Thursday, May 1, 2014

10 जनपथ से जुड़े मोइन के तार

4 केन्द्रीय मंत्री और एक वरिष्ठ कांग्रेसी नेता भी जांच के दायरे में
लोकसभा चुनाव के दौरान कांग्रेस पार्टी को एक और करारा झटका लगा है। आयकर विभाग की छापेमारी में मांस व हवाला कारोबारी मोइन कुरैशी पर कसे शिकंजे में कई अहम राज उजागर होने के संकेत मिले हैं। विभाग ने 15 अप्रैल को अपनी जांच खत्म की है। इस कार्रवाई के तहत कुरैशी के यहां से करीब 6 करोड़ की नकद राशि जब्त हुई है और उसके 20 लॉकर सील किए हैं। खासबात यह है पिछले 60 दिनों में हुई 520 घंटे फोन पर बातचीत की रिकॉर्डिंग में 10 जनपथ से जुड़े एक वरिष्ठ कांग्रेसी नेता, 4 केन्द्रीय मंत्री और 2जी घोटाले में संलिप्त कई उद्योगपतियों की भूमिका भी संदिग्ध जतायी जा रही है।
आयकर विभाग की टीम फोन पर हुई बातचीत के आधार पर जल्द ही उन केन्द्रीय मंत्रियों और उद्योगपतियांे से पूछताछ शुरू करने वाली है। ऐसे में माना जा रहा है कि कई अहम राज सामने आ सकते हैं। आयकर विभाग की टीम काफी पहले से कुरैशी पर नजर रखे हुई थी। सूत्रों के अनुसार इस सिलसिले में गत 16 फरवरी को आयकर विभाग ने कुरैशी के दिल्ली में छतरपुर, गुड़गांव और नोएडा के विभिन्न ठिकानों पर पहली बार छापेमारी की थी। डिजिटल फॉरमेट वाली यह रिकॉर्डिंग झंडेवालान स्थित आयकर विभाग के महानिदेशक कार्यालय में जमा है। सूत्रों के मुताबिक पूछताछ के दौरान कुरैशी ने बताया है कि सील किए गए लॉकर उसी के हैं जिनमें वह मोटी रकम जमा कराता था। जांच में यह भी पता लगा है कि एक पूर्व सीबीआई अधिकारी का डिफेंस कॉलोनी स्थित मकान, जो कि उनकी मां के नाम है, उसमें कुरैशी ने अपना दफ्तर खोला हुआ था।
कुरैशी द्वारा उस पूर्व सीबीआई अधिकारी को 2जी घोटाला मामले की जांच के दौरान दुबई-लंदन यात्रा के वक्त रिश्वत की रकम भी मुहैया करवाई गई थी। आयकर विभाग की टीम डिफेंस कॉलोनी स्थित दो अन्य मकानों की भी छानबीन कर रही है। इनमें से एक मकान में दून स्कूल के पूर्व छात्रों की संस्था का कार्यालय चलाया जा रहा है, जिस संस्था का कुरैशी अध्यक्ष भी है। यही नहीं केन्द्रीय गृह राज्य मंत्री आरपीएन सिंह उस संस्था के उपाध्यक्ष हैं। पिछले एक दशक में कुरैशी ने अपार धन-संपत्ति अर्जित की है। उसने मांस निर्यात का सालाना कारोबार 167 करोड़ का बताया है, जबकि आयकर विभाग का मानना है कि यह वास्तविकता से काफी कम है यानी उसने गलत जानकारी दी है। कुरैशी ने लंदन और दुबई में अपने खातों में भी लेन-देन में सही जानकारी मुहैया नहीं कराई है। आयकर विभाग की टीम पिछले दो माह में एकत्रित किए गए तथ्य और कुरैशी से हुई पूछताछ की बारीकी से जांच कर रही है। हवाला की रकम मिलने की वजह से मामले की जांच प्रवर्तन निदेशालय को भी सौंपी जा सकती है। प्रतिनिधि
तंजौर लोकसभा सीट से भाजपा प्रत्याशी पर हमला
