Saturday, March 28, 2015

Jain city/Temple below Fatehpur Sikari

Below Fatehpur Sikri lies a destroyed Jain City/Temples (Archaeological Survey of India).

First Hindu King of Kashmir

Lha-chen-Rgyalbu-Rinchan was first non Hindu king of Kashmir who belonged to Islamic faith(convert). He was not a born Muslim but Buddhist by faith. Rinchan’s father was killed in some internal disputes in Ladakh leading him to run away in exile and settle as a refugee in Kashmir. He took refuge in castle of Ram Chand commander of Raja Sahadeva. Here he met Shamshir a Persian Muslim immigrant- another fellow like him. Rinchan first won confidence of Ram Chand and later killed him to ascent himself to throne and proclaimed himself as king of Kashmir on 6th October 1320.He gained peace by marrying Ram Chand’s daughter Kota Rani and appointing his son Rawan Chand on his father’s post of commander in chief and Shamsir as vazir(Minister) of his kingdom.
Even after securing peace he did not feel secure. He wanted to remove stigma that he captured throne by fraud. Therefore he made an attempt to identify himself with the country and the people to understand and follow their culture, religion and traditions, as one of them. To begin with he expressed desire to accept Saiva cult which was most popular form of religion followed in Kashmir. He approached Devaswami Pundit who was head guru of Court Pundits of Kashmir in order to become his disciple and entreated him as his devotees. Devaswami Pundit appeared to be a very strong head man but without imagination. He turned down request of Rinchan as he was Buddhist by origin. (Ref Jonaraja page 20-21).
Hindu Kashmir lost this opportunity forever but Shamshir made full use of it. Finding Rinchan in a state of confusion, he consoled him, pleaded him and requested him to leave the decision to chance. It was agreed that he would accept the religion of that person whom he would first see the next morning. By sheer chance of manipulation by Shamshir it happened, that Rinchan eyes fell on a Muslim fakir Sayed Sharafuddin Bulbul shah the very next morning. He accepted Islam from Bulbul shah and adopted name of Shah Sadruddin as first Muslim ruler of Kashmir.
After accepting Islam Rinchan founded Rinchanpura a quarter in Kashmir and build first mosque in Kashmir known as “Bud Masheed” on the site of a Buddhist temple. Not very far from here he built another mosque at Ali Kadal and started a Langarkhana (public charity kitchen) after his mentor Bulbul Shah as Bulbul Langer. He even named his only son born with Hindu wife Kota Rani as Haidar and trusted him to the care of Shamshir. Under Rinchan rule state religion of Kashmir became Islam and full patronage was given for conversion to Islam to both Hindus as well as Buddhists leading to rapid decline in their numbers. Rinchan was later attacked by relatives of king Sahadeva and he died of wounds on 25 November 1353.

First war of independence of India started 10 June 1801,in Tamilnadu

The Marudhu Pandiyar brothers (Periya Marudhu and Chinna Marudhu) ruled Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu towards the end of the 18th century. The Marudhu brothers were the first to issue a proclamation of independence from the colonial British rule from Trichy Thiruvarangam Temple, Tamil Nadu on 10 June 1801, more than 56 years before what is generally said to be the First War of Indian Independence which broke out mainly in Northern India in the year 1857.
The Marudhu brothers were the sons of Udayar Servai alias Mookiah Palaniappan Agamudayar Servai and Anandayer alias Ponnathal.Marudhu Pandiyar, the Elder was born on 15.12.1748 in a small hamlet called Narikkudi near Aruppukkottai in then Ramnad principal state (now Virudhunagar district). In 1753 the younger Marudhu Pandiyar was born in Ramnad. Their father "Udayar Servai" served as the General in the Ramnad state military and he shifted his family to Virudhunagar from Narikkudi.
The Marudhu brothers were trained in native martial arts at Surankottai which traditionally served as a training centre for the Ramnad state army. The Valari boomerang is a peculiar weapon unique to India used originally by the indigenous people (ancient Tamils) of the South Asia. Two forms of this weapon are used in India. These are normally made of wood. They are known as Valari sticks in Sangam Tamil. It is said that Marudhu brothers were great experts in the art of throwing the Valari stick and using it as a weapon. It is said that Marudhu brothers successfully used Valari in their Poligar Wars against the British colonial forces. They contested in and won many competitions of martial arts and distinguished themselves as brave warrirors. The Raja of Ramnad Muthu Vijaya Raghunatha Sethupathy issued the title of Pandiyas to honour the Marudhu Pandiyargal.
They were in close association with Veera Pandiya Kattabomman of Panchalankurichi. Kattabomman held frequent consultations with the Marudhus. After the execution of Kattabomman in 17 October 1799 at Kayattar, Chinna Marudhu gave asylum to Kattabomman's brother Oomaidurai. But the British took this reason to invade and attacked Sivaganga in 1801 with a powerful army. The Maruthu Pandiyars and their allies were quite successful and captured three districts from the British. The British considered it such a serious threat to their future in India that they rushed additional troops from Britain to put down the Maruthu Pandiyars' rebellion. These forces surrounded the Maruthu Pandiyars' army at Kalayar Koil, and the latter scattered. The Maruthu Brothers and their top commanders escaped. They regrouped and fought the British and their allies at Viruppatchi, Dindigul and Cholapuram. While they won the battle at Viruppatchi, they lost the other two battles.

