Showing posts with label FAKE SAIBABA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FAKE SAIBABA. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Fake Sai Baba- A Meat eating Muslim and Stupid Hindu followers

indus must remember one simple thing that Vedas and Puranas clearly mention that at the end of Kaliyuga, Lord Vishnu will take Kalki Avatar to annihilate the adharmis  and make way for Satyuga. There is never any mention of any other Avatars apart from Kalki Avatar that too at the end of Kaliyuga. So called god Shirdi Sai Baba, a meat eater was neither an avatar nor a god, has no mention in any Vedic texts.
Lord Krishna’s temple was used to build monument of fake god Sai Baba in Shirdi. Sai Baba’s dead body was sepulchered in a small monument, removing Lord Krishna’s idol. Throughout his life Sai Baba never came out of Shirdi, neither entered any Hindu temple, nor recited chants of Hindu gods. This Chand Mia (Sai Baba) always remained a devout muslim and followed islamic rituals of killing animals and eating flesh. But when this marijuana (ganja) addict Chand Miya was nearing his death, he strongly insisted that his filthy body be sepulchered in Hindu temple of Lord Krishna which was located nearby – whose priests were always against Sai Baba’s policy of bluffing innocent local Hindus. HOW CAN HINDUS of that time tolerate this, that they replaced Supreme Godhead Lord Krishna’s idol with filthy dead body of biggest thug in the world’s history on religion, after Muhammed, Sai Baba – a staunch musalman. Some pro sai baba disciples started doing puja and reciting aartis (these aartis were initially made replacing Hindu god names with filthy sai baba’s) on the dead body of drug addict baba. What an irony !!!..A person who was practicing muslim through out his life was being prayed by Hindus !!!…that too with rituals that he hated the most.
Almost a century after his death – thanks to the blind devotion and dishonest,deluded propaganda of millions of mindless devotees , some of my friends and relatives are life-long devotees and die-hard fans of this so-called “saint”. They believe in Sai Baba’s  miracles so much that even the smallest things are now considered miracles divinely executed by this baba(Pir). When I analyze their behavior, I see how ludicrous and farcical these claims are.
You will be amazed at what passes off as miracles and keep wondering how apparently nice, sane, intelligent people can  believe, participate and propagate such ridiculous claims of miracles by a long-dead Muslim Pir?

Originally written in Marathi by Mohaniraj Pandit and later translated into English. Source: Publications of the Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan.The 11 promises made by Sai Baba above are all lies.

 Only God Himself can answer prayers. 

Only God is worthy of worship. 

Only God can remedy sorrow and suffering.

 Saibaba is not  Almighty God! 

Please don’t be misled friend, Sai Baba is another Satanic scam designed by the Devils.You need the Truth, but Sai Baba speaks great boastful lies.

“Whatever is seen, dreamed or imagined are nothing but manifestations of God. God is beyond space, time, causation and all distinctions like gender, race, species, living/non-living and form/formless. Since He is beyond space, He is omnipresent. Since He is beyond time, He is eternal. Since He is beyond the concept of form, He is with form, without form, both and neither. Every form is His and yet He is formless and beyond the concept of form. Similarly with all attributes conceivable by the mind.”
” Truth for the Hindu has many names, but that does not make for many truths. Hindus believe in one God, One humanity and one world. People with different language, different cultures have understood this one God in their own way. One of the unique understandings in Hinduism is that God is not just far away, living in a remote heaven, but is also inside of each and every soul in the heart and consciousness, waiting for you and me to discover. Knowing the One Great God in this intimate and experiential way is the goal of Hindu spirituality.”
The following is a quote from chapter 3 of the Shri Sai Satcharitra…”If a man utters My name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes, increase his devotion. And if he sings earnestly My life and My deeds, him I shall beset in front and back and on all sides. Those devotees, who are attached to Me, heart and soul, will naturally feel happiness, when they hear these stories. Believe Me that if anybody sings My Leelas, I will give him infinite joy and everlasting contentmentIt is My special characteristic to free any person, who surrenders completely to Me, and who does worship Me faithfully, and who remembers Me, and meditates on Me constantlyHow can they be conscious of worldly objects and sensations, who utter My name, who worship Me…” (Emphasis added)
Blasphemy!!!  Sai Baba claims to be able to give “everlasting contentment” and to “free any person.” 

Sai Baba is NOT the God .