तमिलनाडु में तंजौर लोकसभा सीट से भाजपा के प्रत्याशी श्री करुपू मुरगानाथम पर गत 14 अप्रैल को मल्लीपट्टीनम में प्रचार के दौरान जिहादियों ने हमला कर दिया। सोशल डेमोके्रटिक पार्टी ऑफ इंडिया से जुड़े ये हमलावर हथियारों से लैस होकर आए थे। उन्होंने वहां पहंुचते ही प्रत्याशी पर हमला बोल दिया, इस दौरान उनकी कार भी बुरी तरह से क्षतिग्रस्त कर दी गई। वहां मौजूद भाजपा कार्यकर्ताओं ने प्रत्याशी को बचाने का काफी प्रयास किया, जिस दौरान वे भी बुरी तरह से घायल हो गए। हैरानी की बात यह है कि प्रत्याशी मुरगानाथम पर पुलिस की उपस्थिति में ही हमला किया गया। मुरगानाथम ने किसी तरह वहां से निकलकर अपनी जान बचाई। यह हमला तमिलनाडु की मुख्यमंत्री जयललिता के उस भाषण के कुछ ही घंटों बाद किया गया जिसमें उन्होंने भाजपा पर तीखे प्रहार किए थे। जयललिता ने कहा था, भाजपा प्रत्याशियों की चुनाव में जमानत जब्त होगी। एक विशेषज्ञ के अनुसार पूरे राज्य में भाजपा प्रत्याशियों पर ऐसे हमले आगे भी कराए जा सकते हैं। प्रतिनिधि
तमिलनाडु में कट्टरवादियों को मिल रहा पुलिस से संरक्षण
तमिलनाडु पुलिस के एक पूर्व पुलिस अधिकारी ने पुलिस महानिदेशक को पिछले वर्ष एक हैरान करने वाला पत्र लिखा था जिसमें मुस्लिम मुखबिर और पुलिस के गुप्तचर विभाग के बीच साठगांठ का आरोप लगाया गया था। अधिकारी का कहना था कि वर्ष 2011 में मदुरै में भारतीय जनता पार्टी के वरिष्ठ नेता श्री लालकृष्ण आडवाणी की जन चेतना यात्रा के मार्ग में मुस्लिम मुखबिर ने ही उच्च क्षमता वाला विस्फोटक रखा था।
मदुरै के पूर्व पुलिस अधीक्षक वी. बालाकृष्णन ने महानिदेशक और अतिरिक्त महानिदेशक को मार्च और अगस्त 2013 में लिखे अपने दो गोपनीय पत्रों में यह संवेदनशील प्रकरण उठाया था। गत 10 अप्रैल को चेन्नै उच्च न्यायालय में मदुरै पीठ के समक्ष याचिकाकर्ता की ओर से पेश अधिवक्ता पीटर रमेश कुमार ने इन पत्रांे के माध्यम से तथ्य प्रस्तुत किए, जो कि अलग-अलग पाए गए विस्फोटकों में मुख्य आरोपियों की गिरफ्तारी के लिए सीबीआई जांच की मांग कर रहे हैं।
बालाकृष्णन ने दलील देते हुए पीठ के समक्ष कहा कि पुलिस के मुखबिर मुस्लिम समुदाय के हैं, जो कि पुलिस के भरोसे का लाभ उठाकर गुप्तचर विभाग में तैनात कुछ पुलिसकर्मियों के साथ सक्रिय हैं। बालकृष्णन ने पत्र का हवाला देते हुए कहा कि 29 मार्च, 2013 को अवनियापुरम पुलिस द्वारा सैयद वहाब और इस्मत के खिलाफ रंगदारी का एक मामला दर्ज किया गया था। इस्मत ही वह मुखबिर था जिसने रथयात्रा के रास्ते में विस्फोटक रखा था। इसके अलावा हवलदार विजय पेरुमल, जो कि मदुरई पुलिस के गुप्तचर विभाग में तैनात था। विजय वहाब के साथ मिला हुआ था और ये जमीन की खरीद-फरोख्त में शामिल थे।
23 अगस्त, 2013 को अतिरिक्त पुलिस महानिदेशक को लिखे दूसरे पत्र का जिक्र करते हुए बालाकृष्णन ने कहा कि विस्फोटक मामले की जांच से जुड़े एसआईटी में तैनात एक निरीक्षक मदासमी का भी तबादला कर दिया गया था। ऐसा करना मुस्लिम कट्टरवादियों की विध्वंसक गतिविधियों को बढ़ावा देने का संकेत था। याचिकाकर्ता के वकील ने उच्च न्यायालय में यह भी कहा कि पुलिस की मिलीभगत और दखल की वजह से ही मुख्य आरोपी को अभी तक गिरफ्तार नहीं किया जा सका। इस मामले की सुनवाई न्यायाधीश आर. सुभया कर रहे हैं। प्रतिनिधि