भरतपुर स्तिथ लौहगढ़ के मिट्टी का यह किला तोपों पर पड़ा था भारी, 13 लड़ाईयों में नहीं जीत सके थे अंग्रेज

लौहगढ़ किले के सभी फाइल फोटोजयपुर। भरतपुर स्तिथ लौहगढ़ के किले को अपने देश का एक मात्र अजेय किला कहा जाता है। मिट्टी से बने इस किले को दुश्मन नहीं जीत पाए। अंग्रेजों ने तेरह बार बड़ी तोपों से इस पर आक्रमण किया था।
लौहगढ़ के इस किले का निर्माण 18वीं शताब्दी के आरंभ में जाट शासक महाराजा सूरजमल ने करवाया था। उन्होंने ने ही भरतपुर रियासत बसाई थी। उन्होंने एक ऐसे किले की कल्पना की जो बेहद मजबूत हो और कम पैसे में तैयार हो जाए। उस समय तोपों तथा बारूद का प्रचलन बढ़ रहा था। किले को बनाने में एक विशेष प्रकार की विधि का प्रयोग किया गया। यह विधि कारगर रही इस कारण बारूद के गोले भी दीवार पर बेअसर रहे।
मिट्टी का यह किला तोपों पर पड़ा था भारी, 13 लड़ाईयों में नहीं जीत सके थे अंग्रेजमिट्टी का यह किला तोपों पर पड़ा था भारी, 13 लड़ाईयों में नहीं जीत सके थे अंग्रेजलौहगढ़ का यह अजेय किला ज्यादा बड़ा को नहीं है। किले के चारों और मिट्टी की बहुत मोटी दीवार है। इस दीवार को बनाने से पहले पत्थर की एक मोटी दीवार बनाई गई। इसके बनने के बाद इस पर तोप के गोलो का असर नहीं हो इसके लिए दीवारों के चारो ओर चौड़ी कच्ची मिट्टी की दीवार बनाई गयी और नीचे गहरी और चौड़ी खाई बना कर उसमे पानी भरा गया। जब तोप के गोले दीवार से टकराते थे तो वह मिट्टी की दावार में धस जाते थे। अनगिनत गौले इस दीवार में आज भी धसे हुए हैं। इसी वजह से दुश्मन इस किले को कभी भी जीत नहीं पाए। राजस्थान का इतिहास लिखने वाले अंग्रेज इतिहासकार जेम्स टाड के अनुसार इस किले की सबसे बड़ी खासियत है कि इसकी दीवारें जो मिट्टी से बनी हुई हैं। इसके बावजूद इस किले को फतह करना लो
राजस्थान का पूर्वी द्वार
किले को राजस्थान का पूर्व सिंह द्वार भी कहा जाता है। अंग्रेजों ने इस किले को अपने साम्राज्य में लेने के लिए 13 बार हमले किए। इन आक्रमणों में एक बार भी वो इस किले को भेद न सके। ऐसा कहा जाता है कि अंग्रेजों की सेना बार-बार हारने से हताश हो गई तो वहां से भाग गई। ये भी कहावत है कि भरतपुर के जाटों की वीरता के आगे अंग्रेजों की एक न चली थी।
मिट्टी का यह किला तोपों पर पड़ा था भारी, 13 लड़ाईयों में नहीं जीत सके थे अंग्रेज
हे के चने चबाने से कम नहीं था।अंग्रेजी सेना से लड़ते–लड़ते होल्कर नरेश जशवंतराव भागकर भरतपुर आ गए थे। जाट राजा रणजीत सिंह ने उन्हें वचन दिया था कि आपको बचाने के लिये हम सब कुछ कुर्बान कर देंगे। अंग्रेजों की सेना के कमांडर इन चीफ लार्ड लेक ने भरतपुर के जाट राजा रणजीत सिंह को खबर भेजी कि या तो वह जसवंतराव होल्कर अंग्रेजों के हवाले कर दे अन्यथा वह खुद को मौत के हवाले समझे।
मिट्टी का यह किला तोपों पर पड़ा था भारी, 13 लड़ाईयों में नहीं जीत सके थे अंग्रेजयह धमकी जाट राजा के स्वभाव के सर्वथा खिलाफ थी। उन्होंने लार्ड लेक को संदेश भिजवाया कि वह अपने हौंसले आजामा ले। हमने लड़ना सीखा है, झुकना नहीं। अंग्रेजी सेना के कमांडर लार्ड लेक को यह बहुत बुरा लगा और उसने तत्काल भारी सेना लेकर भरतपुर पर आक्रमण कर दिया।
ग्रेजी सेना तोप से गोले उगलती जा रही थी और वह गोले भरतपुर की मिट्टी के उस किले के पेट में समाते जा रहे थे। तोप के गोलों के घमासान हमले के बाद भी जब भरतपुर का किला ज्यों का त्यों डटा रहा तो अंग्रेजी सेना में आश्चर्य और सनसनी फैल गयी। इतिहासकारों का कहना है कि लार्ड लेक के नेतृत्व में अंग्रेजी सेनाओं ने 13 बार इस किले में हमला किया और हमेशा उसे मुँह की खानी पड़ी। अंग्रेजी सेनाओं को वापस लौटना पड़ा।
भरतपुर की इस लड़ाई पर किसी कवि ने लिखा था –
हुई मसल मशहूर विश्व में, आठ फिरंगी नौ गोरे।
लड़ें किले की दीवारों पर, खड़े जाट के दो छोरे।

