Showing posts with label JAMMU AND KASHMIR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JAMMU AND KASHMIR. Show all posts

Saturday, March 28, 2015

First Hindu King of Kashmir

Lha-chen-Rgyalbu-Rinchan was first non Hindu king of Kashmir who belonged to Islamic faith(convert). He was not a born Muslim but Buddhist by faith. Rinchan’s father was killed in some internal disputes in Ladakh leading him to run away in exile and settle as a refugee in Kashmir. He took refuge in castle of Ram Chand commander of Raja Sahadeva. Here he met Shamshir a Persian Muslim immigrant- another fellow like him. Rinchan first won confidence of Ram Chand and later killed him to ascent himself to throne and proclaimed himself as king of Kashmir on 6th October 1320.He gained peace by marrying Ram Chand’s daughter Kota Rani and appointing his son Rawan Chand on his father’s post of commander in chief and Shamsir as vazir(Minister) of his kingdom.
Even after securing peace he did not feel secure. He wanted to remove stigma that he captured throne by fraud. Therefore he made an attempt to identify himself with the country and the people to understand and follow their culture, religion and traditions, as one of them. To begin with he expressed desire to accept Saiva cult which was most popular form of religion followed in Kashmir. He approached Devaswami Pundit who was head guru of Court Pundits of Kashmir in order to become his disciple and entreated him as his devotees. Devaswami Pundit appeared to be a very strong head man but without imagination. He turned down request of Rinchan as he was Buddhist by origin. (Ref Jonaraja page 20-21).
Hindu Kashmir lost this opportunity forever but Shamshir made full use of it. Finding Rinchan in a state of confusion, he consoled him, pleaded him and requested him to leave the decision to chance. It was agreed that he would accept the religion of that person whom he would first see the next morning. By sheer chance of manipulation by Shamshir it happened, that Rinchan eyes fell on a Muslim fakir Sayed Sharafuddin Bulbul shah the very next morning. He accepted Islam from Bulbul shah and adopted name of Shah Sadruddin as first Muslim ruler of Kashmir.
After accepting Islam Rinchan founded Rinchanpura a quarter in Kashmir and build first mosque in Kashmir known as “Bud Masheed” on the site of a Buddhist temple. Not very far from here he built another mosque at Ali Kadal and started a Langarkhana (public charity kitchen) after his mentor Bulbul Shah as Bulbul Langer. He even named his only son born with Hindu wife Kota Rani as Haidar and trusted him to the care of Shamshir. Under Rinchan rule state religion of Kashmir became Islam and full patronage was given for conversion to Islam to both Hindus as well as Buddhists leading to rapid decline in their numbers. Rinchan was later attacked by relatives of king Sahadeva and he died of wounds on 25 November 1353.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Col Rai's story media hiding

कश्मीर के पुलवामा जिले में मंगलवार को शहीद हुए कर्नल एनएन राय आतंकियों के धोखे का शिकार हुए थे। 
कर्नल राय को आतंकियों की पिता और भाई की बात पर विश्वास करना जानलेवा साबित हुआ। 
हिजबुल मुजाहिद्दीन का आतंकी आबिद और अपने एक साथी शिराज के साथ घर आया हुआ था। कर्नल राय को जैसे ही इसकी खबर मिली, उन्होंने तुरंत घर के आसपास नाकेबंदी कर दी। 
इस दौरान आतंकी आबिद के पिता जलालुद्दीन ने कर्नल राय को बताया कि उनका बेटा सरेंडर करना चाहता है। जलालुद्दीन के दूसरे बेटे उवैस ने भी दोनों आतंकियों के सरेंडर करवाने की बात कही।
जब कर्नल राय घर वालों से बातचीत कर ही रहे थे, तभी दोनों आतंकियों ने बाहर निकलकर गोलियां बरसा दीं। इस गोलीबारी में कर्नल राय और सिपाही संजीव बुरी तरह घायल हो गए। लेकिन कर्नल राय ने गजब का शौर्य दिखाते हुए दोनों आतंकियों को भी ढेर कर दिया।
श्रीनगर में सेना की 15वीं कोर के कमांडर लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल सुब्रत साहा ने आतंकी के पिता और भाई ने आकर यकीन दिलाया था। ऐसे हालात में आतंकियों को सरेंडर का पूरा मौका दिया गया, लेकिन उन्होंने हमला कर दिया।
कर्नल राय का आखिरी मेसेज कर्नल राय का कुछ दिनों पहले वॉट्सऐप पर अपडेट किया गया मेसेज उन पर बिल्कुल सच हुआ। उन्होंने लिखा था, 'जिंदगी में बड़ी शिद्दत से निभाओ अपना किरदार कि पर्दा गिरने के बाद भी तालियां बजती रहें।'

