Showing posts with label prithviraj chouhan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prithviraj chouhan. Show all posts

Sunday, March 4, 2018

कुतुबुद्दीन ऐबक और क़ुतुबमीनार---

किसी भी देश पर शासन करना है तो उस देश के लोगों का ऐसा ब्रेनवाश कर दो कि वो अपने देश, अपनी संस्कृति और अपने पूर्वजों पर गर्व करना छोड़ दें. इस्लामी हमलावरों और उनके बाद अंग्रेजों ने भी भारत में यही किया. हम अपने पूर्वजों पर गर्व करना भूलकर उन अत्याचारियों को महान समझने लगे जिन्होंने भारत पर बेहिसाब जुल्म किये थे।

अगर आप दिल्ली घुमने गए है तो आपने कभी विष्णू स्तम्भ (क़ुतुबमीनार) को भी अवश्य देखा होगा. जिसके बारे में बताया जाता है कि उसे कुतुबुद्दीन ऐबक ने बनबाया था. हम कभी जानने की कोशिश भी नहीं करते हैं कि कुतुबुद्दीन कौन था, उसने कितने बर्ष दिल्ली पर शासन किया, उसने कब विष्णू स्तम्भ (क़ुतुबमीनार) को बनवाया या विष्णू स्तम्भ (कुतूबमीनार) से पहले वो और क्या क्या बनवा चुका था ?

कुतुबुद्दीन ऐबक, मोहम्मद गौरी का खरीदा हुआ गुलाम था. मोहम्मद गौरी भारत पर कई हमले कर चुका था मगर हर बार उसे हारकर वापस जाना पडा था. ख्वाजा मोइनुद्दीन चिश्ती की जासूसी और कुतुबुद्दीन की रणनीति के कारण मोहम्मद गौरी, तराइन की लड़ाई में पृथ्वीराज चौहान को हराने में कामयाबी रहा और अजमेर / दिल्ली पर उसका कब्जा हो गया।

अजमेर पर कब्जा होने के बाद मोहम्मद गौरी ने चिश्ती से इनाम मांगने को कहा. तब चिश्ती ने अपनी जासूसी का इनाम मांगते हुए, एक भव्य मंदिर की तरफ इशारा करके गौरी से कहा कि तीन दिन में इस मंदिर को तोड़कर मस्जिद बना कर दो. तब कुतुबुद्दीन ने कहा आप तीन दिन कह रहे हैं मैं यह काम ढाई दिन में कर के आपको दूंगा।

कुतुबुद्दीन ने ढाई दिन में उस मंदिर को तोड़कर मस्जिद में बदल दिया. आज भी यह जगह "अढाई दिन का झोपड़ा" के नाम से जानी जाती है. जीत के बाद मोहम्मद गौरी, पश्चिमी भारत की जिम्मेदारी "कुतुबुद्दीन" को और पूर्वी भारत की जिम्मेदारी अपने दुसरे सेनापति "बख्तियार खिलजी" (जिसने नालंदा को जलाया था) को सौंप कर वापस चला गय था।

कुतुबुद्दीन कुल चार साल (१२०६ से १२१० तक) दिल्ली का शासक रहा. इन चार साल में वो अपने राज्य का विस्तार, इस्लाम के प्रचार और बुतपरस्ती का खात्मा करने में लगा रहा. हांसी, कन्नौज, बदायूं, मेरठ, अलीगढ़, कालिंजर, महोबा, आदि को उसने जीता. अजमेर के विद्रोह को दबाने के साथ राजस्थान के भी कई इलाकों में उसने काफी आतंक मचाया।

जिसे क़ुतुबमीनार कहते हैं वो महाराजा वीर विक्रमादित्य की वेदशाला थी. जहा बैठकर खगोलशास्त्री वराहमिहर ने ग्रहों, नक्षत्रों, तारों का अध्ययन कर, भारतीय कैलेण्डर "विक्रम संवत" का आविष्कार किया था. यहाँ पर २७ छोटे छोटे भवन (मंदिर) थे जो २७ नक्षत्रों के प्रतीक थे और मध्य में विष्णू स्तम्भ था, जिसको ध्रुव स्तम्भ भी कहा जाता था।

दिल्ली पर कब्जा करने के बाद उसने उन २७ मंदिरों को तोड दिया।विशाल विष्णु स्तम्भ को तोड़ने का तरीका समझ न आने पर उसने उसको तोड़ने के बजाय अपना नाम दे दिया। तब से उसे क़ुतुबमीनार कहा जाने लगा. कालान्तर में यह यह झूठ प्रचारित किया गया कि क़ुतुब मीनार को कुतुबुद्दीन ने बनबाया था. जबकि वो एक विध्वंशक था न कि कोई निर्माता।

