Sunday, June 15, 2014

अफ्रीका में मिला ६००० साल पुराना शिवलिंग

shiva in Hindu Religion
दक्षिण अफ्रीका की किसी गुफा की खुदाई करते हुए पुरातत्त्वविदों को ग्रेनाइट से बना 6 हजार वर्ष पुराना शिवलिंग मिला है. पुरातत्त्वविद हैरान हैं कि इतने वर्षों तक शिवलिंग जमीन में सुरक्षित रहा और उसे कोई नुकसान नहीं पहुंचा. इससे यह अंदाजा लगाया जा रहा है कि 6 हजार साल पहले दक्षिण अफ्रीका में भी हिंदू धर्म को मानने वाले रहे होंगे या संभव है किसी खास संप्रदाय के लोग भगवान शिव को मानते होंगे. गौरतलब है कि भगवान शिव की सबसे बड़ी मूर्ति भी दक्षिण अफ्रीका में ही है. 10 मजदूरों द्वारा 10 महीनों में बनाई गई इस मूर्ति का अनावरण बेनोनी शहर के एकटोनविले में किया गया है.
Shiva Linga in  South Africaहिंदू धर्म शायद एकमात्र धर्म है जिसमें इतने अधिक देवी-देवता हैं. फिर भी त्रिदेव (ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, महेश) की जो महिमा है वह किसी और देवता की नहीं हो सकती. खासकर हिंदुओं में भगवान शिव की बहुत मान्यता है. शिव की जो महिमा है वह किसी और देव की नहीं. पर क्योंकि यह हिदुओं के भगवान माने जाते हैं और इतिहास में हिंदू हिंदुस्तान की उपज माने गए हैं, इसलिए हिंदुस्तान से बाहर हिंदुओं के कम ही देवस्थल हैं. अभी हाल में दक्षिण अफ्रीका में खुदाई के दौरान भगवान शिव का प्रतीक एक बड़ा शिवलिंग मिला है.
हिंदू धर्म शायद एकमात्र धर्म है जिसमें इतने अधिक देवी-देवता हैं। फिर भी त्रिदेव (ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, महेश) की जो महिमा है वह किसी और देवता की नहीं हो सकती। खासकर हिंदुओं में भगवान शिव की बहुत मान्यता है। शिव की जो महिमा है वह किसी और देव की नहीं। पर क्योंकि यह हिदुओं के भगवान माने जाते हैं और इतिहास में हिंदू हिंदुस्तान की उपज माने गए हैं, इसलिए हिंदुस्तान से बाहर हिंदुओं के कम ही देवस्थल हैं। अभी हाल में दक्षिण अफ्रीका में खुदाई के दौरान भगवान शिव का प्रतीक एक बड़ा शिवलिंग मिला है।

कांग्रेस सरकार और गाँधी परिवार पाकिस्तान से इतना डरती है?