Thanks Sudhakar Mishra ji.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

काश्मीर के लोग भारत में रहना चाहते हैंः ,PAKISTAN OCCUPIED KASHMIR ANT TO BE WITH INDIA

Photo: काश्मीर के लोग भारत में रहना चाहते हैंः----

मुस्लिम संगठन अंजुमन मिन्हाज ए रसूल के अध्यक्ष ने रविवार को कहा कि अगर पाकिस्तान अधिकृत कश्मीर के लोगों को अवसर दिया जाए तो वे भारत में शामिल होना पसंद करेंगे। यह संगठन शांति एवं सांप्रदायिक सौहार्द के लिए काम करता है।

अंजुमन मिन्हाज ए रसूल के अध्यक्ष मौलाना सैयद अतहर देहलवी ने यहां संवाददाताओं से कहा, ‘पाकिस्तान अधिकृत कश्मीर में अगर जनमत संग्रह होता है तो 99 फीसदी से ज्यादा लोग भारत का हिस्सा बनने के लिए वोट देंगे।’ जम्मू-कश्मीर के बाढ़ प्रभावित इलाकों के पांच दिवसीय दौरे पर जम्मू आए देहलवी ने कहा कि कश्मीर के अलगाववादियों का आधार खत्म हो गया है और घाटी के लोग सुशासन एवं विकास की बात कर रहे हैं।

देहलवी ने कहा, ‘कश्मीर में अलगाववादियों का आधार खत्म हो गया है और घाटी के लोग सुशासन, विकास और शिक्षा जैसे मुद्दों पर बात कर रहे हैं। उन्हें इस बात से फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि मुट्ठी भर लोग क्या कहते हैं।’ देहलवी ने कहा कि कश्मीर दौरे के समय उन्होंने पाया कि बाढ़ प्रभावित लोगों ने सेना द्वारा चलाए गए राहत एवं बचाव कार्यों की भूरि-भूरि प्रशंसा की।

उन्होंने प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी की भी जम्मू-कश्मीर एवं देश में ‘लोक समर्थक’ नीतियों के लिए प्रशंसा की।

उन्होंने कहा कि उनका संगठन अंजुमन-ए-रसूल ही एकमात्र इस्लामी संगठन है जिसने अल..कायदा एवं अन्य आतंकवादी समूहों के खिलाफ आवाज उठाई। देहलवी ने कहा, ‘जब कश्मीरी पंडितों को जबरन कश्मीर से बाहर किया गया तो हमने जेद्दा में ओआईसी में आपत्ति जताई और हमने ही ओसामा बिन लादेन की निंदा की और अब हम इस्लामिक स्टेट की कड़ी निंदा करते हैं।’काश्मीर के लोग भारत में रहना चाहते हैंः----

मुस्लिम संगठन अंजुमन मिन्हाज ए रसूल के अध्यक्ष ने रविवार को कहा कि अगर पाकिस्तान अधिकृत कश्मीर के लोगों को अवसर दिया जाए तो वे भारत में शामिल होना पसंद करेंगे। यह संगठन शांति एवं सांप्रदायिक सौहार्द के लिए काम करता है।