अब बात करते हैं कुतुबुद्दीन की मौत की।इतिहास की किताबो में लिखा है कि उसकी मौत पोलो खेलते समय घोड़े से गिरने पर से हुई. ये अफगान / तुर्क लोग "पोलो" नहीं खेलते थे, पोलो खेल अंग्रेजों ने शुरू किया. अफगान / तुर्क लोग बुजकशी खेलते हैं जिसमे एक बकरे को मारकर उसे लेकर घोड़े पर भागते है, जो उसे लेकर मंजिल तक पहुंचता है, वो जीतता है।

कुतबुद्दीन ने अजमेर के विद्रोह को कुचलने के बाद राजस्थान के अनेकों इलाकों में कहर बरपाया था. उसका सबसे कडा विरोध उदयपुर के राजा ने किया, परन्तु कुतुबद्दीन उसको हराने में कामयाब रहा. उसने धोखे से राजकुंवर कर्णसिंह को बंदी बनाकर और उनको जान से मारने की धमकी देकर, राजकुंवर और उनके घोड़े शुभ्रक को पकड कर लाहौर ले आया।

एक दिन राजकुंवर ने कैद से भागने की कोशिश की, लेकिन पकड़ा गया. इस पर क्रोधित होकर कुतुबुद्दीन ने उसका सर काटने का हुकुम दिया. दरिंदगी दिखाने के लिए उसने कहा कि बुजकशी खेला जाएगा लेकिन इसमें बकरे की जगह राजकुंवर का कटा हुआ सर इस्तेमाल होगा. कुतुबुद्दीन ने इस काम के लिए, अपने लिए घोड़ा भी राजकुंवर का "शुभ्रक" चुना।

कुतुबुद्दीन "शुभ्रक" घोडे पर सवार होकर अपनी टोली के साथ जन्नत बाग में पहुंचा. राजकुंवर को भी जंजीरों में बांधकर वहां लाया गया. राजकुंवर का सर काटने के लिए जैसे ही उनकी जंजीरों को खोला गया, शुभ्रक घोडे ने उछलकर कुतुबुद्दीन को अपनी पीठ से नीचे गिरा दिया और अपने पैरों से उसकी छाती पर क् बार किये, जिससे कुतुबुद्दीन वहीं पर मर गया।

इससे पहले कि सिपाही कुछ समझ पाते राजकुवर शुभ्रक घोडे पर सवार होकर वहां से निकल गए. कुतुबुदीन के सैनिको ने उनका पीछा किया मगर वो उनको पकड न सके. शुभ्रक कई दिन और कई रात दौड़ता रहा और अपने स्वामी को लेकर उदयपुर के महल के सामने आ कर रुका. वहां पहुंचकर जब राजकुंवर ने उतर कर पुचकारा तो वो मूर्ति की तरह शांत खडा रहा।

वो मर चुका था, सर पर हाथ फेरते ही उसका निष्प्राण शरीर लुढ़क गया. कुतुबुद्दीन की मौत और शुभ्रक की स्वामिभक्ति की इस घटना के बारे में हमारे स्कूलों में नहीं पढ़ाया जाता है लेकिन इस घटना के बारे में फारसी के प्राचीन लेखकों ने काफी लिखा है. *धन्य है भारत की भूमि जहाँ इंसान तो क्या जानवर भी अपनी स्वामी भक्ति के लिए प्राण दांव पर लगा देते हैं।


Sunday, June 25, 2017

Story of Jaichand after he helped Mohammedn Gauri kill Prithviraj Chauhan- Decoded,