जानिय की क्यों कांग्रेस सरकार और गाँधी परिवार पाकिस्तान के खिलाफ कोई ठोस कदम नहीं उठा पाती है और क्यों भारत सरकार पाकिस्तान से से इतना डरती है?
पाकिस्तान हमारे सैनिको को यु ही मारता रहता है, उनके सर काट कर लेकर चला जाता है और कांग्रेस सरकार कुछ भी ठोस कदम पाकिस्तान के खिलाफ नहीं उठती है।
पाकिस्तान आंतकी हमले हमारे संसद पर करके देश की अस्मिता और स्वाभिमान पर चोट करता है और उन आतंकवादियों को कई सालो तक न्यायालय के द्वारा मृतु दंड देने के बाद भी फांशी नहीं दी जाती है।
बांग्लादेशी घुसपैठिये पुरे पूर्व भारत के लोगो को उनके गावो से भगा कर कब्ज़ा करते जा रहे है फिर भी भारत सरकार चुप रहते है ब्लकि बंगलादेशियो को राशन कार्ड बात रही है।
भारत के हजारो सेना के जवान पाकिस्तानी आतंकियों द्वारा मारे जाते है फिर भी सरकार आतंवादियों को पेंशन देती है।
कश्मीर से 5 लाख हिन्दुओ को उनके ही राज्य से मार कर निकाल दिया जाता है और हजारो कश्मीरी हिन्दुओ को सरेआम हत्या, बलात्कार किया जाता है फिर भी उन हिन्दुओ को वापस कश्मीर में बसने के लिए सरकार कुछ नहीं करती है और उन्हें मरने के लिए छोर देती है। आज ही 5 लाख से ज्यादा कश्मीरी हिन्दू टेंटो में रह रहे है।
पाकिस्तान में हिन्दु कन्याओ का दिन दहारे उनके घर्रो से अपहरण होता है, उनका धर्म परिवर्तन करवाया जाता है हिन्दुओ को मारा जाता है, उनके मंदिर तोर दिए जाते है और भारत सरकार के मुह से उन हिन्दुओ के नरसंहार को रोकने के लिए एक सब्द भी नहीं निकलता है।
तो क्या कारन है की कांग्रेस और गाँधी परिवार पाकिस्तान से इतना डरती है?
उसका सबसे बड़ा कारण है की गाँधी परिवार और कांग्रेस पार्टी के नेताओ का काला धन विदेशो में जमा है और उस काले धन की पूरी जानकारी पाकिस्तान के पास है। पाकिस्तान का ISI भारत सरकार को ब्लैकमेल करते है और कहते है की हमारी बात मानो नहीं तो तुम्हारे बैंक के खातो की जानकारी पाकिस्तानी अखबारों में छाप देंगे और तुम्हारा राजनीतिक जीवन हमेशा के लिए समाप्त जो जायेगा और यही कारन है की कांग्रेस पाकिस्तान के खिलाफ कभी भी कोई भी ठोस कदम नहीं उठती है।
देश के 99% लोगो को इस बात की जानकारी नहीं है! शेयर करे!
अधिक जानकारी के लिए विडियो देखे:

क्या आप जानते है की सोनिया गाँधी का विदेशो में 1 लाख करोड़ (20 Billion डालर) से भी ज्यादा का काला धन जमा है? इस तरह से पि चिदंबरम के अकाउंट में 50,000 करोड़ से ज्यादा काला धन जमा है?
हमारे देश का लूटा हुआ 70 लाख करोड़ से ज्यादा काला धन विदेशो में है अगर यह धन आ जाये तो हमें अगले 10 सालो तक कोई भी टैक्स भरने की जरुरत नहीं!
अधिक जानकारी के लिए निचे दिए गए वीडियोस देखे: (Sonia Gandhi has 1 Lakh Crore Rupees of Black Money - Dr Subramanian Swamy) ( पि चिदंबरम के पास 50,000 करोड़ से ज्यादा का काला धन है)



Saturday, June 14, 2014


Campa Cola Compund
Photo: Campa Cola Compund 

What is the fault of the people staying there ??

The Builder, Yusuf Patel a underworld mafia, posed himself as a builder and violated the FSI rules, BMC levied penalty for such violations, and the families who had purchased such apts took the possession of the same !! 

BMC didn't stop them from taking he possession stating that the construction is in the violation of the norms !! BMC collected annual charges of said property from the each flat owner's !!

Instead of punishing the erring builders,officers ( who allowed such constructions) and Politicians of the day, why BMC wants to punish the innocent residents, for no fault of theirs !! 

Builder Yusuf Patel >> 

One of the shrewdest real estate dons in the Mumbai underworld, Yusuf Patel had mastered the art of creating construction space out of thin air. While slumlords extended their empire horizontally, Patel has the dubious distinction of pioneering the acquisition of illegal Floor Space Index (FSI), to send his buildings skyrocketing into space.

While most of the gangs were providing protection to the slumlords, Patel went one step ahead and performed the feat of grabbing additional FSI illegally. The art has, since, been perfected by other dons and even builders.