Friday, March 27, 2015


एक मुस्लिम ने मुझसे गाय को माता मानने के विषय में कुछ ऐसा सवाल किया और उसको मुझे जवाब देना पड़ा...
गाय को माँ मानकर पूजने के लिए किसी ने कहा कि आप जानवर को भी पूजते हो... गाय माता कैसे हो सकती है???
जहाँ तक बात है जानवर को पूजने की तो आप ये याद कीजिये कि मूसा ने आमीन को जिन्दा करने के लिए एक गाय के बछड़े की मांग की थी...
आखिर वो काम किसी और जानवर से क्यों नहीं हो सकता था???
मूसा ने गाय की पूँछ के एक बाल से आमीन को जिन्दा कर दिया तो आप ये समझो कि जब एक बाल में एक इंसान को फिर से जन्म देने की ताकत है तो पूरी गाय में कितने गुण होंगे??? ये तो बात रही इस्लाम की...
अब आते हैं सनातन धर्म पर क्योंकि गाय को हम सनातनी पूजते हैं...
गाय में ईश्वर के गुण हैं और इंसान के जीवन में एक गाय जितना महत्व है ये बात आप इससे अंदाज़ा लगा सकते हैं कि माँ के बाद एक गाय का ही दूध ऐसा है जो नवजात बच्चे को माँ के दूध बराबर लाभ पहुंचाता है...
और इसीलिए गाय में सनातनी लोग माँ के रूप में मानते हैं विश्वास करते हैं...

