Wednesday, October 1, 2014


NEW UFO on horizon where hong Kong protests are going on date 10/1/14.

Ongoing pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong have drawn tens of thousands of citizens, taking to the streets, demonstrating their opposition to news that China will choose the candidates for the upcoming 2017 election.
During one of those protests, the crowd got a little something extra as a brightly lit object appeared in the sky above the throng, moving slowly at first and then, as the BBC caught it on camera, the UFO suddenly shot up in the air out of sight.
A television viewer in Scotland watched the demonstration news coverage and recorded the broadcast. When he saw the object in the sky, he later sent the video to a local news outlet, the Hamilton Advertiser, according to OpenMinds.TV.



Sunday, September 28, 2014


Photo: Occupy The Vatican - The lavish homes of American archbishops - Records reveal that 10 of the country's top church leaders defy the Pope's example and live in residences worth more than $1 million. A CNN investigation found that at least 10 of the 34 active archbishops in the United States live in buildings worth more than $1 million, according to church and government records. That's not counting hundreds of retired and active Catholic bishops in smaller cities, some of whom live equally large. Among archbishops, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York leads the pack with this 15,000-square-foot mansion on Madison Avenue, in one of the priciest corridors of Manhattan. Read more: CNN investigation found that at least 10 of the 34 active archbishops in the United States live in buildings worth more than $1 million, according to church and government records. That's not counting hundreds of retired and active Catholic bishops in smaller cities, some of whom live equally large. Among archbishops, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York leads the pack with this 15,000-square-foot mansion on Madison Avenue, in one of the priciest corridors of Manhattan.
Occupy The Vatican - The lavish homes of American archbishops - Records reveal that 10 of the country's top church leaders defy the Pope's example and live in residences worth more than $1 million. A CNN investigation found that at least 10 of the 34 active archbishops in the United States live in buildings worth more than $1 million, according to church and government records. That's not counting hundreds of retired and active Catholic bishops in smaller cities, some of whom live equally large. Among archbishops, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York leads the pack with this 15,000-square-foot mansion on Madison Avenue, in one of the priciest corridors of Manhattan. Read more:
This is the Forbes article from 2010 in which Hemley Gonzalez came forward with all of the negligence he witnessed inside Mother Teresa's Home of The Dying in Kolkata and as a result it prompted the immediate closure of the first facility opened by the catholic nun for extensive renovations.
Photo: This is the Forbes article from 2010 in which Hemley Gonzalez came forward with all of the negligence he witnessed inside Mother Teresa's Home of The Dying in Kolkata and as a result it prompted the immediate closure of the first facility opened by the catholic nun for extensive renovations. 

After two years the house reopened again and although there were upgrades, today there are still NO doctors permanently on staff, NO nurses or qualified medical professionals permanently on site, NO testing or diagnosis for every single patient brought into the house, NO rehabilitation or wellness programs for the hundreds of patients who are not all terminally ill and sit for hours on end in cots. 

The Missionaries of Charity refuse to implement these necessary systems of support and care and vehemently refuse to release all financial records to the public. For an organization that collects millions of dollars worldwide in donations each year, this is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE and CRIMINAL.

This is the Forbes article:

This was the facility prior to 2010:

This is the facility during the two year renovation between 2010-2012:

This is a video of the facility taken during the two year renovation between 2010-2012:

This is the facility after reopening in 2012:

STOP The Missionaries of Charity - Holding Mother Teresa's charity accountable for their monumental medical negligence and financial fraud.
After two years the house reopened again and although there were upgrades, today there are still NO doctors permanently on staff, NO nurses or qualified medical professionals permanently on site, NO testing or diagnosis for every single patient brought into the house, NO rehabilitation or wellness programs for the hundreds of patients who are not all terminally ill and sit for hours on end in cots.

The Missionaries of Charity refuse to implement these necessary systems of support and care and vehemently refuse to release all financial records to the public. For an organization that collects millions of dollars worldwide in donations each year, this is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE and CRIMINAL.

