published by the Union Home Ministry in March 2009, some Christian social organisations received millions of dollars as foreign aid for propagation of Christianity in Bharat.’
C. ‘According to a report of the Union Home Ministry for the Year 2011, Christian organisations in Bharat received monetary assistance upto 2500 million dollars.
D. USA, Germany, Britain, Italy and Netherlands are the five main countries which provide funds for conversions in Bharat.’ – Father Johnson, USA

1.2 Foreign aid received for conversions to Islam

A. ‘Indian Fraternity Forum in Damam (Saudi Arabia) collects money for conversions.’
B. Mediums of transfer of money from Arab countries for conversions in Bharat : Money reaches Bharat from Saudi Arabia through ‘Western Union Money Transfer’ through hawala transactions (Illegal money transfer). Some jewellery businessmen in Bharat have their branches in the Gulf countries. Money is transferred through them as well. Since Muslim pilgrims returning from Haj are not subjected to a strict security check at Bharatiya airports, money is also brought in through them.’

2. National

2.1 Eight lakh Hindus get converted every year

Approximately 3.5 lakh Hindus get converted to Islam and 4.5 lakh to Christianity every year; thus, approximately 8 lakh Hindus get converted every year. If the population of 1947 is compared with that today, it will be observed that the Christian population has grown 5 times and that of Muslims 8 times. Approximately 1.20 lakh Muslims and 3 lakh Christian preachers are striving hard to convert Hindus in our country. – Daily ‘Tarun Bharat’ (20.11.1999)

2.2 Nationwide preparedness of Christians for converting Hindus

A. A Christian religious front that is tirelessly working for the mission of conversions in Bharat : ‘As per the ‘Catholic directory’ of 1998 there are 1,19,250 missionaries, 15,101 Christian educational institutions and 47 lakh students who are getting educated in these institutions. Such is the pace of conversions carried out by the missionaries in Bharat.’
B. ‘Christians have targeted 75,000 Pin Codes in Bharat.’ – Father Johnson, USA
C. Various churches and organisations active in Bharat to convert Hindus
1. Seventh-day Adventist Church : ‘Seventh Day Adventists owes its success in Bharat to Canadian evangelist Ron Watts, who arrived in Bharat in 1997. At that time, the Adventist Church had 2,25,000 members after 103 years of operation. In five years, he took the membership to 7 lakh. This Church forms a group of 10-15 villages, and under the guidance of a pastor, conducts the task of conversions systematically. The local volunteers then carry forward this task. In 1998, 9,337 Hindus from 10 groups of 10 villages each got converted. In 1999, the number shot up to 40,000 Hindus from 40 groups.
2. Maranatha Volunteers International : This American organisation provides buildings to Seventh-day Adventist Church. They are committed to building 750 churches in Bharat between 2011-2012.
3. Fjarli : Oregon-based Fjarli family has a goal of building 1,000 churches at the rate of 1 church per day.’
– Father Johnson, USA
4. Sixty-seven Christian organisations in USA : ‘The Leprosy Mission International’, ‘Baptist Bible Fellowship International’, ‘The Bible League’, ‘World Vision’, ‘Trans World Radio’ etc. are some of the 67 USA organisations which are engaged in the mission of converting Hindus in Bharat very discreetly.’ – Monthly ‘Ekta’ (February 2005)

2.3 Muslim policy that has been active since 1983 to convert Hindus to Islam

1. ‘Enticing illiterate, ignorant and poor Hindus, especially the backward classes to convert to Islam
2. Marrying Hindu women and increasing the number of Muslims through procreation
(Using this conspiracy, approximately 5 lakh Hindu women have been converted to Islam in the past 15 years. Detailed information on this has been provided in the book titled ‘Love Jihad’ published by ‘Hindu Janajagruti Samiti’. – Compiler)
3. Preaching Islamic literature in all languages
(These days, as part of this conspiracy they distribute free copies of their text in Bharatiya languages. – Compilers)
4. Renovation of old mosques and construction of new mosques and madarsas
5. Organising international conferences of Muslims in various parts of the country.’
– Monthly ‘Samanvay’ (March-April 1986)
This conspiracy being experienced by Hindus is being carried out even today in a systematic manner.