दरगाहों मे सर पटकने जानेवाले सनातन धर्मी (हिन्दू) लोगोँ को संदेश

दरगाहों मे सर पटकने जानेवाले सनातन धर्मी (हिन्दू) लोगोँ को संदेश :--
ख्वाजा गरीब नवाज़, अमीर खुसरो, निजामुद्दीन औलिया की दरगाह पर जाकर मन्नत मांगने वाले सनातन धर्मियों से , पूरे देश में स्थान स्थान पर बनी कब्रों,मजारों या दरगाहों पर हर वीरवार को जाकर शीश झुकाने व मन्नत करने वालों से मेरे कुछ प्रश्न हैं :-
२. ज्यादातर कब्र या मजार उन मुसलमानों की हैं जो हमारे पूर्वजो से लड़ते हुए मारे गए थे,...
उनकी कब्रों पर जाकर मन्नत मांगना क्या उन वीर पूर्वजो का अपमान नहीं हैं जिन्होंने अपने प्राण धर्म रक्षा करते की बलि वेदी पर समर्पित कर दियें थे?

३. क्या हिन्दुओ के राम, कृष्ण अथवा ३३ कोटि देवता शक्तिहीन हो चुकें हैं जो मुसलमानों की कब्रों पर सर पटकने के लिए जाना आवश्यक हैं?
४. जब गीता में श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज ने कहाँ हैं की कर्म करने से ही सफलता प्राप्त होती हैं तो मजारों में दुआ मांगने से क्या हासिल होगा?
"यान्ति देवव्रता देवान् पितृन्यान्ति पितृव्रताः
भूतानि यान्ति भूतेज्या यान्ति मद्याजिनोऽपिमाम्"
श्री मद भगवत गीता में भी भगवान श्रीकृष्ण कहते हैं कि भूत प्रेत, मुर्दा, पितृ (खुला या दफ़नाया हुआ अर्थात् कब्र,मजार अथवा समाधि) को सकामभाव से पूजने वाले स्वयं मरने के बाद भूत-प्रेत व पितृ की योनी में ही विचरण करते हैं व उसे ही प्राप्त करते हैं l
५. भला किसी मुस्लिम देश में वीर शिवाजी, महाराणा प्रताप, हरी सिंह नलवा आदि वीरो की स्मृति में कोई स्मारक आदि बनाकर उन्हें पूजा जाता हैं तो भला हमारे ही देश पर आक्रमण करनेवालो की कब्र पर हम क्यों शीश झुकाते हैं?
६. क्या संसार में इससे बड़ी मुर्खता का प्रमाण आपको मिल सकता हैं?
७. हिन्दू जाति कौन सी ऐसी अध्यात्मिक प्रगति मुसलमानों की कब्रों की पूजा कर प्राप्त कर रहीं हैं जो वेदों- उपनिषदों में कहीं नहीं गयीं हैं?
८. कब्र, मजार पूजा को हिन्दू मुस्लिम एकता की मिसाल और सेकुलरता की निशानी बताना हिन्दुओ को अँधेरे में रखना नहीं तो क्या हैं ?
आशा हैं इस लेख को पढ़ कर आपकी बुद्धि में कुछ प्रकाश हुआ होगा l अगर आप आर्य राजा श्री राम और श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज की संतान हैं तो तत्काल इस मुर्खता पूर्ण अंधविश्वास को छोड़ दे और अन्य हिन्दुओ को भी इस बारे में बता कर उनका अंधविश्वास दूर करे|अपने धर्म को जानिए l इस अज्ञानता के चक्र में से बाहर निकलिए l