अंजुमन मिन्हाज ए रसूल के अध्यक्ष मौलाना सैयद अतहर देहलवी ने यहां संवाददाताओं से कहा, ‘पाकिस्तान अधिकृत कश्मीर में अगर जनमत संग्रह होता है तो 99 फीसदी से ज्यादा लोग भारत का हिस्सा बनने के लिए वोट देंगे।’ जम्मू-कश्मीर के बाढ़ प्रभावित इलाकों के पांच दिवसीय दौरे पर जम्मू आए देहलवी ने कहा कि कश्मीर के अलगाववादियों का आधार खत्म हो गया है और घाटी के लोग सुशासन एवं विकास की बात कर रहे हैं।

देहलवी ने कहा, ‘कश्मीर में अलगाववादियों का आधार खत्म हो गया है और घाटी के लोग सुशासन, विकास और शिक्षा जैसे मुद्दों पर बात कर रहे हैं। उन्हें इस बात से फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि मुट्ठी भर लोग क्या कहते हैं।’ देहलवी ने कहा कि कश्मीर दौरे के समय उन्होंने पाया कि बाढ़ प्रभावित लोगों ने सेना द्वारा चलाए गए राहत एवं बचाव कार्यों की भूरि-भूरि प्रशंसा की।

उन्होंने प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी की भी जम्मू-कश्मीर एवं देश में ‘लोक समर्थक’ नीतियों के लिए प्रशंसा की।

उन्होंने कहा कि उनका संगठन अंजुमन-ए-रसूल ही एकमात्र इस्लामी संगठन है जिसने अल..कायदा एवं अन्य आतंकवादी समूहों के खिलाफ आवाज उठाई। देहलवी ने कहा, ‘जब कश्मीरी पंडितों को जबरन कश्मीर से बाहर किया गया तो हमने जेद्दा में ओआईसी में आपत्ति जताई और हमने ही ओसामा बिन लादेन की निंदा की और अब हम इस्लामिक स्टेट की कड़ी निंदा करते हैं।’

Sunday, November 30, 2014


Kashmir issue is a widely contested issue between India and Pakistan. Ever since the country was partitioned on a narrow sectarian out look of Two-nation theory in 1947 and emergence of two independent sovereign states the erstwhile princely state of Jammu and Kashmir has become a bone of contention among claims and counter claims by different groups and political shades. In the process the worst hit has been the facts. Every one is interpreting and reproducing basic facts according to their convenience. Continued abuse of facts has resulted in creation of certain myths that are now being circulated as facts. It is to clear the dust and reproduce these facts as they are that we are undertaking this exercise.

Myth Number one : Kashmir is Jammu and Kashmir

One of the very basic distortions about the issue of J&K is that Kashmir means Jammu & Kashmir. This is  a deliberate attempt to mislead public opinion.
The Fact is that the state of Jammu and Kashmir comprises of several regions and Kashmir is just one and the smallest division as for as area is concerned.  Jammu and Kashmir princely state (including Jammu, Kashmir, Northern Areas, Ladakh, Trans-Karakoram Tract and Aksai Chin) Other major regions of the state  as per present  administrative control are as :
 Gilgat Baltistan
 Chinese Ocuupied Kashmir
 Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.
The total area of Jammu Kashmir as it existed on and before 15th August 1947 is 2,22,336 Sq.Km.  Pakistan Occupied an area of 83,294 sq. Kms. ( 37.4%) in 1947. out of which it gifted 5180 Sq. Kms to China in 1963.
Area occupied by China in 1962 is 37555 Sq. Kms (16.8% ). Therefore essentially total Area under illegal occupation of China and Pakistan is 1,20,849 Sq. Kms. That is 54.37%

Kashmir province is  just 15.63% of the part of the state that is under administrative control of India. Out of the total area of 1,01,387 Sq. Kms.  (45.62%)  Ladakh Division comprises of 59241 Sq.Kms.  (  26.65%  of  original state &  58.43% of state remaining with India) ;Jammu Division is 26293 Sq. Kms.    (11.83% of actual state &   25.93% of Indian administered parts); while Kashmir Province is only 15853 Sq. Kms.  That is 7.13% of original state and 15.63% of the state at present with India.
Therefore the  Kashmir is just a small province of Jammu and Kashmir.