The name ‘Jaichand’ is today synonymous with treason and treachery. As history tells us, he was initially allied with Prithviraj Chauhan, the ruler of Delhi and north India. This grand alliance, along with some other prominent Rajputs, had enabled Prithviraj Chauhan to crush Mohammed Ghori in the First Battle of Tarain (1191). After the battle, instead of nipping the threat in the bud, Chauhan allowed Ghori to retreat and escape. And that is the point from where things started going from bad to worse. Historians are divided as to what exactly transpired in the one year after the first battle of Tarain. The most popular account is about how Jaichand, the ruler of Kannauj, was unwilling to give his daughter’s hand in marriage to Prithviraj Chauhan, and this then snowballed into a political rivalry. After this, even a few battles were fought between the armies of Prithviraj Chauhan and Jaichand, and in the process Prithviraj lost some of his best generals.
Meanwhile, Mohammed Ghori, still smarting from his defeat, planned extensively for a second invasion. Prithviraj Chauhan cobbled up an alliance to face him, like he had the first time. Jaichand, the powerful ruler of Kannauj with a rich city like Varanasi under him, refused to help. Some chronicles state he actively helped Mohammed Ghori. In the Second Battle of Tarain, the depleted forces of Prithviraj Chauhan were defeated and the ruler of Delhi killed.
That is what history is. Popular knowledge ends with the Second Battle of Tarain. There are some very obvious lessons to be learnt here. But perhaps the bigger lesson lies in knowing what happened to Jaichand a mere two years after staying aloof from the battle that killed Prithviraj Chauhan.
One would believe that for staying away from Tarain he must have been justly rewarded by Mohammed Ghori, the new ruler of Delhi. If not anything else, at least some kind of alliance? A peaceful old age and long-running dynasty for sure? Jaichand, we must remember, ruled over a vast area, stretching from today’s Kannauj to Varanasi. Certainly, if his presence or rather absence decided the battle, he cannot have been an unimportant person. His kingdom included today’s eastern Uttar Pradesh and western Bihar, including the holy city of Varanasi. With the demise of Prithviraj Chauhan, Jaichand automatically became one of the most powerful rulers in north India. But Jaichand’s name is no longer found in history, and India’s history from 1192 takes a definitive turn.
Mohammed Ghori returned to his domains beyond the Khyber Pass, and left Qutubuddin Aibak to ‘settle matters’ in the newly conquered territories. He battled at Delhi and Ajmer, and finished the remnants of Prithviraj Chauhan’s army. Then he turned towards modern day Meerut and Aligarh, areas under the influence of Kannauj and Jaichand. Next in line was Kannauj itself! At this point, Mohammed Ghori once again descended from the Khyber Pass and joined Qutubuddin Aibak. Together, they attacked the person who had aided them just two years before! Jaichand, now fighting all alone and for himself, put on his armour and led his army out of Kannauj.
Somewhere in the region between Kannauj and Etawah, at a place called Chandwar (near modern Firozabad), the two armies clashed. A pitched battle was fought, but in the intervening three years, Mohammed Ghori had increased his army’s size manifold. Even so, Kannauj fought well until an arrow felled Jaichand — and Ghori had a clean sweep of this battlefield too.
A contemporary chronicle, Tarikh e Firoz Shahi, states that Jaichand’s head was presented to Ghori and Qutubuddin Aibak after this battle. Jaichand’s son then prepared to defend Kannauj, but Mohammed Ghori instead made his way to Varanasi. The holy city on the banks of the Ganges was also an important financial centre for the kings of Kannauj. Pillaging and destruction of the city followed. Ghori also occupied the fort of Asni. It is said that Mohammed Ghori, at the end of this campaign, returned with a loot that had to be carried on 1,400 camels!
As for Kannauj, it was once the principal cities of ancient India. Even at the time of Jaichand, it exerted considerable clout. Following his death, the kingdom shrunk to just the size of the city and merely a few years later, Iltutmish finished the remnants. As an ex-KGB spy would say, Jaichand perfectly fit the bill of a “useful idiot”.
The writer is the author of Brahmaputra – The Story of Lachit Barphukan and Sahyadris to Hindukush

Thursday, October 29, 2015

भारत में मुसलमानो के 800 वर्ष के शासन का झूठ –

भारत में मुसलमानो के 800 वर्ष के शासन का झूठ –
क्या भारत में मुसलमानो ने 800 वर्षो तक शासन किया है। सुनने में यही आता है पर न कभी कोई आत्ममंथन करता है और न इतिहास का सही अवलोकन।
प्रारम्भ करते है मुहम्मद बिन कासिम से।