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

New year and Navaratri

Wish You Happy Vikram Samvat 2072

It is celebrated as  Gudi Padwa in Maharashtra, ugadi in Karnataka , Andhra Pradesh. Navreh in Kashmir, Baisakhi in Punjab ,Cheti Chand in Sindh , Naba Barsha in Bengal, Goru Bihu in Assam, Puthandu in Tamil Nadu, Visnu in Kerala
First Day of Chaitra Navaratri ~Goddess Shailputri *
Origin - After the self-immolation as Goddess Sati, Goddess Parvati took birth as the daughter of Lord Himalaya. In Sanskrit Shail means the mountain and due to which Goddess was known as Shailputri, the daughter of the mountain.
Yugadi (Ugadi 'Samvatsaradi Telugu: Ugadi/Yugadi, Kannada, Yugadi,Konkani/Marathi: युगादि yugadi and Gudi padwa in Marathi) is the New Year's Day for the people of India.
The name Yugadi or Ugadi is derived from the Sanskrit words ‪yuga  (age) and ‪adi (beginning): "the beginning of an age". This day is celebrated as festival every year as the spring season arrives with trees decorating themselves with tender leaves in different colors, followed by beautiful blooms. In ...2015, the Nav Samvat begins on March 21. The New Year is first day after the Amavasi (No moon) in the month of Chaitra. The current year is known as Keelak Samvatsar. The New Year begins with the first day after the new moon, in the month of Chaitra, Chaitra Shuddha 1 or Chaitra Shukla Paksha Prathama; which usually falls in March-April in the Gregorian calendar.
The spring season is a symbol to the human kind that there is a hope and a reminder that we are blessed to be surrounded by beautiful nature. It is in spring that life comes back to normal after being barren for months. Many see this as an ideal time to celebrate the New Year as even the new changes could be seen in nature. The earliest recording of a new year in Mesopotamia, circa 2000 B.C were celebrated around the time of the vernal equinox, around March 20. The traditional New Year of Bikram Samwat (started by King Vikramaditya) is one of the many festivals of Nepal, marked by parties, family gatherings, the exchange of good wishes and participation in rituals to ensure good fortune in the coming year. The nine-day Navaratri festival season begins on this day, culminating on Ram Navami day.
Then as the day moves on, people decorate their houses with mango leaves and rangolis, and Ugadi Pachhadi (Telegu) or Bevu Bella (Kannada), a unique dish of a specific mixture with six different tastes is also prepared. The dish symbolizes different experiences ranging from sweet to bitter and that everyone should learn from these experiences and continue with life’s journey.
According to the puranas, Lord Brahma started creation on this day, Chaitra Shudda Padyami. Yugadi is a very important in Indian culture and celebrated as festival. It is the beginning of changes in nature.
There is unique way of calculating time from smallest (60,750th of a second) to largest (Maha kalpa) in vedic system.
"Our saints had said that Earth existed 1.96 'arab' years ago. Earlier, science did not accept this, but later it had to. What they tell is run by our channels. They should have asked Pundits – Rajnath Singh, Home Minister.
Shubh Vikram Samvat 2072 and Ugadi to all of you
First day of Navratri Navratri Worship - Goddess Shailputri is worshipped on the 
Governing Planet - It is believed that the Moon, the provider of all fortunes, is governed by Goddess Shailputri and any bad effect of the Moon can be overcome by worshipping this form of Adi Shakti.
Iconography - The mount of Goddess Shailputri is bull and because of that she is also known as Vrisharudha (वृषारूढ़ा). Goddess Shailputri is depicted with two hands. She carries Trishul in the right hand and the lotus flower in the left hand.
Devanagari Name - शैलपुत्री
Stuti -
या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ शैलपुत्री रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।।
Details - She is also known as Hemavati and Parvati. Due to her importance among all nine forms Goddess Shailputri is worshipped on the first day of Navratri. Similar to her previous birth as Goddess Sati, Goddess Shailputri got married to Lord Shiva.

Second day of Navaratri -BRAMHCHARINI-
Origin - After Kushmanda form, Goddess Parvati took birth at the home of Daksha Prajapati. In this form the Goddess Parvati was a great Sati and her unmarried form is worshipped as Goddess Brahmacharini.
Navratri Worship - Goddess Brahmacharini is worshipped on the second day of Navratri.
Governing Planet - It is believed that Lord Mangal, the provider of all fortunes, is governed by Goddess Brahmacharini.
Iconography - Goddess Brahmacharini is depicted as walking on the bare feet. She has two hands and She carries Jap Mala in the right hand and Kamandal in the left hand.
Devanagari Name - ब्रह्मचारिणी
Stuti -
या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ ब्रह्मचारिणी रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।।
Details - Goddess Brahmacharini did severe penance to get Lord Shiva as her husband. She performed hard austerity and due to which She was called Brahmacharini.

It is stated that during her penance to get Lord Shiva as her husband She spent 1000 years on the diet of flowers and fruits and another 100 years on the diet on leafy vegetables while sleeping on the floor.
Further She followed strict fasting regimen while staying at open place in scorching summers, harsh winters and stormy rains. According to Hindu mythologies She was on diet of Bilva leaves for 3000 years while She prayed to Lord Shankar. Later She even stopped eating Bilva leaves and continued her penance without any food and water. She was known as Aparna when She left eating Bilva leaves.
As legends go Goddess Brahmacharini immolated herself by wishing to get a father in her next birth who can respect her husband Lord Shiva.