Rahul's Claim of M Phil is Perjury, Says Swamy
(Page # 6, New Indian Express, Hyderabad - 25/Apr/2014)
Accusing Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi of submitting a false affidavit on his educational qualification while filing his nomination as a candidate from the Amethi Lok Sabha constituency in Uttar Pradesh, senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy has said that Rahul’s affidavit contains a wilful falsehood which is tantamount to perjury.

Speaking to reporters here on Thursday, Swamy said that he had filed a complaint with the Election Commission against Rahul Gandhi on April 14 alleging that the Congress vice-president had committed ‘perjury’ regarding his educational qualifications and urged the commission to seek an explanation from Rahul and ask him to submit a copy of his certificate.
Swamy said the Gandhi scion had registered himself as ‘Raul Vinci’ at the University of Cambridge. But Rahul is not an M.Phil from the British university, he said.
“I had visited the University of Cambridge in 2006 and found that in the department of development studies and in the library there was no record whatsoever of Rahul Gandhi having studied for the M.Phil course, much less passed the examination and much less wrote the mandatory thesis. In fact, according to a letter dated April 22, 2008, Raul Vinci had failed in the examination in the National Economic Planning and Policy course.”
“Rahul must produce his certificate. Else, his nomination should be cancelled on charges of perjury,” the BJP leader said.
Defending his party raising the land deal by Priyanka Gandhi’s husband Robert Vadra, Swamy said “How can looting nation’s resources could be a personal issue? Let Priyanka give us the definition of personal issue,” he quipped.
Accusing Priyanka Gandhi, her husband Robert Vadra and her mother-in-law Maureen Vadra of illegally possessing different Director Identification Numbers (DINs), Swamy said that he had asked the ministry of corporate affairs initiate criminal prosecution of Priyanka Gandhi for allegedly possessing three different DINs.

British thought of India and how they managed to rule India.

Just read what INDIA was as per LORD MACAULAY on his statement on 2nd February 1835, in the last snap. That would really shock us. Old Photographs from Indian History. Please Read the last Article Carefully
See what the India was at 1835…….
The daughter of an Indian maharajah seated on a panther she shot, sometime during 1920s.
A British man gets a pedicure from an Indian servant.

The Grand Trunk Road , built by Sher Shah Suri, was the main trade route from Calcutta to Kabul .
A group of Dancing or notch girls began performing with their elaborate costumes and jewelry

A rare view of the President’s palace and the Parliament building in New Delhi .

Women gather at a party in Mumbai ( Bombay ) in 1910.
A group from Vaishnava, a sect founded by a Hindu mystic. His followers are called Gosvami-maharajahs
An aerial view of Jama Masjid mosque in Delhi , built between 1650 and 1658.
The Imperial Airways ‘Hanno’ Hadley Page passenger airplane carries the England to India air mail, stopping in Sharjah to refuel.

LORD MACAULAY on his statement on 2nd February 1835, in the last snap


Aam Aadmi Party says they are completely transparent about the sources of their party funding but the facts beg to differ.

1) During Anna’s movement, approx Rs. 200 Crores were received as donation, but Kejriwal said they got only 2 Crores. Anna himself said on camera that over 3 Crore people gave donation and there was blatant misuse of movement funds by Kejriwal. In fact, back then, this was one of the main reasons of behind split between Anna and Kejriwal. Anna’s ex-blogger Raju Parulakar revealed this on TV as well. No one has a clue where those 200 Crore went into, except Mr. Kejriwal. If we assume that both Kejriwal and Anna  are saying the truth then that would mean over 3 core people gave 2 Crore rupees  in donation : an average of barely 60 paisa per donor.  Laughable ! (More than 3 Crore people gave donation and Kejriwal misused it- Anna Hazare) (During Anna Movement Donation worth 200 Crore came in, Kejriwal offered only 2 Crore to Anna)

2) Everyone in the country saw on TV how a rep from a private company tells Sazia Ilmi that they'll give 20Lakh cash, but they don't want their names to come out in public. Shazia says that it can easily be arranged.  Which means they will take money in cash and wont post donor name on website! Now that’s not the transparency they advertised, did they?