भारत पर पहला आक्रमण मुहम्मद बिन ने 711 ई में सिंध पर किया। राजा दाहिर पूरी शक्ति से लड़े और मुसलमानो के धोखे के शिकार होकर वीरगति को प्राप्त हुए।
दूसरा हमला 735 में राजपुताना पर हुआ जब हज्जात ने सेना भेजकर बाप्पा रावल के राज्य पर आक्रमण किया। वीर बाप्पा रावल ने मुसलमानो को न केवल खदेड़ा बल्कि अफगानिस्तान तक मुस्लिम राज्यो को रौंदते हुए अरब की सीमा तक पहुँच गए। ईरान अफगानिस्तान के मुस्लिम सुल्तानों ने उन्हें अपनी पुत्रिया भेंट की और उन्होंने 35 मुस्लिम लड़कियो से विवाह करके सनातन धर्म का डंका पुन बजाया। बाप्पा रावल का इतिहास कही नहीं पढ़ाया जाता यहाँ तक की अधिकतर इतिहासकर उनका नाम भी छुपाते है। गिनती भर हिन्दू होंगे जो उनका नाम जानते है। दूसरे ही युद्ध में भारत से इस्लाम समाप्त हो चूका था। ये था भारत में पहली बार इस्लाम का नाश
अब आगे बढ़ते है गजनवी पर। बाप्पा रावल के आक्रमणों से मुसलमान इतने भयक्रांत हुए की अगले 300 सालो तक वे भारत से दूर रहे। इसके बाद महमूद गजनवी ने 1002 से 1017 तक भारत पर कई आक्रमण किये पर हर बार उसे भारत के हिन्दू राजाओ से कड़ा उत्तर मिला। महमूद गजनवी ने सोमनाथ पर भी कई आक्रमण किये पर 17वे युद्ध में उसे सफलता मिली थी। सोमनाथ के शिवलिंग को उसने तोडा नहीं था बल्कि उसे लूट कर वह काबा ले गया था जिसका रहस्य आपके समक्ष जल्द ही रखता हु। यहाँ से उसे शिवलिंग तो मिल गया जो चुम्बक का बना हुआ था पर खजाना नहीं मिला।
भारतीय राजाओ के निरंतर आक्रमण से वह वापिस गजनी लौट गया और अगले 100 सालो तक कोई भी मुस्लिम आक्रमणकारी भारत पकर आक्रमण न कर सका।
1098 में मुहम्मद गौरी ने पृथ्वीराज राज चौहान को 16 युद्द के बाद परास्त किया और अजमेर व् दिल्ली पर उसके गुलाम वंश के शासक जैसे कुतुबुद्दीन इल्तुमिश व् बलबन दिल्ली से आगे न बढ़ सके। उन्हें हिन्दू राजाओ के प्रतिरोध का सामना करना पड़ा। पश्चिमी द्वारा खुला रहा जहाँ से बाद में ख़िलजी लोधी तुगलक आदि आये
ख़िलजी भारत के उत्तरी भाग से होते हुए बिहार बंगाल पहुँच गए। कूच बिहार व् बंगाल में मुसलमानो का राज्य हो गया पर बिहार व् अवध प्रदेश मुसलमानो से अब भी दूर थे। शेष भारत में केवल गुजरात ही मुसलमानो के अधिकार में था। अन्य भाग स्वतन्त्र थे
1526 में राणा सांगा ने इब्राहिम लोधी के विरुद्ध बाबर को बुलाया। बाबर ने लोधियों की सत्ता तो उखाड़ दी पर वो भारत की सम्पन्नता देख यही रुक गया और राणा सांगा को उसमे युद्ध में हरा दिया। चित्तोड़ तब भी स्वतंत्र रहा पर अब दिल्ली मुगलो के अधिकार में थी।
हुमायूँ दिल्ली पर अधिकार नहीं कर पाया पर उसका बेटा अवश्य दिल्ली से आगरा के भाग पर शासन करने में सफल रहा। तब तक कश्मीर भी मुसलमानो के अधिकार में आ चूका था। अकबर पुरे जीवन महाराणा प्रताप से युद्ध में व्यस्त रहा जो बाप्पा रावल के ही वंशज थे और उदय सिंह के पुत्र थे जिनके पूर्वजो ने 700 सालो तक मुस्लिम आक्रमणकारियो का सफलतापूर्वक सामना किया।
जहाँहुर व् शाहजहाँ भी राजपूतो से युद्धों में व्यस्त रहे व् भारत के बाकी भाग पर राज्य न कर पाये। दक्षिण में बीजापुर में तब तक इस्लाम शासन स्थापित हो चुका था। औरंगजेब के समय में मराठा शक्ति का उदय हुआ और शिवाजी महाराज से लेकर पेशवाओ ने मुगलो की जड़े खोद डाली। शिवाजी महाराज द्वारा स्थापित हिंदवी स्वराज्य को बाजीराव पेशवा ने भारत में हिमाचल बंगाल और पुरे दक्षिण में फैलाया। दिल्ली में उन्होंने आक्रमण से पहले गौरी शंकर भगवान् से मन्नत मांगी थी की यदि वे सफल रहे तो चांदनी चौक में वे भव्य मंदिर बनाएंगे जहाँ कभी पीपल के पेड़ के नीचे 5 शिवलिंग रखे थे। बाजीराव ने दिल्ली पर अधिकार किया और गौरी शंकर मंदिर का निर्माण किया जिसका प्रमाण मंदिर के बाहर उनके नाम का लगा हुआ शिलालेख है। बाजीराव पेशवा ने एक शक्तिशाली हिन्दुराष्ट्र की स्थापन की जो 1830 तक अंग्रेजो के आने तक स्थापित रहा। मुगल सुल्तान मराठाओ को चौथ व् कर देते रहे और केवल लालकिले तक सिमित रह गए। और वे तब तक शक्तिहीन रहे जब तक अंग्रेज भारत में नहीं आ गए। 1760 के बाद भारत में मुस्लिम जनसँख्या में जबरदस्त गिरावट हुई जो 1800 तक मात्र 7 प्रतिशत तक पहुँच गयी थी। अंग्रेजो के आने के बाद मुसल्मानो को संजीवनी मिली और पुन इस्लाम को खड़ा किया गया ताकि भारत में सनातन धर्म को नष्ट किया जा सके इसलिए अंग्रेजो ने 50 साल से अधिक समय से पहले ही मुसलमानो के सहारे भारत विभाजन का षड्यंत्र रच लिया था। मुसलमानो के हिन्दुविरोधी रवैये व् उनके धार्मिक जूनून को अंग्रेजो ने सही से प्रयोग किया।
असल में पूरी दुनिया में मुस्लिम कौम सबसे मुर्ख कौम है जिसे कभी ईसाइयो ने कभी यहूदियो ने कभी अंग्रेजो ने अपने लाभ के लिए प्रयोग किया। आज उन्ही मुसलमानो को पाकिस्तान में हमारी एजेंसीज अपने लाभ के लियर प्रयोग करती है जिस पर अधिक जानने के लिए अगली पोस्ट की प्रतीक्षा करे।
ये झूठ इतिहास क्यों पढ़ाया गया।
असल में हिन्दुओ पर 1200 सालो के निरंतर आक्रमण के बाद भी जब भारत पर इस्लामिक शासन स्थापित नहीं हुआ और न ही अंग्रेज इस देश को पूरा समाप्त करे तो उन्होंने शिक्षा को अपना अस्त्र बनाया और इतिहास में फेरबदल किये। अब हिन्दुओ की मानसिकता को बसलन है तो उन्हें ये बताना होगा की तुम गुलाम हो। लगातार जब यही भाव हिन्दुओ में होगा तो वे स्वयं को कमजोर और अत्याचारी को शक्तिशाली समझेंगे। अत: भारत के हिन्दुओ को मानसिक गुलाम बनाया गया जिसके लिए झूठे इतिहास का सहारा लिया गया और परिणाम सामने है। लुटेरे और चोरो को आज हम बादशाह सुलतान नामो से पुकारते है उनके नाम पर सड़के बनाते है शहरो के नाम रखते है है और उसका कोई हिन्दू विरोध भी नहीं करता जो बिना गुलाम मानसिकता के संभव नहीं सकता था
इसलिए इतिहास बदलो
मन बदलो
और गुलाम बनाओ
यही आज तक होता आया है
जिसे हमने मित्र माना वही अंत में हमारी पीठ पर वार करता है। इसलिए झूठे इतिहास और झुठर मित्र दोनों से सावधान रहने की आवश्यकता है।
शेयर अवश्य करे।
क्या पता आप अपने किसी मित्र के मन से ये गुलामी का भाव निकाल दे की हम कभी किसी के दास नहीं बल्कि शक्तिशाली थे जिन्होंने 1200 सालो तक विदेशी मुस्लिम लुटेरो और अंग्रेजो का सामना किया और आज भी जीवित बचे हुए है।
अगर आप सहमत है तो इस सचाई “शेयर ” कर के उजागर करे।