Third day of NAVRATRI-chandraghanta
Origin - Goddess Chandraghanta is the married form the Goddess Parvati. After getting married to Lord Shiva Goddess Mahagauri started adorning her forehead with half Chandra and due to which Goddess Parvati was known as Goddess Chandraghanta.
Navratri Worship - Goddess Chandraghanta is worshipped on the third day of Navratri.
Governing Planet - It is believed that the planet Shukra is governed by Goddess Chandraghanta.
Iconography - Goddess Chandraghanta mounts on the tigress. She wears the semi-circular moon (Chandra) on her forehead. The half-moon on her forehead looks like the bell (Ghanta) and because of that she is known as Chandra-Ghanta. She is depicted with ten hands. Goddess Chandraghanta carries Trishul, Gada, Sword and Kamandal in her four right hands and keeps the fifth right hand in Varada Mudra. She carries lotus flower, Arrow, Dhanush and Japa Mala in her four left hands and keeps the fifth left hand in Abhaya Mudra.
Devanagari Name - चंद्रघंटा
Stuti -
या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ चंद्रघंटा रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।।
Details - This form of Goddess Parvati is peaceful and for welfare of her devotees. In this form Goddess Chandraghanta is ready for the war with all her weapons. It is believed that the sound of the moon-bell on her forehead expel all type of spirits away from her devotees.

Fourth Day of  NAVRATRI---Goddess Kushmanda - 
Origin - After taking form of Siddhidatri, Goddess Parvati started living inside the center of the Sun so that He can liberate energy to the universe. Since then Goddess is known as Kushmanda. Kushmanda is the Goddess who has the power and capability to live inside the Sun. The glow and radiance of her body is as luminous as that of the Sun.
Navratri Worship - Goddess Kushmanda is worshipped on the fourth day of Navratri.
Governing Planet - It is believed that Goddess Kushmanda provides direction and energy to the Sun. Hence God Sun is governed by Goddess Kushmanda.
Iconography - Goddess Siddhidatri rides on the lioness. She is depicted with eight hands. She has Kamandal, Dhanush, Bada and Kamal in the right hands and Amrit Kalash, Jap Mala, Gada and Chakra in the left hands in that order.
Devanagari Name - कूष्माण्डा
Stuti -
या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ कूष्माण्डा रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।।
Details - Goddess Kushmanda has eight hands and because of that She is also known as Ashtabhuja Devi. It is believed that all the power to bestow Siddhis and Niddhis are located in her Jap Mala.
It is stated that She created the whole universe, which is called Brahmanda (ब्रह्माण्ड) in Sanskrit, by just flashing little bit of her smile. She also likes Bali of white pumpkin known as Kushmanda (कुष्माण्ड). Due to her association with Brahmanda and Kushmanda She is popularly known as Goddess Kushmanda.

Origin - When Goddess Parvati became the mother of Lord Skanda (also known as Lord Kartikeya), Mata Parvati was known as Goddess Skandamata.
Navratri Worship - Goddess Skandamata is worshipped on the fifth day of Navratri.
Governing Planet - It is believed that the planet Budha is governed by Goddess Skandamata.
Iconography - Goddess Skandamata mounts on the ferocious lion. She carries baby Murugan in her lap. Lord Murugan is also known as Kartikeya and brother of Lord Ganesha. Goddess Skandamata is depicted with four hands. She carries lotus flowers in her upper two hands. She holds baby Murugan in one of her right hand and keeps the other right hand in Abhaya Mudra. She sits on lotus flower and because of that Skandamata is also known as Goddess Padmasana.
Devanagari Name - स्कन्दमाता
Stuti -
या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ स्कन्दमाता रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।।
Details - The complexion of Goddess Skandamata is Shubhra (शुभ्र) which describes her white complexion. Devotees who worship this form of Goddess Parvati get the benefit of worshipping Lord Kartikeya. This quality is possessed only by Skandamata form of Goddess Parvati.
Origin - To destroy demon Mahishasura, Goddess Parvati took the form of Goddess Katyayani. It was the most violent form of Goddess Parvati. In this form Goddess Parvati is also known as Warrior Goddess.
Navratri Worship - Goddess Katyayani is worshipped on the sixth day of Navratri.
Governing Planet - It is believed that the planet Brihaspati is governed by Goddess Katyayani.
Iconography - Goddess Katyayani rides on the magnificent lion and depicted with four hands. Goddess Katyayani carries lotus flower and sword in her left hands and keeps her right hands in Abhaya and Varada Mudras.