3) Founder of AAP revealed that AAP has approximately 600-700 paid workers in Delhi. They get minimum 25,000/month of salary. Which implies that every month approx Rs 1.5 -2 Crore in cash comes from Congress party’s MP Navin Jindal. AAP never posts this detail on their website!

4) AAP gets a lots of funding from Saudi Arabia in the form of Cash, says the founder of AAP. AAP has never posted this detail on their website. You can check many Saudi and Pakistani websites asking people to defeat modi and vote kejriwal and congress! (AAP getting cash donation from Arab countries)

5) AAP gets lots of Cash fund from CIA’s front agency ford foundation. AAP never shows detail of this funding. Now you may say “is every NGO receiving ford funds anti-national?” No, maybe not. But the specialty about Kejriwal’s NGO was, it started receiving donations 2 years before it was even formally founded. Ever heard of that before? (AAP getting Cash donation's from Ford Foundation) (Kejriwal's NGO Kabir got donation from Ford foundation 2 yrs before its foundation)

6)The courts have already ordered probe into foreign funding of all political parties, including AAP. However, AAP is also charged with violation of FCRA and is yet to answer the courts on that.
Despite all these revelations and evident discrepancies,  the  congress  paid media advertises that AAP is transparent about their source of funding! 

What about BJP funding, people ask. well BJP being an old national party with millions of volunteers, has a wide array of donation sources. Rest assured, none of them are from evangelist american or saudi or any anti-indian sources but rather from the very people of India. 
Thank you very much.

via ShankhNaad
Aam Aadmi Party says they are completely transparent about the sources of their party funding but the facts beg to differ.
1) During Anna’s movement, approx Rs. 200 Crores were received as donation, but Kejriwal said they got only 2 Crores. Anna himself said on camera that over 3 Crore people gave donation and there was blatant misuse of movement funds by Kejriwal. In fact, back then, this was one of the main reasons of behind split between Anna and Kejriwal. Anna’s ex-blogger Raju Parulakar revealed this on TV as well. No one has a clue where those 200 Crore went into, except Mr. Kejriwal. If we assume that both Kejriwal and Anna are saying the truth then that would mean over 3 core people gave 2 Crore rupees in donation : an average of barely 60 paisa per donor. Laughable ! (More than 3 Crore people gave donation and Kejriwal misused it- Anna Hazare) (During Anna Movement Donation worth 200 Crore came in, Kejriwal offered only 2 Crore to Anna)
2) Everyone in the country saw on TV how a rep from a private company tells Sazia Ilmi that they'll give 20Lakh cash, but they don't want their names to come out in public. Shazia says that it can easily be arranged. Which means they will take money in cash and wont post donor name on website! Now that’s not the transparency they advertised, did they?
3) Founder of AAP revealed that AAP has approximately 600-700 paid workers in Delhi. They get minimum 25,000/month of salary. Which implies that every month approx Rs 1.5 -2 Crore in cash comes from Congress party’s MP Navin Jindal. AAP never posts this detail on their website!
4) AAP gets a lots of funding from Saudi Arabia in the form of Cash, says the founder of AAP. AAP has never posted this detail on their website. You can check many Saudi and Pakistani websites asking people to defeat modi and vote kejriwal and congress! (AAP getting cash donation from Arab countries)
5) AAP gets lots of Cash fund from CIA’s front agency ford foundation. AAP never shows detail of this funding. Now you may say “is every NGO receiving ford funds anti-national?” No, maybe not. But the specialty about Kejriwal’s NGO was, it started receiving donations 2 years before it was even formally founded. Ever heard of that before? (AAP getting Cash donation's from Ford Foundation) (Kejriwal's NGO Kabir got donation from Ford foundation 2 yrs before its foundation)
6)The courts have already ordered probe into foreign funding of all political parties, including AAP. However, AAP is also charged with violation of FCRA and is yet to answer the courts on that.
Despite all these revelations and evident discrepancies, the congress paid media advertises that AAP is transparent about their source of funding!
What about BJP funding, people ask. well BJP being an old national party with millions of volunteers, has a wide array of donation sources. Rest assured, none of them are from evangelist american or saudi or any anti-indian sources but rather from the very people of India.
Thank you very much.