Sunday, January 4, 2015



The career of Prithvi Raj Chauhan has a tragic irony of its own. Though among the bravest of India's warrior heroes, his political naivet=82 bordering on stupidity caused India to knuckle under Muslim rule and usher in an era of unmitigated rape, plunder, chaos, repression and religious conversions which lasted for 600 years.
Rajasthan- During The Rajputs
Prithviraj Chauhan
But what is more tragic is that the Prithvi Raj trait of blundering generosity has continued to haunt all of India's rulers ever since down to Mohandas K. Gandhi, Jawahar L. Nehru and Lal Bahadur Shastri. While the former two, like Prithvi Raj, showed misplaced clemency to the invader and bartered away large chunks of Indian territory for some illusive peace, the latter failed to win back Lahore and Sialkot and the occupied part of Kashmir in the finest hour of India's victory. It will be a day to celebrate when the Prithvi Raj spell of frittering away of India's advantages will be exercised and Indian rulers will once again restore Hinduism to the territories it owned and ruled before Mohammed Qasem's depredations.
Ranathambor Fort
Coins of The Chauhans
Born in 1159 A.D. Prithvi Raj was the last Hindu emperor of India and yet it was he who inflicted some of the most crushing defeats on Muslim invaders. But in spite of putting their armies to rout he committed the blunder of not following the pest to its source and making an end of it. His portrait should hang in India's Cabinet room and Parliament House as a warning to India's future rulers.