This is the Forbes article:

This was the facility prior to 2010:

This is the facility during the two year renovation between 2010-2012:


in Ireland, Father Fintan Monaghan, a Catholic Church official in whose archdiocese the skeletal remains of almost 800 children were found in a septic tankweighed in with an opinion on the matter.
The bones, if you’ll recall, are those of babies who were born to unwed mothers, and who died under the awful neglect of Bon Secours nuns between 1925 and 1961. The child mortality rate in Irish Catholic institutions for “fallen women” was reportedly as high as fifty percent.

Arrested Catholic Archbishop’s computer contained over 100,000 images of children

Handcuffs on priest (Shutterstock)
Vatican detectives analyzing a computer used a by an archbishop arrested earlier this week discovered over 86,000 pornographic photos and 160 sexually explicit video files of children, reports the International Business Times.
According to investigators, another 45,000 pictures had been deleted.
Former Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski, 66, was arrested at the Vatican earlier this week on charges that he paid to have sex with minors when he was a papal ambassador in the Dominican Republic from 2008 to 2012.
Wesolowski is the first Vatican official to be arrested within the city state on charges of pedophilia.
The former archbishop was recalled to Rome by the Vatican last year while still a diplomat in Santo Domingo and relieved of his duties following accusations from Dominican media that he was paying for underaged sex partners.
Until earlier this week, he had been free to roam Rome, but is now being held in in a small room in the basement of the Collegio dei Penitenzieri, which hosts the Vatican’s court and military police.
Vatican authorities are now investigating if Wesolowski was part of a network of pedophiles and whether he abused children in other posts during his career.
Wesolowski previously served in South Africa, Costa Rica, Japan, Switzerland, India and Denmark.
Time to Abolish Vatican statehood - The Holy See might have boxed itself into handling the accused diplomat in that odd manner. Before the United Nations last winter, representatives of the Vatican had insisted that it was morally and legally responsible only for abuse perpetrated by Vatican citizens — and not for abuse by thousands of Catholic priests around the world. Both then and now, the Catholic hierarchy has been hiding behind the political prerogatives of a sovereign state, violating broader norms of ethical responsibility. Vatican statehood is part of the problem. The Vatican is a sovereign state. And like every state, alas, politically empowered Catholicism yields now and then to the amoral pressures of realpolitik. Read more:
Photo: Occupy The Vatican - Time to Abolish Vatican statehood - The Holy See might have boxed itself into handling the accused diplomat in that odd manner. Before the United Nations last winter, representatives of the Vatican had insisted that it was morally and legally responsible only for abuse perpetrated by Vatican citizens — and not for abuse by thousands of Catholic priests around the world. Both then and now, the Catholic hierarchy has been hiding behind the political prerogatives of a sovereign state, violating broader norms of ethical responsibility. Vatican statehood is part of the problem. The Vatican is a sovereign state. And like every state, alas, politically empowered Catholicism yields now and then to the amoral pressures of realpolitik. Read more:


In the Bible, the command to kill the Canaanites was given at one place and one time, and it was delayed for hundreds of years until the wickedness of the people reached full measure (Gen 15:16)
In Quran- it is full of hatred-

शख्स ने खाई मछली, मछली ने खाया पूरा शरीर! STOP EATING SHUSHI-HAS WORMS

बीजिंग: दुनिया के हर कोने में हमें खाने-पीने के शौकीन लोग मिलते हैं कुछ लोग शाकाहारी तो कई लोग मांसाहारी खाना पसंद करते है लेकिन चीन के इस शख्स को अपना पसंदीदा खाना खाना इस कद्र महंगा पड़ गया कि उसकी जान पर बन आई।

डेली मेल में छपी खबर के अनुसार, चीन के ग्वानजाउ प्रांत में रहने वाले एक शख्स को मछली खाने का बहुत शौक था। एक दिन उसने चीन में प्रसिद्व सुशी नामक मछली को खा लिया लेकिन उसे खाने के बाद उसकी तबीयत खराब होने लगी।

तबीयत ज्यादा ही खराब होने पर उसने डाक्टर को बताया कि उसके पूरे शरीर में दर्द रहता है ऐसा लगता है जैसे उसके शरीर में अंदर ही अंदर खुजली रहती है। परेशानी जानकर डाक्टरों ने उसकी स्कैन की लेकिन परिणाम सच में होश उड़ाने वाले थे।