Anjali Damania accepted on Times Now that she is a pathologist by profession. However she purchased farmers' land in Maharashtra by declaring herself as a 'farmer' and thereafter sold that land to Private real state conglomerates [1]. This fraud wasn't the first time; she is a known Land Shark in Maharashtra [2].
(As a side fact her husband Anish Damania, head of Emkay Global, was charged with erroneous trading order, which led the Nifty to slump by 900 points (more than 15 per cent) [6])
In the past she, along with Kejriwal, levelled charges against Nitin Gadkari for Irrigation scam. None of the wild allegations put by the shoot and scoot team could be proved [3], but in doing so they protected the actual accused of Irrigation scam - Sharad Pawar [4]. Damania wasn't even aware of the whistle-blower of the entire scam (chief engineer Vijay Pandhare). After which the state BJP unit was the first to unearth the irrigation scam and had undertaken public agitations but Kejriwal took all credit with media glare and spicy false allegations.
What media never highlighted was the fact that Gadkari promptly challenged Damania's wild rants with a legal notice [5]
Now here comes the interesting part. When people asked Kejriwal how come AAP has got Anjali Damania, a known Land Shark, in the party? Then Kejriwal LIED and said she’s just an 'ordinary volunteer'. [7]
But now we find that AAP has given her a LokSabha ticket from Nagpur, Maharastra.
‘Just a volunteer' Mr. kejriwal ?