Prithviraj Chauhan FortChittaurgarh FortIt is a pity that though Prithvi Raj ranks amongst some of India's greatest warriors, some vital details of his career remain unknown. The alien Muslim spell on India has been so blighting that no body seems to have bothered to piece together the life story of this great warrior and last Hindu emperor from beginning to end. This is a measure of India's tragic neglect of its brave and patriotic traditions.
Prithvi Raj Chauhan is also known as Rai Pithora. The surname Chauhan is the corrupt form of Chahaman. This solar dynasty hailing from Sambhar and Ajmer has given India some of her most distinguished rulers. A scion of that family, Vigraharaj IV, was not only a great warrior and ruler but also a celebrated scholar who wrote a Sanskrit drama.
Prithvi Raj's father, Someshwar, was the brother of Vigraharaj IV. The story of Prithvi Raj and his ruler colleagues of different principalities in India engrossed in their petty squabbles and enmities while Muslim hyenas prowled on India's borders, make depressing reading.
Bheemdeo, the ruler of Gujarat, had killed Prithvi Raj's father Someshwar in battle. Prithvi Raj was, therefore, itching to avenge his father's death. An opportunity presented itself when Bheemdeo asked for the hand in marriage of Ichchhini Kumari, the daughter of Jait Parmar, the ruler of Abu. When his suit was rejected, he threatened invasion. Jait Parmar sought Prithvi Raj's help. Prithvi Raj was only too willing to oblige because he had an old score to settle with Bheemdeo. In the battle fought on the banks of the Sabarmati river within Bheemdeo's territory, Prithvi Raj inflicted a crushing defeat on the former. A grateful Jait Parmar then gave his daughter Ichchhini Kumari in marriage to the proud victor Prithvi Raj.
Prithvi Raj's capital had been Ajmer. That non-descript modern name derives from the delightful Sanskrit word Ajaymeru. What is currently known as the Moinuddin Chishti tomb, the Taragadh, the Adhai-din-ka-Zopda, the Annasagar lake and the city palace, all existed during Prithvi Raj's times. They were part of his fortifications. And yet they have been falsely ascribed to subsequent Muslim usurpers by sycophant chroniclers. The palace in Ajmer town, mischievously credited to Akbar, was the palace in which Prithvi Raj used to stay when in town and not in the nearby mountain fortress of Taragadh.
By a stroke of luck Prithvi Raj also became the owner of the large territories forming part of the kingdom of Delhi. Anangpal, the maternal grandfather of Prithvi Raj, ruled in Delhi. He had two daughters. One of them was the mother of Prithvi Raj while the other had a son called Jaichand who ruled at Kannauj. Having no son, Anangpal willed away the kingdom to Prithvi Raj.
Obviously, so far as bravery and patriotism were concerned, Jaichand was no match to Prithvi Raj. Ananagpal too, in his great wisdom, refused to treat the kingdom of Hindusthan as a chattel to be divided equally between his two maternal grandsons, Prithvi Raj and Jaichand. With unerring judgment he selected Prithvi Raj as his sole heir and successor. He was not the one to countenance any fragmentation of his kingdom. Apparently, Prithvi Raj's weakness in believing in the faithless words of treacherous Muslim invaders, his generosity to his inveterate and unscrupulous Muslim enemies and complacency were later developments.
But wise as Anangpal's choice was, it caused short-sighted jealous and avaricious Jaichand a deep heart-burn. He felt specially piqued because he was much senior in age. Burning in ambition to go down in history as an unchallenged emperor of Hindusthan, Jaichand commenced the traditional Rajsooya Yajnya (sacrifice) to proclaim and claim emperorship. He had a daughter called Sanyogita who felt drawn toward Prithvi Raj.
As a matter of cold formality, Jaichand had invited Prithvi Raj to the Yajnya. It is customary for the host, on such occasions, to allocate various duties connected with the ceremony to his kith and kin so that the guests may be well looked after. To spite Prithvi Raj, Jaichand appointed him chief of the palace guard for the duration of the ceremony. Thereby Prithvi Raj had not only to keep standing outside the palace but do humble obeisance to all and sundry. This imposed duty did not quite accord with his reputation as a fearless warrior and patriot who held promise of being a future emperor.
Prithvi Raj made most of the humble role assigned to him by the inimical master of ceremonies and eloped with the latter's daughter Sanyogita who was already head over heels in love with him (A.D. 1175).
This added to the enmity between the two. Prithvi Raj now made Delhi his home. In 1183 A.D. he launched on a career of conquest and annexed Bundelkhand and other adjoining regions.
It was Prithvi Raj's ambition to consolidate his numerous fragmented kingdoms in one country-wide realm under his leadership. And but for his complacence, misplaced generosity, naivet and haughtiness, he held great promise of being one of India's most farsighted, brave and patriotic rulers.