Devanagari Name - कात्यायनी
Stuti -
या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ कात्यायनी रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।।
Details - According to religious texts Goddess Parvati was born at the home of sage Katya and due to which this form of Goddess Parvati is known as Katyayani.

Seventh day of Navratri--Goddess Kalaratri -
Origin - When the Goddess Parvati removed outer golden skin to kill demons named Shumbha and Nishumbha, She was known as Goddess Kalaratri. Kalaratri is the fiercest and the most ferocious form of Goddess Parvati.
Navratri Worship - Goddess Kalaratri is worshipped on the seventh day of Navratri.
Governing Planet - It is believed that the planet Shani is governed by Goddess Kalaratri.
Iconography - Goddess Kalaratri complexion is dark black and She rides on a donkey. She is depicted with four hands. Her right hands are in Abhaya and Varada Mudra and She carries sword and the deadly iron hook in her left hands.

Devanagari Name - कालरात्रि
Stuti -
या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ कालरात्रि रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।।
Details - Although the Goddess Kalaratri is the most ferocious form of Goddess Parvati, She blesses her devotees with Abhaya and Varada Mudras. Because of her Shubh or auspicious power within her ferocious form Goddess Kalaratri is also known as Goddess Shubhankari (शुभंकरी).
The name of Goddess Kalaratri is also spelled as Goddess Kalratri and Goddess Kaalratri.

- Eighth day of NAVRATTRI   Goddess Mahagauri
Origin - According to Hindu mythologies, the Goddess Shailputri at the age of sixteen was extremely beautiful and was blessed with fair complexion. Due to her extreme fair complexion she was known as Goddess Mahagauri.
Navratri Worship - Goddess Mahagauri is worshipped on the eighth day of Navratri.
Governing Planet - It is believed that the planet Rahu is governed by Goddess Mahagauri.
Iconography - The mount of Goddess Mahagauri as well as Goddess Shailputri is bull and because of that she is also known as Vrisharudha (वृषारूढ़ा). Goddess Mahagauri is depicted with four hands. She carries Trishul in one right hand and keeps the second right hand in Abhaya Mudra. She adorns Damaru in the one left hand and keeps the second left hand in Varada Mudra.
Devanagari Name - महागौरी
Stuti -
या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ महागौरी रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।।
Details - As name suggests, Goddess Mahagauri is extremely fair. Due to her fair complexion Goddess Mahagauri is compared with the conch, the moon and the white flower of Kunda (कुंद). She adorns white clothes only and due to that She is also known as Shwetambardhara (श्वेताम्बरधरा)

Goddess Siddhidatri - Ninth day of NAVRATRI
Origin - In the beginning of the universe Lord Rudra worshipped Adi-Parashakti for creation. It is believed that Goddess Adi-Parashakti had no form. The supreme Goddess of Power, Adi-Parashakti, appeared in the form of Siddhidatri from the left half of Lord Shiva.
Navratri Worship - Goddess Siddhidatri is worshipped on the ninth day of Navratri.
Governing Planet - It is believed that Goddess Siddhidatri provides direction and energy to planet Ketu. Hence planet Ketu is governed by her.
Iconography - Goddess Siddhidatri sits on Kamal and rides on the lion. She is depicted with four hands. She has Gada in the one right hand, Chakra in the other right hand, lotus flower in the one left hand and Shankh in the other left hand.
Devanagari Name - सिद्धिदात्री
Stuti -
या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ सिद्धिदात्री रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।
Details - She is the Goddess who possesses and bestows all type of Siddhis to her devotees. Even Lord Shiva got all Siddhis by grace of Goddess Siddhidatri. She is worshipped by not only humans but also by Deva, Gandharva, Asura, Yaksha and Siddha. Lord Shiva got the title of Ardha-Narishwar when Goddess Siddhidatri appeared from his left half.