As Damaad Gate bomb hit Congress on its face, here’s more on how the mother-son duo robbed National Herald to grab properties worth over Rs 5000 crore. Ten years of Sonia Gandhi-dominated UPA rule has made probity in public life the principal demand of the people. While umpteen scandals involving Government Ministries and Departments have come to light, one of the least reported and possibly most outrageous scandal is the surreptitious takeover of the prime properties of the National Herald, Navjivan and Qaumi Awaz by a closely held private company which is totally controlled by Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi.
The monetary value of the scam is estimated at over Rs 5000 crore, when calculated only in terms of real estate but it could be more once the full holdings of the National Herald is known.
A private company managed by Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Moti Lal Vora, Oscar Fernandes, Suman Dubey and Satyan G Pitroda, has quietly acquired the over Rs 600 crore estate and properties belonging to the Jawaharlal Nehru-founded The Associated Journals Ltd for the paltry sum of Rs 50 lakh. The acquisition, which was finalised as recently as April 26, 2012, covers an ‘extinguished’ loan of over Rs 90 crore from the All-India Congress Committee.
The Associated Journals Ltd is the owner and publisher of National Herald (English daily), Qaumi Awaz (Urdu daily) and National Herald International Weekly.
Amethi MP Rahul Gandhi is a Director in the said firm, Young Indian (Registration No 55-210686), which is a private company registered under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956. Its principal aim is to inculcate “in the mind of India’s youth, commitment to the ideal of a democratic and secular society for its entire populace without any distinction as to religion, caste or creed and to awaken India’s youth to participate in activities that promote the foregoing objective”.
As this has nothing to do with journalism, it is unclear why Young Indian is acquiring the huge assets of a newspaper company for its activities.
As per the Notes to Accounts for the period ended March 31, 2012, a public limited company started by Jawaharlal Nehru with 5,000-odd shareholders has effectively become a private firm managed by Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi, using funds from the AICC. The legality of a political party giving a loan to a private person to set up a private firm remains questionable.
In fact, many aspects of the deal are problematic. The Notes to Accounts (II.1) states that in pursuit of its objects, “the Company acquired loan owed of Rs 90,21,68,980 by The Associated Journals Ltd (‘the said Company’), presently engaged in achieving a recast of its activities so as to have its main object congruent to the main object of the company, for a consideration of Rs 50 lakh”.
It continues, “As a part of restructuring exercise of the said company, the said loan was converted into 9,02,16,898 ordinary shares of Rs 10 each fully paid. Since said acquisition is treated as application on the objects of the company (and accordingly, treated in the financial statements of the company), the same has not been reflected as an investment in shares. Besides, even if the shares were to be treated as an asset (‘investment’), having regard to the fact that the net worth of the said company is negative, recognising the entire cost as “diminution in value” would result in an equivalent charge to the Income & Expenditure Account.”
This statement has been signed for and on behalf of the Managing Committee by Pradeep S Shah, Partner, Chandrakant & Sevantilal Chartered Accountants, Suman Dubey, director, and Moti Lal Vora, director.
It is pertinent that the official address of Young Indian is 5A, Herald House, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, Delhi, 110002, which is also the official address of publications owned by The Associated Journals Ltd, the registered office of which is Nehru Bhawan, 1 Bisheshwar Nath Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
Prima facie there seems to have been no general body meeting of shareholders to discuss and approve this huge disbursal of public property to a private firm. The records show that Moti Lal Vora, chairman, The Associated Journals Ltd, informed the Board of Directors in their meeting held on February 26, 2011, that 9,02,16,898 equity shares of Rs 10 each be allotted to Young Indian in consideration of the extinguishment of the amount of Rs 90,21,68,980 due to Young Indian under loan facility availed by the Company from All India Congress Committee.
Resolution No. 3 continues that this loan facility and all the benefits thereunder was approved by the board in the board meeting held on 21.12.2010 and by the shareholders by a Special Resolution in the Extraordinary General Meeting of the members held on 21.01.2011.
Vora requested the board to approve the allotment of 9,02,16,898 equity shares of Rs 10 each to Young Indian.
This is simply unprecedented and by far surpasses the generous loans extended by DLF, a private sector corporate house, to facilitate the staggering acquisitions of Robert Vadra (now reputedly holed up in Dubai).
The AICC loaned and wrote off the amount of Rs 90 crore plus to Young Indian, but Young Indian paid only Rs 50 lakhs for the entire transaction and became owner of the immense properties and estates of The Associated Journals Ltd.
Then, the objectives of Young Indian have nothing to do with journalism, which is the sole reason why the then Government allotted prime land to the publishing house. It stands to reason that if the publications are defunct and cannot be made viable, then the trust managing the same must be dissolved and the land returned to the Government.
If Rahul Gandhi has no intention of starting a new newspaper or magazine, or re-launching the National Herald and allied publications – which his staff reputedly asserted when asked by journalists who learnt that something was afoot in the trust – why has he acquired The Associated Journals Ltd and all its assets?
It may be pertinent to note that in The Associated Journals Ltd’s List of Shareholders and Debenture Holders 2008, the name of Rahul Gandhi has been inserted by hand at Page 49, with no shares or debentures allotted, and no other particulars given. In the List for 2011, Young Indian figures as the last entry, with the address N-125 Panchsheel Park, New Delhi-17, and the shares allotted are 9,02,16,898. Moti Lal Vora has signed this document in his capacity as managing director.
The whole thing reeks of crony capitalism and seems prima facie illegal. A public trust cannot be made private in this surreptitious manner.