Tradition has it that Prithvi Raj inflicted 14 crushing defeats on Muslim invaders. But he allowed the enemy to hover on India's borders instead of following the latter to his source and nipping the enemy there. India has committed this blunder umpteen times. It is no use merely turning out hyenas, wolves and tigers from the house, slamming the door in their face and allowing them to go on prowling outside while we sit pretty inside. In the meantime, the simple people in the countryside are ravaged and made to turn against their own country by forced change of religion. Unfortunately, this is happening even today in India and our rulers refuse to learn any lesson from history.
Why teach history in our schools and colleges at all if history is not to teach us any lesson?
But our contemporary leaders are doing something worse. They are fattening and battening the enemy at the cost of the Indian tax-payer by supplying him with our money and our river waters and wishing him many happy returns of his umpteen invasions.
Jaichand, a cousin of Prithvi Raj, was chafing under imaginary scores he had to settle against the latter. Prithvi Raj's rising fortune, valor and victories, added fuel to Jaichand's fire of envy. He swore vengeance at any cost. He, in league with the king of Pattan, in impotent rage against Prithvi Raj's waxing fortune invited Mohammed Ghori, a Muslim gangster marauder prowling on India's borders. Can one imagine a more stupid and suicidal act?
Ghori was only too glad to have some royal Indian stooges to underwrite his adventure in India and avail himself of their royal protection to wage war against mighty Prithvi Raj Chauhan.
The two armies met at a place called Narain alias Tarain or Taraaori in 1191 A.D. According to Farishta, Narain is on the banks of the Sarsuti, 14 miles from Thaneshwar. General Cunningham places it on the banks of the Rakshi river, four miles southwest of Tirauri and ten miles to the north of Karnal. Taraaori was later named Azimabad.
Mohammed Ghori's army was so thoroughly routed that to save his reputation with his gang he rushed lance in hand in the thick of the fray at the elephant on which Gobindrai of Delhi was mounted. The Rai struck back and inflicted a gushing wound on Ghori's arm with his long lance. A Muslim chronicler, Minhaj-us- Siraj, describes these moments of Ghori's agony: "The Sultan reined back his horse and turned aside, and the pain of the wound was so insufferable that he could not support himself on horse-back. The Mussalman army gave way and could not be controlled...When the Mussalmans lost sight of the Sultan, a panic fell upon them; they fled and halted not until they were safe from the pursuit of the victors" (Pg. 296, Vol. II, Elliot and Dowson).
Muslim accounts say that Mohammed Ghori was whisked away by a young Khilji. But Hindu accounts, which seem to be more reliable, assert that Ghori was brought a captive before Prithvi Raj. With characteristic treachery and faithlessness of his tribe, Ghori shed crocodile tears over is folly and craved for pardon promising never again to violate India's borders. Prithvi Raj was a fool to believe in the Muslim's promises. He should have been well aware of the depredations and treason since the time of Mohammed Qasem.
In order that such lessons of history may not be lost on the reigning monarch, according to ancient traditions, a monarch's routine enjoined upon him to spend some time every day listening to the history of his ancestors and country.
Either that thoughtful provision had not been continued during Prithvi Raj's time or he failed to derive any benefit from it, and he ordered Mohammed Ghori's unconditional release.
In this Prithvi Raj should have taken a lesson from the Muslims themselves. In Muslim internecine warfare, brother used to murder a brother for the father's throne or at least scoop out the eyes of his fraternal adversary. Had Prithvi Raj dealt the same punishment and meted out justice to the aggressor, he would have saved generations of Indians untold misery and humiliation. Instead, he committed the folly of allowing an injured snake to slither away only to come back with more venom. All that Mohammed Ghori was asked to remit by way of reparations was 8,000 horses which the gangster gladly did.
The success seems to have gone to Prithvi Raj's head. He became progressively unmindful of his royal duties. His wife Sanyogita appears to have exercised an unwholesome influence upon him. They perhaps preferred to live in a romantic isolation!
Prtihvi Raj made himself unapproachable even to his counselors and erstwhile colleagues. He neglected the cultivation of good and friendly alliances with his fellow princes. On the other hand, he alienated the sympathies of many because of his haughty isolation. Chaos and dissatisfaction followed Prithvi Raj's despotic and whimsical behavior. An honest and faithful nobleman, Chamundrai, was put in prison on some flimsy and trumped up charges. The vigilant chief minister, Kalmas, was done to death. This alienated the sympathies of some of Prithvi Raj's courtiers. They plotted against him and secretly extended their help to Ghori. Among the contemporary rulers Bheemdeo was not interested in helping Prithvi Raj because of their old antagonism. Jaichand, though a near cousin, was a sworn enemy of Prithvi Raj. Jaichand invited Ghori once again to attack Prithvi Raj.
Their second engagement took place in 1192 A.D. again on the same battlefield near Thaneshwar. About 150 princes had gathered under Prtihvi Raj's standard but their hearts were hardly with Prithvi Raj. He had done nothing to win their love and loyalty.
Prithvi Raj had also neglected gathering intelligence of the Muslim enemy's armies and moves. Ghori, on his own part, had shown better earnestness of purpose by meticulously collecting all intelligence about Prithvi Raj's army and tactics.
Aware of the great threat that Ghori, aided by Jaichand and some other Hindu princes presented, Prithvi Raj's supporters such as Chamundrai, Samar Sinha and Hamir Hada swore by the holy Ganga water to stand by him in battle at all costs.
When the engagement commenced Indian valor proved superior and Ghori's ranks were broken. As they fell back in disorder and prepared to flee, Prithvi Raj's army, either due to bad leadership or complacence and neglect, fell into disarray and set in disorderly pursuit of the enemy. Assessing the potentialities of the situation, Ghori retreated to a safe distance.
He then negotiated for a truce for the night. Drunk with two easy victories, Prithvi Raj's army consented not to press the attack during the night. They sheathed their swords and snored away with a faithless and treacherous enemy like Ghori licking his wounds. Seeing Prithvi Raj's army complacently encamped and dotingly resting for the night, Ghori led a stealthy but savage attack at the dead of night. Taken unawares, the Rajputs, despite their supreme bravery, were annihilated. Prithvi Raj was captured and produced before Ghori. When Prithvi Raj reminded Ghori of the day when the former had magnanimously allowed the latter to go free, Mohammed Ghori contemptuously replied that he was not an idiot to let loose an enemy. So saying he ordered that Prithvi Raj be tortured to death.. His order was faithfully carried out. A valiant but stupid son of India thus met his death at the hands of a 32-year-old criminal, Ghori.
There is, however, another version about Prtihvi Raj's end. See the previous narration on Mohammed Ghori, the terrorist and tyrant. Traitor Jaichand too met a sad end; neither did Ghori die peacefully in his bed among his kith and kin. His head was chopped off in his own tent by a group of Hindu warriors.
The story of Prithvi Raj and Jaichand should serve as an eye- opener to India's rulers and prevent them from repeating for the umpteenth time the same mistake of complacency and naively fattening the enemy on India's frontiers.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