Sai Baba is a false god who fronts for Satan,  There are many false prophets and false gods who make all kinds of promises, but you must keep in mind that this Satan(sai baba) is the father of all liars.
About miracles there were and are many miracles that were and are performed.But as Sai Baba said He gives people what they want so that He can give what he wants to give them.”
Ah! what poetic and beautiful double talk to confuse and confound his devotees. This sentence makes no sense at all other than to blind and deluded devotees of Sai who are always trying to find the divine, the mysterious, the transcendental in him and the “deeper” meaning in his words. If I understood it correctly, this statement is extremely shrewd in its application. It is meant to claim responsibility when miracles occur and yet deny his participation when they don’t occur. This is the age old trick of all these so-called God men. They make promises in such a way that it seems similar to the “heads-I-win-tails-you-lose” deal. So when a miracle occurs they can claim all responsibility but when it doesn’t, that’s always the devotees fault. It’s always “you didn’t pray enough”, “you didn’t believe enough” or “Sai in his divine wisdom knows best”. Oh Yes, Thats right.
What do you want to believe, Sai Baba’s false promises,his lies or ALLMIGHTY GOD? Please don’t allow Satan to continue blinding you.In all the writings and promises of Sai Baba, there is NO mention of sin.  This is typical of the New Age crowd, they teach that there is no right or wrong, only energy (which is exactly what is taught in the evil Harry Potter series).
‘Saibaba is great! He will take care of our sins’. That is the attitude of the devotees. New Age religions such as Baha’i and Sai Baba don’t address the issue of sin because it would make it more difficult to deceive people.The Karma define as under is the right  answer to the human’s misery and happiness. Anything determined will be result of his fate.

original photo of muslim Pir Sai baba
‘Karma is the law of action and reaction (cause and effect) applied to life. The ãtmã reaps fruits, good or bad, according to its past and present actions; these fruits are experienced either in this life or in future lives. God is the giver of the fruits of all living beings’ actions.”
“Karma helps explain the disparities that occur in the human population such as: prosperity or poverty, happiness or misery, good health, illness, or disability. Behind every individual’s existence there partly lies his own past deeds, which are directly responsible for many of the events during his lifespan, be it painful or pleasant. We are what we are because of our deeds and actions.You can not escape for the Karma, right or wrong committed by you.”
Oroginal photo of sai baba shirdi
First photo of Sai baba in 1858

On their website, they promote their false god, Pir Shirdi Sai Baba, with the words “He has no beginning…He has no end…All beings arise from him, and into him they return.”  

God created ALL things, NOT Sai Baba! 

All beings did NOT arise from Sai Baba!



Do you think that God  has no business but HE gave unseen powers to Pir Sai Baba of Shirdi who was a  self proclaimed GOD