Myth No 2 : Jammu and Kashmir Acceded to India but did not merge with it, thus making the accession conditional.

Nothing can be farther from the truth than this atrocious statement.  Fact is that the state of Jammu and Kashmir acceded to the dominion of India in pretty much the same manner as did any other Princely state. Ruler of the state, the only legally authorized person to sign the Instrument of Accession signed absolutely the same instrument deed as was signed by about 600 other rulers of native states. This was done according to the legal requirements necessitated under Indian Independence Act 1947 of the British Parliament. Signature on the deed of Accession and subsequent acceptance of the same by Governor General was the only way to make these states as an integral part of the country.
As far as merger issue is concerned, it is a deliberate attempt to confuse people. No other Princely state, repeat none merged with Indian dominion after Acceding. There was no instrument of merger on the pattern of Instrument of Accession. Yes certain tiny native states merged together to form a viable administrative unit in the independent India. But this merger amongst them had no affect on the overall integrity of the country. J&K was the largest state and hence administratively viable so there was no need to merge it with others or vice versa.

Myth No 3: Under partition plan and two-nation theory Muslim majority J&K should have gone to Pakistan.

 This is absolute non sense. Two nation theory was applicable to British India only. Native states were not to be divided. The rulers of these states were authorized to join either of the two dominions.

Myth No 4: Kashmir has never been a Part of India.

 Again a willful distortion.   Jammu and Kashmir behaved exactly in the same manner as did any other part of the nation. India as we understand it today was not always under one political regime. One or the other part of the country was  under separate political rulers. But it continued to be a sigle nation.Jammu akshmir was no different.

Myth No 5: India promised right of self determination to people of Kashmir.

India did not promise any plebiscite under the instrument of accession. There was neither any need nor the scope for such a promise. Neither cabinet meeting nor any other government of India decision making body decided to give a promise of any such kind to any native state.

Myth No  6 : People of J&K are up against India.

 Fact is that people of J&K are as much Indian as are the people from any other state. It is only a small section of population provoked by Pakistan and pampered by New Delhi that is creating the impression.

Myth No 7:Separatist movement in Kashmir is indigenous in character

The fact that Pakistan is sponsoring separatist tendency in Kashmir valley using religion as a toll and in fact militarizing the discontent is a well known fact, established by even the official documents of the government of Pakistan and its rulers.

Myth No 8: India is Holding Kashmir by mere force.

 That simply is not possible. No country can retain any territory by force. It is the common past and a common future that binds the people of this country from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. Kashmir is a proud symbol of ancient civilization and modern nationhood of India.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Kashmiri Muslims call for revoking article 370, taking back PoK and CAK

RSS, Kashmiri Muslims, article 370, PoK and CAK, Muslim Rashtriya Manch, MRM, Indresh kumar, IBTL For over eight decades, RSS has been working for empowering India with a nationalist agenda despite all the calumny against it. A fresh example of the same has appeared with reference to Kashmir. Some would know that Indresh Kumar, a senior RSS functionary, who’s been with the RSS since 1959, had founded Muslim Rashtriya Manch (MRM), an organisation of nationalist Muslims with a motive to bring Muslims in national mainstream. Indresh Kumar, who graduated with highest honours from Punjab Engineering College in Mechanical Engineering, didn’t take up a job to serve the nation. MRM has been the result of his tireless efforts and commitment towards the nation. However, his efforts and accomplishments were never reported by the mainstream media. If at all they were reported, that was in a demeaning manner. MRM had in the past collected the signatures of a million muslims to oppose cow-slaughter. But terrified of the growing influence of an RSS functionary among Muslims, Congress led government tried to frame him in the Mecca Mosque blast case and used the CBI for the same. This all notwithstanding, MRM’s activities went on and on, and now, the results are showing bright and beautiful