3. The ghastliness of the Christian and Muslim sponsored State-wise conversions

A. The ‘Joshua Project’ is concentrating completely on Hindi speaking States in North Bharat – Father Johnson, USA
B. In Punjab, the Christian population has risen to 1% due to conversions : ‘Presently, Christian preachers are preaching in a very aggressive way in Punjab. Consequently, the population of Christians, which was less than 0.1% at the time of Independence, has now risen to 1%.’ – (Late) Mr. Milind Gadgil (A senior journalist who specialised in covering war issues), Mumbai
C. Nagaland had only 200 Christians in the pre-Independence era; it has today become the largest Christian State due to conversions : In 1947, the population of Christians in Nagaland was a mere 200. Today, it is the largest Christian State. According to the 2001 census, 90.02% or 17,90,349 Nagas are Christians. Nagaland now has only 7.7% Hindus left.
D. Mizoram the second largest Christian state : Due to the aggressive evangelisation by Christian missionaries, over 90% people in Mizoram have been converted to Christianity.
E. The third Christian majority State in Bharat is Meghalaya : After Independence, Meghalaya too has become a Christian majority State due to conversions. According to the 2001 census, the Christian population there has reached 70.3% and the Hindus are a mere 13.3%. In Meghalaya, all Government social welfare schemes are implemented through Christian organisations.
F. Spread of Christianity in Manipur : In Manipur 34% population has been converted to Christianity. Most people belonging to the Meitei community have converted to Christianity. Literature in the Manipuri language consists only of the Bible and books associated with Christianity.
G. Kandhamal, a tribal District in Odisha, is on its way to becoming a Christian majority : ‘In Odisha, Kandhamal is a tribal District. Of the 6,47,000 population there, over 1,50,000 are Christians. Christians who were 6% in 1971 are now 27%.’
H. ‘Conversions of thousands of Hindus by the ‘Believers’ in the State of Goa’
I. With the help of the earlier Congress Chief Minister, 10,000 people were converted every month in Andhra Pradesh : ‘The Adventist Church had made groups of 10 and 25 villages in Andhra Pradesh, 50 groups in all, for step by step conversions with the help of the earlier Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Y Samuel Rajashekhar Reddy. There, every month a minimum of 10,000 people are converted. Now a target of 5,000 Hindus a day has been set. Gradually, the number of churches in Andhra Pradesh are growing. Attempts are being made to construct a church close to the Tirupati temple.’ – Father Johnson, USA
J. Hindu Dharma on its way to getting wiped out in Kerala : ‘Hindu population in Kerala which was 68.36% in 1901 reduced to 56.20% in 2001 – a fall of 12.16%. Contrary to this, the Muslim population which was 17.28% in 1901 increased to 24.70% in 2001 – a rise of 7.42%. The Christian population which was 13.82% in 1901 became 19.10% in 2001 – a rise of 5.28%.’ – Survey conducted by the Keralathail Hindu group ‘Neriduna Velluvilikal’.
K. Using money power, Christian organisations in Tamil Nadu convert 97,000 poor Hindus to Christianity : ‘Christian organisations in Tamil Nadu are converting Hindus using finance received from USA. A lot of Tamilians are poor. Christian organisations are offering them financial assistance and converting them. Ninety-seven thousand Hindus had been converted to Christianity by 2010.’
L. Conversions in the Andaman and Nicobar islands : ‘In the Union Territory of Andaman-Nicobar islands, the Christian missionaries are taking undue advantage of the poverty, ignorance and helplessness of the people in remote areas. Thousands of tribals there have been converted. On both the islands, a group of 8 to 10 nuns wearing white or blue attire are seen moving around. Today, the Nicobar island has converted completely to Christianity. Along with the Nicobari community, other communities too have become Christians.’ – Mr. Bhaskar Nagare, Navi Mumbai

4. International

4.1 After Nepal became a secular state, 10 lakh Hindus were converted to Christianity

‘After Nepal became a secular State, the process of converting Hindu prisoners has grown. When Nepal had monarchy, it was constitutionally a ‘Hindu Nation’; action used to be taken against Christian evangelists and missionaries who converted Hindus to Christianity. However, now in Nepal Christianity is growing. Bishop Anthony Sharma has proclaimed that of the 2.8 crore population, 10 lakh are Christians.’

4.2 Conversion of helpless Nepali Hindus by Christians, who were granted refuge by USA

‘In the year 2009, about 60,000 Nepali Hindus who had been driven out of Bhutan, were granted refuge by USA. The Christian missionaries there are converting these homeless Hindus, with the help of Bhandra Rai, originally a Nepali Hindu, now converted to Christianity. Informative lectures on Jesus are organised in Nepali language through Rai.’