Samadhi is common practice among Hindu saints and sages. Disciples of sai baba wrongly pose sai baba’s mazar as samadhi structure. They don’t know the major difference between Samadhi and dying out of illness. Samadhi is death at will while sai baba died due to long term illness (nephritis and hepatic due to excessive meat eating) and not at his will. So sai baba cannot be even compared to ordinary pious Sadhus or Sages who took Samadhis but never boasted or called themselves as gods. Then how can sai baba be called anant koti brahmand nayak (king of millions of universes) when he cannot even treat his own illness, which occurred due to eating of stale meats. How can this thug be called King of Universes ????….All the references used for Hindus gods are being inferred while praising FAKE god sai baba..Why ???..Just to drag Hindus and make them believe this filthy human being.
To promote sai baba prominently among innocent Hindus, who strongly believe in Vedic Gods. Some sai baba’s followers insert baba’s images in-between Hindu gods Lord Krishna, Shiv Parvati or Lord Ganesha. This is just a wicked ploy to connect an ordinary drug addict with Hindu gods – as if this islamic thug was reincarnation of Hindu gods – what a dubious and filthy bluff when he himself hated Hinduism his entire life.
Do not fall into trap of fake promises made by false god sai baba in Sai Sat charita. Sai Baba is a false god who fronts for Satan,  There are many fallacious prophets and misleading godmen who make all kinds of promises, but you must keep in mind that this Satan(sai baba) was the father of all liars.
Sai Baba’s followers are using Sai Baba as a brand name in Shirdi and other cities to collect millions of funds from Hindu devotees and then siphon off the money, it is also controlled by regional ministers so everything is managed, loot is still ongoing. The most painful factor is that these so called Sai Baba Sansthans or Trust never utilize money in development of poor Hindus or on free hospitals or free schooling. All funds received from Hindu devotees are fraudulently distributed among trustees.
(Sai Satcharita is a fiction book which keeps evolving with latest versions to bluff more Hindus and include some FAKE miracles to generate funds and also has stories of Con Sai Baba. Ironically, the birth and other details keep changing on major revisions of this fiction)
Few excerpts from the research done on Sai Satcharitra
साँई माँसाहार का प्रयोग करता था व स्वयं जीवहत्या करता था!
Sai Baba was meat eater and involved in killing innocent animals
१ मैं मस्जिद में एक बकरा हलाल करने वाला हूँ, बाबा ने शामा से कहा हाजी से पुछो उसे क्या रुचिकर होगा – “बकरे का मांस, नाध या अंडकोष ?”
-अध्याय ११
Baba said: I am going to kill goat in mosque, He told Shama to ask Haji what he likes to eat “meat of goat or it’s testicles”.
(1)मस्जिद मेँ एक बकरा बलि देने के लिए लाया गया। वह अत्यन्त दुर्बल और मरने वाला था। बाबा ने उनसे चाकू लाकर बकरा काटने को कहा।
-:अध्याय 23. पृष्ठ 161.
A feeble, weak goat was brought in the mosque for sacrificial killing. Baba asked for knife to kill the goat.
(2)तब बाबा ने काकासाहेब से कहा कि मैँ स्वयं ही बलि चढ़ाने का कार्य करूँगा।
-:अध्याय 23. पृष्ठ 162.
Then Baba told Kakasaheb that he will himself carry out this sacrificial killing of goat.
(3)फकीरोँ के साथ वो आमिष(मांस) और मछली का सेवन करते थे।
-:अध्याय 5. व 7.
Baba used to feast on meat, fish with fakirs.
(4)कभी वे मीठे चावल बनाते और कभी मांसमिश्रित चावल अर्थात् नमकीन पुलाव।
-:अध्याय 38. पृष्ठ 269.
Sometimes Baba used to make sweet rice other times meat biryani.
(5)एक एकादशी के दिन उन्होँने दादा कलेकर को कुछ रूपये माँस खरीद लाने को दिये। दादा पूरे कर्मकाण्डी थे और प्रायः सभी नियमोँ का जीवन मेँ पालन किया करते थे।
-:अध्याय 32. पृष्ठः 270.
That Ekadashi Baba gave Dada Kelkar some money to bring meat. Dada Kelkar was devout Brahmin and always followed Vedic rituals, but still Baba made him bring this meat.
Would any sane Hindu follow Sai Baba, who was always practicing islam and staunch muslim, and who insisted on removal of Lord Krishna pious murti from Bihari ji’s temple to replace with his illness ridden dead body.
Hindus must remember these great verses from Sreemad Bhagwad Gita
यातयामं गतरसं पूति पर्युषितं च यत् ।
उच्छिष्टमपि चामेध्यं भोजनं तामसप्रियम् ….गीता १७/१
जो भोजन अधपका, रसरहित, दुर्गन्धयुक्त, बासी और उच्छिष्ट है तथा जो अपवित्र(मांस आदि) भी है, वह भोजन तामस(अधम) पुरुषों को प्रिय होते हैं ।
The food which is stale, tasteless, putrid and rotten, refuse and impure (meat etc), is dear to the Tamasic
यान्ति देवव्रता देवान् पितृन्यान्ति पितृव्रताः
भूतानि यान्ति भूतेज्या यान्ति मद्याजिनोऽपिमाम् …. गीता ९/२५
देवताओं को पूजने वाले देवताओं को प्राप्त होते है, पितरों को पूजने वाले पितरों को प्राप्त होते है। 
भूतों को पूजने वाले भूतों को प्राप्त होते है, और मेरा पूजन करने वाले भक्त मुझे ही प्राप्त होते है ॥ 
…………….इसलिए मेरे भक्तों का पुनर्जन्म नही होता !!
Votaries of the Devas go to the Devas (gods); to the Pitrs (ancestors), go their votaries; to the Bhutas (demons), go the Bhuta worshippers; My votaries too come unto Me……That’s why they attain Moskha; renouncement from birth-death cycles.
भूत प्रेत, मूर्दा (खुला या दफ़नाया हुआ अर्थात् कब्र) को सकामभाव से पूजने वाले स्वयं मरने के बाद भूत-प्रेत ही बनते हैं.!
So worshiping dead body or mazar is like worshiping Bhuta or Pisach and then attaining them itself. So If Hindus who pray sai baba want to become bhut or pisach (filthy beings who roam endlessly to attain freedom from pret or bhut yoni but never are able to do so due to their past deeds) after death can continue to do so.
“Hindu Brothers and Sisters…DO NOT BECOME Victim of Cultural Terrorism.”
Sai Baba was Created to Invoke Cultural Terrorism Among Indians. And these anti-Hindu brigade are almost successful as our own Hindus are becoming Bhakts of this Thug “Shirdi Ka Sai Baba”. It is our responsibility to pass on factual legacy to our children so that they do not become Victim of this cultural terrorism. Lets comprehend Vedic knowledge and STOP cultural destruction of our Hindu values.
Hindu brothers and sisters – Spread the Knowledge of of this Truth and consider only Lord Krishn as omnipresent Supreme Godhead.
The Video below the post is expose’ of a devout Hindu who had debate with a priest of Sai Baba temple (remember this temple was build removing Hanuman Ji’s murti and replacing it with fake god Sai Baba to fool Hindus). It’s happening across India where Rambhakt Hanuman’s or Lord Ram’s temples are demolished or revamped to accommodate fake god Sai Baba. Also to make Hindus believe fake god sai baba, who are originally Bhakts of Tridev (Sagun and nirgun roop; Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma), the followers of false god sai baba started inserting this mleccha’s photos in between revered Hindu gods.
A devout Hindu has made good research on false prophet Sai Baba, you can visit this site to know more about Sai Baba facts
Interrogation of the priest of sai baba temple where Lord Hanuman idol was replaced with filthy pir sai baba.
Sanatan Dharma does not advocate worshiping TAMASIC and MLECHHA people. Moreover Shri Krishna clearly says in the Gita 9.25 that all those who worship Graves/ dead souls will goto Preta Yoni (प्रेत योनि).