Patel's FSI scam was perpetrated so subtly that it took the civic authorities 16 long years to find out that the don had tampered with land records.

Born Abdul Majid Abdul Patel, a Memon Muslim, he got involved in smuggling textiles and silver with Haji Mastan around 1963. However, the alliance did not last long because of financial disputes with the syndicate.

In 1977, Janta Dal leader Jai Prakash Narayan offered amnesty to all smugglers. Patel jumped on to the bandwagon and everybody in the underworld thought he had shunned the life of a criminal, that the docks and the goons were things of the past for him. 

While others forgot his dubious past, Patel launched his own construction company and began operating from Pydhonie

Everything seemed normal on the surface until an upright BMC official discovered that a large number of land records from several ward offices had been tampered with Prima facie, investigating officials discovered that Patel had manipulated the deals of two buildings in Tardeo and three in Byculla. 

They would soon discover that there were 50 other cases of gross manipulation of land records, which were carried out in connivance with civic officials.

By the mid-80s, Dawood Ibrahim had also learnt the art of FSI grabbing. He brought in a team of 'white collar' associates to specialise in tampering with land records and corner the lion's share of income from real estate in South Mumbai.

Patel's keeping away from the docks and goons proved to be a blessing in disguise because when things started to get ugly in the Mumbai underworld, he managed to avoid direct confrontation with Karim Lala's nephew Samad and gangsters owing allegiance to Dawood.
What is the fault of the people staying there ??

The Builder, Yusuf Patel a underworld mafia, posed himself as a builder and violated the FSI rules, BMC levied penalty for such violations, and the families who had purchased such apts took the possession of the same !!

BMC didn't stop them from taking he possession stating that the construction is in the violation of the norms !! BMC collected annual charges of said property from the each flat owner's !!

Instead of punishing the erring builders,officers ( who allowed such constructions) and Politicians of the day, why BMC wants to punish the innocent residents, for no fault of theirs !!

Builder Yusuf Patel >>

One of the shrewdest real estate dons in the Mumbai underworld, Yusuf Patel had mastered the art of creating construction space out of thin air. While slumlords extended their empire horizontally, Patel has the dubious distinction of pioneering the acquisition of illegal Floor Space Index (FSI), to send his buildings skyrocketing into space.

While most of the gangs were providing protection to the slumlords, Patel went one step ahead and performed the feat of grabbing additional FSI illegally. The art has, since, been perfected by other dons and even builders.

Patel's FSI scam was perpetrated so subtly that it took the civic authorities 16 long years to find out that the don had tampered with land records.

Born Abdul Majid Abdul Patel, a Memon Muslim, he got involved in smuggling textiles and silver with Haji Mastan around 1963. However, the alliance did not last long because of financial disputes with the syndicate.

In 1977, Janta Dal leader Jai Prakash Narayan offered amnesty to all smugglers. Patel jumped on to the bandwagon and everybody in the underworld thought he had shunned the life of a criminal, that the docks and the goons were things of the past for him.

While others forgot his dubious past, Patel launched his own construction company and began operating from Pydhonie

Everything seemed normal on the surface until an upright BMC official discovered that a large number of land records from several ward offices had been tampered with Prima facie, investigating officials discovered that Patel had manipulated the deals of two buildings in Tardeo and three in Byculla.

They would soon discover that there were 50 other cases of gross manipulation of land records, which were carried out in connivance with civic officials.

By the mid-80s, Dawood Ibrahim had also learnt the art of FSI grabbing. He brought in a team of 'white collar' associates to specialise in tampering with land records and corner the lion's share of income from real estate in South Mumbai.

Patel's keeping away from the docks and goons proved to be a blessing in disguise because when things started to get ugly in the Mumbai underworld, he managed to avoid direct confrontation with Karim Lala's nephew Samad and gangsters owing allegiance to Dawood.