4.3 The Muslim Government and Christian missionaries in Malaysia plot to convert 7% Hindus in the country

A. Due to atrocities on Hindus by the Muslim Government in Malaysia, they are getting converted at a fast pace : ‘A Hindu organisation from USA active for safeguarding human rights has prepared a report on the atrocities inflicted on Hindus in Malaysia and submitted it to the United Nations Organisation and other international organisations. Given ahead are excerpts from this report.
1. In the past 25 years, 1,30,000 Hindus in Malaysia have been converted.
2. Hindus in Malaysia are compelled to live as second class citizens.
3. Hindus are severely punished even for minor offences.
4. 4. A Hindu man is not allowed to marry a Muslim girl unless he embraces Islam. Muslim men, however, are allowed to marry Hindu girls. In this manner, 33,000 Hindu girls have been converted to Islam.’
B. ‘In 2008, Christian missionaries chalked out a plan to convert 78% of the Hindu population in Malaysia to Christianity.’
(Reference – ‘Religious conversions and Purifying the converted’ )

Shuddhikaran of the converts?

1. Definition

Process of reconverting those who had converted to another religion because of deceit, force or threat to life, to the original religion is known as ‘shuddhikaran’.

2. What do our scriptures say about shuddhikaran?

Renouncing your own Dharma and embracing another is considered a sin in Hindu Dharma. Our scriptures are particular about purity of conduct, and hence, the Hindu society maintains a distance from converts or Hindus who mix excessively with people of other religions in various ways for long periods. Nevertheless, ‘if a Hindu happens to embrace another religion, then the doors of Hindu Dharma are forever shut for him’ – this is not what the authors of scriptures have said. On the contrary, they have stated the provisions available to release oneself from great sins by taking appropriate atonement.

2.1 Atharvaveda (One of the four most sacred Hindu scriptures)

This Holy text clearly mentions how our ancient Vedic ancestors performed the ritual of ‘vratyastom sanskar’ and accepted the non-Vedics into their fold with honour. This proves that, purification can be done by ‘vratyastom sanskar’.

2.2 Manusmruti (A Hindu Holy text written by Sage Manu)

In Manusmruti (Manu 8.168), Sage Manu has said that what is imposed, forced in an unjust manner, written under duress – these are all ‘akrut’, meaning, have not taken place at all. This means that the demerit incurred by conversions, in these ways, can be alleviated with an act of atonement. Manu’s promise in this context is –
अकामतः कृतं पापं वेदाभ्यासेन शुध्यति ।
कामतस्तु कृतं मोहात् प्रायश्चितैः पृथग्विधैः ।। 

– Manusmruti, Adhyaya 11, Shloka 45
Meaning: Any demerit incurred due to an act committed without greed or avarice can be cleansed with study of the Vedas (The most sacred Hindu scriptures regarded as revealed directly by God), while that incurred due to acts performed with greed or avarice can be cleansed by taking various kinds of atonements. (The individual then gets purified.)

2.3 Yadnyavalkyasmruti

Along with a list of grave sins, this Holy text has a list of 39 minor sins. Renouncing your own religion is the 34th minor sin in this list. To get liberated from the demerit incurred by this minor sin, Yadnyavalkya has recommended acts of atonement –
उपपातकशुद्धिः स्यादेवं चान्द्रायणेन वा ।
पयसा वापि मासेन पराकेणाथ वा पुनः ।। 

– Yadnyavalkyasmruti, Adhyaya 3, Shloka 265
Meaning : Purification from the demerit incurred from a minor sin takes place by performing Chandrayan vrat for one month, living only on milk for a month or by undertaking Parak atonement (Fasting for 12 days and nights and keeping the mind attentive and organs subdued).

2.4 Devalsmruti

In the year 732, Mohammad bin Qasim attacked Bharat and converted Hindus in Sindh and Kashmir. That was the first instance when the question of purification of converted Hindus arose. Maharshi Deval, a Saint from Gujarat wrote the Devalsmruti to purify the Dharmabhrashta (Polluted from the perspective of Dharma). All kinds of contaminations caused due to intermixing (physical, social, intellectual, religious etc.) with people of other religions have been described and appropriate atonements to be taken for each of them have been listed in this Holy text. (Devalsmruti, Adhyaya 7, Shloka 23)
In the purification process, the biggest problem was that of a woman who was raped. In this context, Devalsmruti clearly states that a girl or woman who has been raped becomes as pure as before after she gets her next menstrual period.