Why Hindus should Follow Lord Krishna

And not Shirdi Saibaba, A Fake God, Why are you praying a dead body “mazar” a muslim practice of paying obeisance

Shirdi Sai Baba False Prophet, An Islamic and British Fraud

Hindus must remember one simple thing that Vedas and Puranas clearly mention that at the end of Kaliyuga, Lord Vishnu will take Kalki Avatar to annihilate the adharmis  and make way for Satyuga. There is never any mention of any other Avatars apart from Kalki Avatar that too at the end of Kaliyuga. So called god Shirdi Sai Baba, a meat eater was neither an avatar nor a god, has no mention in any Vedic texts.

Replacing Bhagwan with False Sai Baba

Lord Krishna’s temple was used to build monument of fake god Sai Baba in Shirdi. Sai Baba’s dead body was sepulchered in a small monument, removing Lord Krishna’s idol. Throughout his life Sai Baba never came out of Shirdi, neither entered any Hindu temple, nor recited chants of Hindu gods. This Chand Mia (Sai Baba) always remained a devout muslim and followed islamic rituals of killing animals and eating flesh. But when this marijuana (ganja) addict Chand Miya was nearing his death, he strongly insisted that his filthy body be sepulchered in Hindu temple of Lord Krishna which was located nearby – whose priests were always against Sai Baba’s policy of bluffing innocent local Hindus. HOW CAN HINDUS of that time tolerate this, that they replaced Supreme Godhead Lord Krishna’s idol with filthy dead body of biggest thug in the world’s history on religion, after Muhammed, Sai Baba – a staunch musalman. Some pro sai baba disciples started doing puja and reciting aartis (these aartis were initially made replacing Hindu god names with filthy sai baba’s) on the dead body of drug addict baba. What an irony !!!..A person who was practicing muslim through out his life was being prayed by Hindus !!!…that too with rituals that he hated the most,

Sai Baba Donation Scam: Modus Operandi to Siphon off Billions of Rupees

Do not donate your hard earned money on the mazar of muslim fakir chand miya. Sai Baba’s followers are using Sai Baba as a brand name in Shirdi and other cities to collect millions of funds from Hindu devotees and then siphon off the money, it is also controlled by regional ministers so everything is managed, loot is still ongoing. The most painful factor is that these so called Sai Baba Sansthans or Trust never utilize money in development of poor Hindus or on free hospitals or free schooling. All funds received from Hindu devotees arefraudulently distributed among trustees.