Friday, June 13, 2014

10,000 years ago Ancestors of Native Americans In Mexico,en route from Asia

 February 27, 2014
University of Utah
Genetic and environmental evidence indicates that after the ancestors of Native Americans left Asia, they spent 10,000 years on a land bridge that once linked Siberia and Alaska. Archaeological evidence is lacking because it drowned when sea levels rose.
University of Utah anthropologist Dennis O'Rourke and two colleagues make that argument in the Friday, Feb. 28, issue of the journal Science. They seek to reconcile existing genetic and paleoenvironmental evidence for human habitation on the Bering land bridge -- also called Beringia -- with an absence of archaeological evidence.
O'Rourke says cumulative evidence indicates the ancestors of Native Americans lived on the Bering land bridge "in the neighborhood of 10,000 years," from roughly 25,000 years ago until they began moving into the Americas about 15,000 years ago once glacial ice sheets melted and opened migration routes.
 O'Rourke co-authored the Science Perspective column -- titled "Out of Beringia?" -- with archaeologist John Hoffecker of the University of Colorado at Boulder, and Scott Elias, a paleoecologist at the University of London. Perspective columns in Science don't feature research by the authors, but instead are meant to highlight and provide context for exciting new research in a field or across fields.
"Nobody disputes that the ancestors of Native American peoples came from Asia over the coast and interior of the land bridge" during an ice age called the "last glacial maximum," which lasted from 28,000 to at least 18,000 years ago, O'Rourke says, The ice sheets extended south into the Pacific Northwest, Wyoming, Wisconsin and Ohio. Large expanses of Siberia and Beringia were cold but lacked glaciers.
The absence of archaeological sites and the inhospitable nature of open, treeless landscape known as tundra steppe mean that "archaeologists have not given much credence to the idea there was a population that lived on the Bering land bridge for thousands of years," he adds.
O'Rourke and colleagues say that in recent years, paleoecologists -- scientists who study ancient environments -- drilled sediment cores from the Bering Sea and Alaskan bogs. Those sediments contain pollen, plant and insect fossils, suggesting the Bering land bridge wasn't just barren, grassy tundra steppe but was dotted by "refugia" or refuges where there were brushy shrubs and even trees such as spruce, birch, willow and alder.
"We're putting it together with the archaeology and genetics that speak to American origins and saying, look, there was an environment with trees and shrubs that was very different than the open, grassy steppe. It was an area where people could have had resources, lived and persisted through the last glacial maximum in Beringia," O'Rourke says. "That may have been critical for the people to subsist because they would have had wood for construction and for fires. Otherwise, they would have had to use bone, which is difficult to burn."
A Frozen, Isolated Dawn for the Earliest Americans
During the last glacial maximum, thick glacial ice sheets extended south into what now is the northern United States, sea levels dropped some 400 feet, O'Rourke says. As the glaciers melted, sea levels began to rise, reaching current levels 6,000 years ago.
During the long glacial period, Siberia and Alaska were linked by the Bering land bridge, which contrary to the name's implication, really was a huge swath of land north, between and south of Siberia and Alaska, at the present sites of the Chukchi Sea, the Bering Strait and the Bering Sea, respectively.
At its largest extent, Beringia measured as much as 1,000 miles from north to south and as much as 3,000 miles from Siberia's Verkoyansk Range east to the Mackenzie River in in Canada.
The theory that humans inhabited the Bering land bridge for some 10,000 years "helps explain how a Native American genome (genetic blueprint) became separate from its Asian ancestor," O'Rourke says.
"At some point, the genetic blueprint that defines Native American populations had to become distinct from that Asian ancestry," he explains. "The only way to do that was for the population to be isolated. Most of us don't believe that isolation took place in Siberia because we don't see a place where a population could be sufficiently isolated. It would always have been in contact with other Asian groups on its periphery."
"But if there were these shrub-tundra refugia in central Beringia, that provided a place where isolation could occur" due to distance from Siberia, O'Rourke says.
Genetic and Paleoenvironmental Evidence
O'Rourke and colleagues point to a study of mitochondrial DNA -- genetic information passed by mothers -- sampled from Native Americans throughout the Americas. The study found that the unique genome or genetic blueprint of Native Americans arose sometime before 25,000 years ago but didn't spread through the Americas until about 15,000 years ago.
"This result indicated that a substantial population existed somewhere, in isolation from the rest of Asia, while its genome differentiated from the parental Asian genome," O'Rourke says. "The researchers suggested Beringia as the location for this isolated population, and suggested it existed there for several thousand years before members of the population migrated southward into the rest of North and, ultimately, South America as retreating glaciers provided routes for southern migration."
"Several other genetic-genomic analyses of Native American populations have resulted in similar conclusions," he adds.
"For a long time, many of us thought the land bridge was a uniform tundra-steppe environment" -- a broad windswept grassland devoid of shrubs and trees, O'Rourke says. But in recent years, sediment cores drilled in the Bering Sea and along the Alaskan coast -- the now-submerged lowlands of Beringia -- found pollens of trees and shrubs.
That "suggests Beringia was not a uniform tundra-steppe environment, but a patchwork of environments, including substantial areas of lowland shrub tundra," O'Rourke says. "These shrub-tundra areas were likely refugia for a population that would be invisible archaeologically, since the former Beringian lowlands are now submerged."
"Large herd animals like bison or mammoths likely lived on the highland steppe tundra because they graze. Many smaller animals, birds, elk and moose (which browse shrubs instead of grazing on grass) would have been in the shrub tundra," he adds.
Other research indicates "that much of Beringia -- particularly the lowlands -- appears to have had average summer temperatures nearly identical (or only slightly cooler in some regions) to those in the region today," O'Rourke says. "The local environments likely were not as daunting as many have assumed for years. They probably hunkered down pretty good in the winter though. It would have been cold."
The idea that rising sea levels covered evidence of human migration to the Americas has long been cited by researchers studying how early Native Americans moved south along the Pacific coast as the glaciers receded and sea levels rose. O'Rourke says the idea hasn't been used before to explain the scarcity of archaeological sites in Alaska and Siberia, which were highlands when the land bridge was exposed.
But O'Rourke and his colleagues say archaeological sites must be found in Beringia if the long human layover there is to be confirmed. Although most such sites are underwater, some evidence of human habitation in shrub tundra might remain above sea level in low-lying portions of Alaska and eastern Chukotka (in Russia)."
Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by University of Utah. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