हिंदी में पढ़ें : आर.एस.एस का असर - कश्मीरी मुस्लिम चाहते हैं हटे ३७०, भारत में मिले पाक और चीन के कब्जे वाला कश्मीर

Thursday, May 1, 2014


The BJP Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi held a big rally in Jammu on Sunday, December 01, 2013. He along with the party's President Rajnath Singh attacked the Indian National Congress (INC) and the ruling regional party, the National Conference (NC), vehemently, lamenting the backwardness of the state in the hands of its ruling elites. But still the tone was milder and it was more conciliatory too.

Singh with his characteristic deep husky voice appeared more inclusive and forthcoming towards Muslims of the state and those of the nation. He told the gathering that the BJP's policies were based on twin principles of justice and humanity. He said these two words in Urdu: Insaaf and Insaniyat, and not in Hindi. Rajnath Singh appealed to Muslims to join hands with the BJP in rooting out evil and corruption plaguing the Indian society. Narendra Modi also used Islamic words like, Jamhuriat and Insaniyat. However, he appealed specifically to Shiites of Kargil.

The most remarkable thing about both the leaders was that none of the two talked about revoking, repealing or abrogating Article 370 which gives special legislative powers to Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) Assembly and its government and restricts the influence of Indian Parliament and Indian Union government in the state to four fields: currency, communication, defense and foreign matters.