Dynasty, a political tool in the hands of the NEHRU pariwar changed India to a Family Of Durbar, (autobiographical account of journalist Tavleen Singh.
But what is it about dynastic politics that so animates Tavleen Singh? That she was self-admittedly part of the durbar of the dynasty for a while, before her conscience as a journalist conflicted with demands of dynastic loyalty, is only part of the story. The other part, which is the theme running right across the book, is how dynasty eats into the vitals of every organ of the state, slowly but surely and with studied effectiveness.
Durbar is a chronicle of the times of Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi. An intriguing thought that springs after reading the book is this: Are most of the problems that India faces today a construct of the Rajiv Gandhi era? Consider the evidence:
  • Modern Kashmir problem: There is a historical Kashmir problem which started in 1947 in the circumstances of the State’s accession. However, the historical problem was almost completely over in 1975 with the signing of the Indira Gandhi-Sheikh Abdullah accord. The free and fair elections of 1983, in which Farooq Abdullah won a majority, finally convinced most Kashmiris that they had a democratic future in India. Rajiv Gandhi and his Doon School friends did not think this was good enough. Under their advice, Indira Gandhi dismissed the Farooq Government in 1984 and installed his brother-in-law as a Congress stooge. He ruled for a disastrous 20 months before he was dismissed. By the time elections were held again in 1987, Rajiv Gandhi was Prime Minister. This time, he along with Farooq, who was coerced into an alliance, rigged the elections. Within a span of five years, Rajiv Gandhi had managed the miracle –Many Kashmiris lost hope in democracy. People who had contested the 1987 election became overnight jihadis. By the time Rajiv demitted office in 1989, we had jihad in Kashmir. That Pakistan was fresh from success in Afghanistan and only too willing to meddle was of course one of the reasons. But the supply of local Kashmiris to carry out this jihad, for the first time since 1947, was a direct result of policies Rajiv Gandhi. We now had a modern Kashmir problem which we are still grappling with 25 years later.
  • Punjab and terrorism: Operation Blue Star was conceived by Rajiv Gandhi and friends and it is they who finally convinced Indira Gandhi. That set in motion a process which resulted in the death of Indira Gandhi, the anti-Sikh pogrom on the streets of Delhi in 1984 and a decade of militancy in Punjab, causing loss of thousands of life. Operation Blue Star started, for the first time, a trend when Indians began crossing over to Pakistan to get trained and come back and exact mayhem in India. A trend started by Khalistanis and carried over by jihadis till this day. What groups likes Babbar Khalsa did in the 1980s, Indian Mujahideen is doing now.
  • Communal politics: The craven surrender by Rajiv Gandhi in the infamous Shah Bano case is perhaps one of the most shameful chapters in Indian history. But what is even more shameful is that it could have been all so different. It was not as if this episode demanded Rajiv Gandhi to demonstrate any great moral or intellectual leadership. In fact, he had to do nothing. All that was required was to say that the highest court in the land has opined and that is the law and it will stand. Yet, he chose to act. He chose to use his brute majority in Parliament to subvert the Supreme Court’s judgement. Once down this path, it was only a matter of time when compromises would be made to please fanatics each day. Rajiv Gandhi’s Government itself became the first Government to ban Satanic Verses. So it was only natural when 20 years later, his widow allegedly wept when she saw pictures of dead terrorists of Batla House – terrorists who had just a few days ago murdered many dozens of innocents Indians and killed a brave police officer in an encounter.
  • Compromised Press: Indira Gandhi used the sledgehammer of Emergency to muzzle the Press. Rajiv Gandhi realised that it would no longer work and in any case it could not be a permanent solution. So he devised a more sophisticated and long lasting solution – The Durbar. If only you were part of the Durbar and saw the world as Rajiv Gandhi wanted it to be seen, were you welcome. Else you would find the world so hostile to you and opportunities in literary and academic fields drying up so fast that you might even find it hard to make ends meet. Tavleen Singh mentions the classic example of MJ Akbar in her book and quotes the great dynasty sycophant Mani Shankar Aiyar: “One interview was all it took to have the great rebel Editor in our pocket.” What was an experiment in 1985 became a practiced art form in 2005 when Sonia Gandhi wanted to project her Saint Sonia image. Just check the people she has directly given an interview since she joined politics in 1998 and if they have ever spoken a word against her. If you wanted to report on the Gandhi family, the only way possible was access journalism. That access will only be given if you do their bidding. What Tavleen Singh chronicles through he own life experience is there for all of us to see today.
  • High office corruption: While corruption scandals did hit the Governments of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, no one ever accused them of personal corruption or corruption by their friends and family. In fact when Indira Gandhi lost power in 1977, she found it hard to make a living since she had no personal money. This changed with Rajiv Gandhi. Their closest family friend was the direct accused in the infamous Bofors scandal. And so began the saga of loot at the highest echelons of Government and the use of state machinery to protect the corrupt. What we see today in 2G and Coalgate is only the manifestation of the Bofors phenomenon – people at the highest levels of Government using official powers to benefit friends and family.