Journal Reference:
  1. J. F. Hoffecker, S. A. Elias, D. H. O'Rourke. Out of Beringia? Science, 2014; 343 (6174): 979 DOI: 10.1126/science.1250768

Cite This Page:
University of Utah. "10,000 years on the Bering Land Bridge: Ancestors of Native Americans paused en route from Asia." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 27 February 2014. <>.



When Hindu refugees in Delhi occupied mosques, some Muslim leaders approached Gandhi to seek help in evicting the Hindus. This made him begin a fast and the situation was resolved in the favor of the Muslims. However, when Hindus living in Pakistan suffered violent attacks at the hands of the Muslims, Gandhi did not utter a single word in protest or try to censure the Pakistani government or the concerned Muslims, by way of a fast. This is because Gandhi was well aware that, ...if he went on a fast under the above circumstances, impose some condition for his breaking the same, he would eventually die in the process and no Muslim would ever shed any tears. This was exactly why he deliberately shied away from imposing any conditions on the Muslims. He had learned from experience that, Jinnah would neither be perturbed nor influenced by his fast and his Muslim League would scarcely attach any importance to the same.
Gandhi with his immense popularity among Muslims and the reverence he received from Hindus, could have been an effective mediator between them. Instead, he chose the easy way out. Events indicate that he was quite unmoved by the tribulations of the Hindus, while ready to shed tears for Muslims. May be that was why Khlifa Haji Mehmud of Lurwani, Sind, a devout Muslim once accorded Gandhi the ultimate accolade that any Muslim can give a person, in these words: “Gandhi

was really a Mohammedan” (D Keer, 1980).