India would have been another Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia, and North America, where people were converted to either Muslims ,if not were slaughtered. In North America, Columbus open doors for Christian Missionary and killed many originals called Red Indians. What is difference between Christian and Islamist is that they are both Abraham cult  , brothers and their work is conversion and looting as was done in past and are being done now. Future is not bright as this Kalyug will see many more like what started.Longest war in history was 800 years of Islamist rule come to end by MARATHAS- SRI SHIVAJI and few Rajput Kings.


Monday, May 12, 2014


Modi SelfieThe story of Prithviraj Chauhan and Muhammad Ghori has a strong relevance today,as Atal Ji has not started any anticorruption activity against SONIYA GANDHI AND FAMILY ,which was wrong because when people vote to change,they definitely wanta ction against those powers which have misused and created mess in India, Raped mother India,almost certainly wanted ROME EMPIRE in India by crushing Hindus as also said by Wikileaks- LINK
Ghori’s obsession was India, which he attacked savagely many times, though he was first routed in present day Gujarat by Rajputs and again in Kayadara near Mount Abu, in 1178 A.D. where again he was resoundingly defeated.
He then decided to enter India through a different route and first encountered Prithviraj Chauhan at the battle of Taraori in 1191. Prithviraj’s cavalry charged and routed the Muslim cavalry and captured Ghori. ​Modi
Ghori begged for his life and Prithviraj allowed him to go, despite his generals begging him not to do so.
And surely enough, the following year Ghori came back. Prithviraj advanced with his army and sent a letter to Ghori, asking him to turn back as he had been defeated the previous year and was spared his life.
Ghori replied that he was in India on the orders of his brother, Ghiasuddin, and that he could only retreat after he got a word from his brother.
This letter was sent in the evening and after sending the letter Ghori moved his camp back a few kilometers to feign retreat. On receiving this letter and seeing Muhammad move his camp back Prithviraj assumed that Ghori got the message and was retreating.
But Ghori knew that Rajputs did not fight in the night but only after sun had come up. Thus, Ghori treacherously attacked in the early morning hours when Prithviraj and his army were sleeping and was able to win this one battle.
Prithviraj was captured, beaten up and taken in chains to Ghor in Afghanistan There, he was presented before Ghori and he fearlessly looked straight into his captor’s eyes.

Ghori ordered him to lower his eyes. A defiant Prithviraj scornfully told him how he had treated well Ghori as a prisoner and that the eyelids of a Rajputs eyes are lowered only in death. On hearing this, Ghori flew into a rage and ordered that Prithviraj's eyes be burnt with red hot iron rods.
Prithviraj was regularly brought to the court to be taunted by Ghori and his courtiers and ultimately put to death. Thus ended the story of the brave but unrealistic Prithviraj Chouhan.

Will MODI government, like Prithviraj Chauhan, forgive Sonia Gandhi, who has been mercilessly going after him for the last ten years, using shamelessly and ruthlessly the arms of the law - the CBI, the IB, the judiciary, compliant judges, the Election Commission, etc. ?Mr Vajpayee did it before him. He came to power and could have done anything he wanted, but he gave orders that Sonia Gandhi be left alone.
His Man Friday, Brajesh Mishra, is even said to have rescued Rahul Gandhi, when he was detained in Boston. Did it earn Sonia Gandhi’s gratitude? Not at all! The BJP lost the next elections, as Prithrivaj lost his next battle to Ghauri and Mrs Gandhi efficiently and ruthlessly went all out after the BJP and Narendra Modi.
This is not about good or bad, as in the American cartoons. THIS IS DHARMA AND KARMA PRINCIPAL AND ALL CITIZENS SHOULD BE TREATED EQUALLY.

SWISS ACCOUNT-DETAILS- swiss-documents-rajiv-gandhi,SONIYA GANDHI

FROM-Francois Gautier