  • Crony capitalism: Tavleen Singh recounts in some detail the overnight transformation of Rajiv Gandhi’s party circuit friends from middle class lifestyle to globetrotting businessmen. From contracts to export rice to the USSR to high-end defence deals, it all began then. If the Durbar was doing it – rewarding the loyalists to become rich – why would the minions not follow? So some 20 years later, Coal mining contracts were awarded, arbitrarily, to friends and families. Without apology.
  • Politics of phony socialism: Capitalism thrives on competition. Different ideas compete and the best idea wins. Dynasty is the very antithesis of competition. Here the best man does not win. So it is not accidental that socialism is the chosen economic vehicle of the dynasty. It is not accidental either that socialism was put in the Preamble to the Constitution, not by the founding fathers but by Indira Gandhi. Free enterprise enables people to chart their own destiny. But if they move up the value chain, they would aspire for ‘more’ and might vote for the candidate who promises that ‘more’ better and not the dynasty. Phony socialism ensures that people never move up the value chain, remain always bound in poverty and destitution, and each time an election comes, some new sop is promised, the dream of which makes the poor and destitute continue to vote for the dynasty. Rajiv Gandhi started it with Indira Aawaas Yojana. Thirty years later, the poor are as homeless as then. Sonia Gandhi conjured NREGA. None of these schemes are designed to make the poor prosper – they are intended to keep them entrapped in their poverty and make them a catchment for votes for the Congress.
  • Compromised institutions: Justice Ranganath Mishra was appointed to head an inquiry commission into the 1984 anti-Sikh pogrom. Ironically, it was at the intervention of Sonia Gandhi, as Tavleen Singh chronicles. Of course not one murderer was ever identified by Justice Mishra in his report. What did happen though was that Justice Mishra became a Congress MP many years later. Mani Shankar Aiyar officially joined the Congress in 1989. But he began doing Rajiv Gandhi’s bidding from 1985 itself while still in service. Ajit Jogi was able to quit the IAS within hours (normally it takes months) to join and contest on a Congress ticket. Everyone saw this. All you needed was to catch the eye of the Durbar and the future of your generations would be made. Few years later, a Chief Election Commissioner of India would join the Congress and even become a Minster. Loyalty would continue to play an important part in the life of these compromised officials. Wajahat Habibullah, one of the architects of the disastrous Kashmir policy in the 1980s, would continue to thrive since he was loyal to the Durbar. The trend would replicate in even cruder form at the State level and with regional parties. The principle was the same though. They learnt it, after all, from Rajiv Gandhi.
  • Politics of symbolism over substance: What will India rather have – a Government that delivers on basic needs or a politician who eats a meal with you but delivers nothing? The answer might seem obvious now but is it that obvious? When Rajiv Gandhi could have used his historic mandate to change the destiny of India, he used it to organise melas in Delhi and poverty tourism in remote corners of India. Amethi, the family constituency of the dynasty, is perhaps the most backward tract in Uttar Pradesh. Yet, why should it matter if the natives of Amethi get to see their favorite dynast saunter down the dirty alleys once a while? This was the politics of Rajiv Gandhi – where symbolism over substance became high politics. No wonder then that Rahul Gandhi has spent his entire stint in politics eating meals at Dalit homes rather than propound one concrete policy. No wonder still then that Narendra Modi was slammed for not wearing a religious headgear ( another symbolism invented by Rajiv Gandhi) ignoring the fact that the same religious group is the most prosperous in his State as compared to any other State in India.
  • Dynasty colonising our country: Rajiv Gandhi’s ascent was the first direct dynastic accession in Indian politics at any level. It opened the floodgates. Except the BJP and the irrelevant Left parties, there is not one political party where this plague does not afflict – SP, SS, DMK, NCP, RJD, TDP, NC and other new entrants. A nation of 120 billion people has come to be colonised by a group of roughly 5,000 interconnected families – politicians, bureaucrats and mediapersons.
It all began with Rajiv Gandhi’s ten year era in politics – five as a MP and advisor to Indira Gandhi and five as Prime Minister himself. We as a nation are still paying the price.
India, unlike Western democracies, has a very poor record in well-written memoirs by those still active in public life. Tavleen Singh’s book therefore is a brave exception. Read it for it gives us a fantastic view of our recent history and some interesting tidbits – how a close friend of Sonia Gandhi was under investigation for Indira Gandhi’s assassination, how all Congress people mysteriously survived and only Rajiv Gandhi was killed by the LTTE bomber, the rise of the bimbo brigade in the Congress and how Naveen Patnaik had a very lively past before he became the sombre politician of today.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


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