2.5 Parasharsmruti, Bruhaspatismruti and Yamasmruti

It was a belief in the middle ages that a man gets converted to another religion by eating food (bread etc.) prepared by a Muslim or Christian. However, Parasharsmruti, Bruhaspatismruti and Yamasmruti have shown that there are ways to get out of even greater sins such as eating beef.

2.6 Not purifying those interested in getting themselves purified is also a sin as per the scriptures

The authors of scriptures have said in no uncertain words that those who refuse to purify an individual who begs that, ‘prescribe atonement to me and thereby purify me’ are equally party to the sin.

3. Various methods of purification and rituals

3.1 Performing sanskars of purification with dung and urine of cow

Muslim historian Al-Biruni has mentioned that Hindus converted to Islam by invaders in the Year 1000, were purified by theBrahmans in those days by bathing them with dung and urine of cows, and then accepted into the Hindu religion’.

3.2 Method of purification adopted by H.H. Karapatraswami

‘To purify Hindus who were converted to another religion, H.H. Karapatraswami asked them to recite the Vishnusahastranam, read the 12th Adhyaya of Shrimadbhagwadgita and to perform Trayodashakshari japa of Deity Shriram. With this preaching, He would bless them with tulsi (Holy basil) leaves and tirtha (Sacred liquid). In this way, Hindus performing spiritual practice were included in Hindu Dharma.’ – Gurudev Dr. Kateswamiji
(Purification takes place only with the sattvikta [Purity] or resolve of a highly evolved Saint. Whatever remedies they advise in the form of Karmakanda (Path of ritualistic worship) are a mere formality. – Compilers)

3.3 Shuddisanskar (Ritual of purification) as prescribed by the scriptures

‘The religious ritual recommended by the scriptures to purify Dharmabhrashta Hindus and bring them back into the fold of Hindu Dharma is termed as shuddisanskar. This shuddisanskar is a kind of atonement. Step by step it includes :
1. Prayashcittakathan (Reading out the atonement),
2. Achaman (Sipping water from the right palm after pronouncing 24 Names of Shrivishnu)
3. Sankalp (Resolve),
4. Kshour (Tonsuring),
5. Panchagavyaprashan (Partaking of a mixture of milk, ghee, curds, urine and dung of cow),
6. Dandapradan (Allotment of atonement) – this includes Kruchratraya atonement. If it is not possible to take this atonement, then wealth should be donated to a Brahman as is possible depending on one’s ability,
7. Jalabhimantran (Charging the water with mantras and sprinkling or bathing with it),
8. Mahabhishek – in which abhishek (Consecration with water) is performed amidst recitation of a mantra that means ‘May all the Deities, planets, Sages, cows, trees, serpents, demons, Apsaras (Celestial beauties), rivers, Holy places of pilgrimage perform abhishek on you’,
9. Tilakdharan (A vertical mark made on the forehead with substances such as kumkum),
10. Puja (Ritualistic worship) of the Ishtadevata (Benevolent Deity),
11. Namakaran (Naming ceremony),
12. Abhivadan – Obeisance to Parameshwar (Supreme God),
13. Tirthaprashan (Partaking of tirtha),
14. Mantropadesh (Preaching of a mantra) as per the need,
15. Punarupanayan (Performing upanayan sanskar once again) and hom (Fire sacrifice).
This ritual is easy to perform and has been agreed upon by the authorities on scriptures. This ritual does not require a very learned priest. It is easy and can be performed by anyone.’ – MM Siddheshwarshastri Chitrav (Shuddhisanskar, 1927)

4. Paths of spiritual practice for those who have converted to Hindu Dharma

A. According to Bhagwapuran, Dharmabhrashta individuals are purified when they chant the Name of Shrivishnu.
B. ‘People who embrace Hindu Dharma after conversions will belong to the Vaishnav sect. The Bhaktimarg (Path of Devotion) recommended by the Bhagwat is for these people. It will make the Hindu society progress, radiant and opulent.’ – Gurudev Dr. Kateswamiji

5. Doubts on purification as clarified by Swami Vivekanand

In 1899, the periodical ‘Prabuddha Bharat’ interviewed Swami Vivekanand on the subject of ‘Purification of converted Hindus and those who are originally non-Hindus’. Summary of the doubts clarified by Swami Vivekanand is given ahead.