उस शख्स के पूरे शरीर में टेपवर्म फैल चुके थे। यहां तक कि चेहरा, गला, पीठ, पेट, पैर और यहां तक के प्राईवेट पार्ट में भी पेट के कीड़े फैले चुके थे। 

डॉक्टरों का कहना था कि उस दिन उसने आधी पक्की मछली जरूरत से ज्यादा ही खाई थी, जिसकी वजह से उसमें कीड़े पड़ गए। सही समय पर उसे बचा लिया गया हालांकि डाक्टरों का कहना था कि अगर यह कीड़े दिमाग तक चले जाते तो उसका बचना बहुत कठिन था।

आपको बता देंकि अब चीन में ऐसे मामले काफी बढ़ गए हैं। लोगों के मछली खाने का शौक ही उन पर ऐसे भारी पड़ रहाहै। इस मामले में उन्हें सुचेत किया जा रहा है।


Saturday, September 27, 2014


जो पढ़ सके न खुद, किताब मांग रहे है,
खुद रख न पाए, वे हिसाब मांग रहे है।
जो कर सके न साठ साल में कोई विकास देश का, वे सौ दिनों में जवाब मांग रहे है।
आज गधे गुलाब मांग रहे है, चोर लुटेरे इन्साफ मांग रहे है।
जो लुटते रहे देश को 60 सालों तक,
सुना है आज वो 1OO दिन का हिसाब मांग रहे है?
जब 3 महीनो में पेट्रोल की कीमते 7 रुपये तक कम हो जाये,
जब 3 महीनो में डॉलर 68 से 60 हो जाये,

जब 3 महीनो में सब्जियों की कीमते कम हो जाये,
जब 3 महीनो में सिलिंडर की कीमते कम हो जाये,
जब 3 महीनो में बुलेट ट्रैन भारत में चलाये जाने को सरकार की हरी झंडी मिल जाये,
जब 3 महीनो में सभी सरकारी कर्मचारी समय पर ऑफिस पहुचने लग जाये,
जब 3 महीनो में काले धन वापसी पर कमिटी बन जाये,
जब 3 महीनो में पाकिस्तान को एक करारा जवाब दे दिया जाए,
जब 3 महीनो में भारत के सभी पडोसी मुल्को से रिश्ते सुधरने लग जाये,
जब 3 महीनो में हमारी हिन्दू नगरी काशी को स्मार्ट सिटी बनाने जैसा प्रोजेक्ट पास हो जाये,
जब 3 महीनो में विकास दर 2 साल में सबसे ज्यादा हो जाये,
जब हर गरीबो के उठान के लिए जान धन योजना पास हो जाये.
जब इराक से हजारो भारतीयों को सही सलामत वतन वापसी हो जाये!
तो भाई अछे दिन कैसे नहीं आये???
वो रस्सी आज भी संग्रहालय में है जिस्से गांधी बकरी बांधा करते थे
किन्तु वो रस्सी कहां है जिस पे भगत सिंह, सुखदेव और राजगुरु हसते हुए झूले थे?
हालात-ए-मुल्क देख के रोया न गया,
कोशिश तो की पर मूंह ढक के सोया न गया
देश मेरा क्या बाजार हो गया है ...
पकड़ता हु तिरंगा तो लोग पूछते है कितने का है...
वर्षों बाद एक नेता को माँ गंगा की आरती करते देखा है,
वरना अब तक एक परिवार की समाधियों पर फूल चढ़ते देखा है।
वर्षों बाद एक नेता को अपनी मातृभाषा में बोलते देखा है,
वरना अब तक रटी रटाई अंग्रेजी बोलते देखा है।

वर्षों बाद एक नेता को Statue Of Unity बनाते देखा है,
वरना अब तक एक परिवार की मूर्तियां बनते देखा है।
वर्षों बाद एक नेता को संसद की माटी चूमते देखा है,
वरना अब तक इटैलियन सैंडिल चाटते देखा है।
वर्षों बाद एक नेता को देश के लिए रोते देखा है,
वरना अब तक "मेरे पति को मार दिया" कह कर वोटों की भीख मांगते देखा है।


पाकिस्तान को घबराते देखा है,
अमेरिका को झुकते देखा है।
इतने वर्षों बाद भारत माँ को खुलकर मुस्कुराते देखा है।