But both of them dubbed the article as an 'evil' or at least 'anti-national' and urged for discussing its pros and cons all around the state and in the rest of India as well. Modi reminded the INC that its leader and icon Nehru promised perpetual merger of J&K into the Indian Union and he urged upon the party to support full merger of the state with the Indian Union. Both Singh and Modi also questioned whether the relevant special provision in the form of Article 370 has proved economically beneficial to the state or not.
Singh and Modi asked as to why the 73rd and 74th amendments to the Indian Constitution were not applicable in the state and they also highlighted the issue that corruption-prevention laws, gender-neutral laws and empowerment of people through the rural local governance were not applicable in the state. Before I discuss the larger issue let me state some facts about these Constitutional amendments.
Earlier, initially, the state governments effectively enjoyed power in the holding of elections to local bodies. The 73rd and 74th amendments take away an option that the state government previously had though it chose not to exercise it. Until the passage of the 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendments, the states were the only sub-national units officially recognized by the Indian Constitution.
The Indian Constitution grants individual states considerable legislative autonomy as per Asian standards though not as much as per the Federal Constitution. Under Schedule Seven of the Indian Constitution the Parliament's rights are demarcated under the "Union List", the state legislatures have jurisdiction over what is known as "State List". The third list is known as the "Concurrent List" over which the national Parliament and the state legislatures share jurisdiction.
The fact is that as formulated and conceived in the Indian Constitution, the Indian Parliament has limited powers to enact laws for J&K. Therefore, 73rd and 74th Constitutions could have come into effect in J&K only by the consent of its Assembly. They are there in morphed forms in the state and the people of state do choose their rural governing bodies. Only thing is that the Union may have only supportive role and not a dictating one in such transformations taking place in the state. Therefore, Rajnath Singh and Narendra Modi's objections are not that valid and not up-to-date.
Modi talked in length about the backwardness of the state and regional disparity within. But nobody should forget that the region from where he was giving speech, there the writ of Indian state runs large totally and very effectively and most of the Jammu region people are mainstreamers. The problem lies in the Valley where obviously for twin reasons of security and lack of popular support, Modi cannot give speech or if he somehow delivers such there would be hardly any taker in that region. Therefore, what Singh and Modi were talking about was supporting the de facto ?division? of the state into three units. In this way the Jammu region can have all its due rights met.
But then even in a 'normal' Indian state, it is the legislative body of the state that first approves off division of state. The role of Union comes only after the state's approval. The J&K Assembly cannot pass such a legislation which would severely reduce its power in the state and encourage division of Muslims of the state. Without the consent of the J&K Assembly there is no way a separate state of Jammu and a possible Union territory of Laddakh can be created.
As far as the abrogation of Article 370 is concerned that is not possible without the consent of the state Assembly either. Moreover, the Article is the most important legal link between the state and the rest of the nation. No unbiased constitutional expert of any repute would suggest revoking, repealing or abrogating Article 370 without taking into confidence the J&K Assembly. As a policy all thinking people should welcome debate on this matter and the BJP can initiate its own with Kashmiri people of all regions participating in that.
No one in India and even in the J&K should expect much from the BJP on Kashmir: in fact it was the most lenient speech on the issue by its Prime Ministerial hopeful. After all, the BJP is a Hindu nationalist party which believes in the full unity and integrity of Indian state. The manner in which Modi spoke was more encouraging as compared to his previous speeches even though this could be pure opportunistic election gimmick.
But then all political parties seek votes and play all possible games and there is nothing new about the BJP doing so. It would be better if it has changed its hearts towards Muslims but then it could look for tangible returns even in short-terms. Such would be unrealistic position from a big party's point of view.
The fact is that there is hardly any question of Muslims as a group voting significantly in favor of the BJP outside Gujarat in the upcoming elections. Nonetheless simply seeking their votes is a good sign and would go a long way in improving BJP's troubled relations with India's biggest minority. The better option for the Muslims of India would be to vote as per their conscience and still better if they don't vote in masse against the BJP all over India.
The fact is that both Mr. Singh and Mr. Modi have raised many legitimate questions and they deserve answers on them as well. The speeches were impressive and inspiring in essence. But before I end, I must say that all those who want Indian stakes to continue and flourish in the state, particularly in the Valley, must admit that Abdullah family till to-date has been very much pro-Indian and useful to Indian state.
There may be some corruption issues and Abdullah family may have kept some soft heart for Pakistan but in spite of all this they are critical to Indian stakes in the state and the NDA, if it comes back to power in New Delhi, must take a friendly walk with the NC. On their part, the NC leaders shouldn't be that partisan in their approach to national politics and should join hands with the NDA, if and when it comes to power in New Delhi and offers olive branch to the party.
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Kashmiri terrorist are rewarded by Indian Government by pension? Shame to all Indians???

Now terrorists will get money from Indian govt. So terrorism is good as you get money being a terrorist and then your family gets pension if you get killed in Jammu. And keep working against your own government . That is what Indians loke, keep voting for congress and non BJP parties.

Become a nationalist like 13 year old Girl-
Photo: Farooq Abdulah asked those who vote for Mr Modi to jump in the sea? See Exhibition on the exodus of #KashmirHindus
What is this Kashmiriyat?

What does it stand for? When was the term Kashmiriyat coined? Who coined it and for what? The Left-oriented and essentially pro-Congress and ragtag UPA news channel, NDTV India, on November 1 organised a debate on Article 370 under its programme, Badi Khabar between 6 and 7 pm. The anchor was the sophisticated, Nidhi Kulpati. One of the five participants, journalist Om Thanvi, like the anchor, was absolutely ignorant about Article 370. They were neither here nor there. Two of them – Union Minister Harish Rawat and MP Mehboob Beg of National Conference – exhibited their hatred for the Indian laws and used the opportunity to distort facts, murder history, preach falsehood and speak half-truths to mislead the nation.