5.1 Necessity of purifying Hindus who had converted to another religion

Representative : Should Hindus who had converted (to another religion) be accepted by the Hindu Dharma after purification ?
Swami Vivekanand : ‘Without doubt. Hindus who had converted to another religion should be purified. If that is not done then gradually the Hindu population will dwindle. The ancient Muslim historian Ferishta says, when Muslims first came to this country the Hindu population was 60 crores. Today (in 1899) it is only 20 crores. Most of the conversions have been done forcefully by Muslims and Christians at sword point. Most present day members of other religions are the descendants of Hindus who were converted in that period. It is not at all beneficial to drive them away. If people, who had converted to another religion of their own accord, now wish to return to their original religion, then they too should be purified. Hindus who were compelled to embrace another religion because of atrocities inflicted upon them do not need to perform any act of atonement to return to the Hindu Dharma.

5.2 History reveals that non-Hindus were welcomed by Hindu Dharma

Representative : Is there a need to purify non-Hindus, that is, convert them to the Hindu Dharma ?
Swami Vivekanand : In the past, many people of foreign origin have been accepted by Hindu Dharma. Many ethnic groups living in forests on the borders of the country have been accepted by Hindu Dharma. Such people of foreign origin need not take atonement when entering the Hindu Dharma.

5.3 After purification, Hindus who have converted to another religion should accept their original caste

Representative : What should be the caste of the purifi ed individuals ?
Swami Vivekanand : Those who were converted to another religion forcibly will return to their original caste. An entirely new caste will have to be created for new entrants to Hindu Dharma. This caste will be the Vaishnav caste. To avoid varnasankar(Intermixing of varnas), they should marry in their own caste. They should have Hindu names because these names have both, a Hindu identity and Chaitanya (Divine consciousness). – ‘Prabuddha Bharat’ (April 1899)

6. Appeal to the Hindu Society

A. To keep the Hindu society alive, start a purification campaign ! : ‘Some people ask arrogantly, ‘What will you gain by purification of an individual or a few hundred people ?’ Just as a lake is formed out of a collection of many droplets of water, so does it dry up when the droplets evaporate’. Proactive Hindus should take cognisance of this fact. In this context, founder of the ‘Bhosale Army School’ in Nashik and a radiant Hindu leader (Late) Dr. Balakrushna Shivaram Munje would say, ‘If we wish that Hindu society continue to exist with all its radiance, then a purification campaign should be commenced’. – Mr. Sanjay Mulye, Ratnagiri (
B. Purification of converts should be on the agenda of Hindus ! : ‘After slaying Tipu Sultan, the army of the Marathas along with the British army was returning to Pune. On the way, many Hindu families were standing on the road sides pleading, ‘Please make us Hindus again’ to the Maratha army commander Haripant Phadke. They wished to return to the Hindu Dharma, but the subject of purification of converted Hindus was not on the agenda of Marathas. Even today, Hindus do not include on their agenda purification of converted Hindus. Excluding a negligible period of Deval Maharshi, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Swatantryaveer Savarkar, H.H. Masurkar Maharaj and Swami Shraddhanand, history reveals that the Hindus have neglected purification of converts completely. Swatantryaveer Savarkar had warned that ‘purification was not just a religious task, it was also political’. Hence, purification should necessarily be a part of Hindu agenda.’ – Mr. Arvind Vitthal Kulkarni (Monthly ‘Lokjagar’, 2008)
C. The campaign to purify Hindus who have converted to other religions in Bharat should gain momentum ! : ‘H.H. Masurkar Maharaj had said, ‘Today, the mission of reconverting the descendants of Hindus who had been converted to another religion, and granting them religious freedom is the most sacred mission, even more sacred than a pilgrimage to Kashi’. This sacred mission should be performed not only in converted tribal areas, but in every non-Hindu area. You cannot become a Muslim without circumcision or a Christian without baptism. In the same way, without purification, converts cannot become Hindus. That is precisely why the campaign to purify Hindus who have converted to other religions in Bharat should gain momentum. Conversions of Hindus are even more frightening than desecration of temples. Razed temples can be reconstructed, but people who have gone to another religion do not return. Rather, later, their descendants become staunch anti-Hindus and desecrate the new temples. To stop this cycle of cruelty, every Hindu should take upon himself the task of reconverting these converted Hindus to Hindu Dharma. As advised by Samartha Ramdas Swami, Hindus need to blow the conch of purification all over Bharat to protect Hindu Dharma.
(Reference – ‘Religious conversions and Purifying the converted’ )