Both behaved in the most irresponsible manner and proved that they represented that view that had culminated in the communal partition of India in August 1947. The remaining two panelists – BJP’s Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi and RSS’s Baldev Sharma – were the only ones who sought to put things in perspective. But what they said about Article 370 is not the issue under scrutiny. The issue under reference is Kashmiriyat. Nidhi Kulpati repeatedly used this term and asked Harish Rawat if the Congress felt outraged and deeply concerned over the use of this term by the BJP Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi in his speech during Lalkar Rally in Jammu on December 1. She sought to create an impression that it was the Congress that had been using this term and describing its historical significance for years. Interestingly, he endorsed the ill-informed formulation of Nidhi Kulpati, saying, “Kashmiriyat is a reality and the Indian Constitution protects and promotes it”. “The Congress understands India and its uniqueness, but the BJP doesn’t,” he said. He simply exposed himself.

Even what Harish Rawat, who seldom talks sense and quite often jumps on to the bandwagon of ultra-communalists, said Kulpati in response to her innocent query is not the point of discussion. As said, the issue in hand is Kashmiriyat. Put in any amount of effort to find if the term Kashmiriyat found place in any history book or chronicle or in any literary work produced before 1975 or any article that appeared in any newspaper before 1975 and you will come out of the exercise minus everything. The reason is that this term did not exist at all. It was only in 1975 that this term was coined by a Jammu-based politician-cum-columnist Balraj Puri. That was the year the votary of plebiscite, Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, was brought back to power by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi after bringing down her own party’s Government to pander to the protagonists Switzerland-type independent Kashmir.

The people of Jammu province and Ladakh region, besides the minority communities in Kashmir, especially the miniscule minority of Kashmiri Hindus, felt aghast over this dumb-founding and dangerous development for obvious reasons, the most notable being the well-known communal, anti-Jammu and anti-minority and pro-semi-independence credentials of Sheikh Abdullah. Balraj Puri, who had earlier flirted with Sheikh Abdullah and his Valley-based National Conference, joined the party to fulfill his ambition of entering the Lok Sabha on the NC ticket. He got it but suffered a massive defeat at the hands of the patriotic people of Jammu. In between and even thereafter, he continued to use the term Kashmiriyat in his essays to mislead the nation by saying that it stood for liberal, secular and democratic values; it was all-embracing; and it made no distinction between man and man on the ground of caste, creed and religion. His whole objective was to keep Sheikh Abdullah and his son Farooq Abdullah in good humour by projecting them as ardent champions of Kashmiriyat.

Farooq Abdullah as the Chief Minister made him working chairman of the Regional Autonomy Committee immediately after forming his Government in October 1996 with Minister of State status. Kashmiriyat is neither liberal nor all-embracing. It is regressive. It stands for exclusiveness and exclusion of all against the Kashmiri-speaking ethnic Sunnis, who have been in power since October 1947. It is they who control and run all the Kashmir-based ‘mainstream’ political, terrorist and separatist organisations. These include the NC, the Congress, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), the CPI, the CPI-M, the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), the ALL-Party Hurriyat Conference – Mirwaiz (APHC-M), APHC (Geelani), Jammu & Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), Jammu & Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (JKDFP), the People’s League (PL), the People’s Conference (PC), the Dukhtran-e-Millat (DeM) and Hizbul Mujahiden (HM) to mention only a few.

The people of Jammu and Ladakh, the Shia Muslims, the Gujjar and Bakerwal Muslims, the Pathowari-speaking Muslims and non-Muslims, the displaced Kashmiri Hindus, the Sikhs, the Christians and others are not part of the so-called Kashmiriyat. In fact, they are its victims. They abhor Kashmiriyat and believe rightly that it has been posing a grave threat to their distinct identity and personality. It was because of this Kashmiriyat that over three lakh Kashmiri Hindus, hundreds of the Sikh families and many Kashmir-based Christians had to quit Kashmir in early 1990 to become refugees in their own country. It is because of Kashmiriyat that the refugees from West Pakistan, women, the SCs, the STs, the OBCs and similar other social groups have suffered, and continue to suffer, immense socio-economic and political losses. And it is because of the recognition and promotion of Kashmiriyat that the nation has been facing serious challenges in the Kashmir Valley.

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